BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

A young girl, Chihiro, becomes trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call upon the courage she never knew she had to free her family.

Po skrivnostnem izginotju šestletne hčerke in njene prijateljice obupani tesar Keller zaupa detektivu Lokiju, da bo našel pogrešano hčerko. Loki ugrabitve osumi samotarskega voznika avtodoma, toda ker ne najde dokazov, ga mora izpustiti. Keller je kljub temu prepričan, da je čudak kriv, zato ga v valu obupa ugrabi in se odloči od njega zlepa ali zgrda izvedeti resnico o usodi svoje hčerke. Ker mu jeza in žalost počasi zamegljujeta razum, postaja njegovo ravnanje z zapornikom vedno bolj nehumano in nemoralno.

Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.

Injustice and the demands of the world can cause stress for many people. Some of them, however, explode. This includes a waitress serving a grouchy loan shark, an altercation between two motorists, an ill-fated wedding reception, and a wealthy businessman who tries to buy his family out of trouble.

In order to advance her career in the dynamic world of publicity in Mexico City, Raquel tries to reunite with her high school friend Cecy who has become the queen of social media. But unlike followers, friendships do not come instantly.

V mestu, kjer skupaj živijo elementi ognja, vode, zemlje in zraka, bosta ognjevito mlado dekle Žarna in pogumni vodni fant Val odkrila nekaj elementarnega: koliko imata pravzaprav skupnega, ne glede na to, da sta ogenj in voda.

Iztrebljevalec 2049 je nadaljevanje legendarnega filma iz leta 1982, ki je za ljubitelje znanstvenofantastičnih filmov vedno na seznamu najboljših. Presežke tokrat obljublja odlična igralska zasedba, v kateri najdemo Ryana Goslinga, Harrisona Forda, Robina Wrighta, Davea Bautista in Jareda Leta. Trideset let po dogodkih iz prvega filma novi iztrebljevalec, policist K iz Los Angelesa (Gosling), razkrije dolgo zakopano skrivnost, ki bi utegnila pahniti delček družbe, ki še ostaja, v popoln kaos. To odkritje ga prisili na lov za Rickom Deckardom (Ford), nekdanjim iztrebljevalcem, za katerim so se pred 30 leti izgubile vse sledi.

Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?

After the death of Shaggy's Uncle Beaureguard, he, Scooby and Scrappy arrive at the late uncle's Southern plantation to collect the inheritance. But as soon as they arrive, they find it is haunted by the ghost of a Confederate soldier. With this spook on their tails while they solve riddles in search of the inheritance, they seek help from the Boo Brothers, a trio of ghost-exterminators to help catch this nasty ghoul.

A teenager who's lived a sheltered life because she's allergic to everything, falls for the boy who moves in next door.

Louis C.K. muses on religion, eternal love, giving dogs drugs, email fights, teachers and more in a live performance from Washington, D.C.

Thomas leads his group of escaped Gladers on their final and most dangerous mission yet. To save their friends, they must break into the legendary Last City, a WCKD-controlled labyrinth that may turn out to be the deadliest maze of all. Anyone who makes it out alive will get answers to the questions the Gladers have been asking since they first arrived in the maze.

A great French restaurant's owner, Monsieur Septime, is thrust into intrigue and crime, when one of his famous guests disappears.

Piše se leto 1969 in Indiana Jones je pripravljen obupati. Več kot desetletje je poučeval arheologijo na kolidžu Hunter v New Yorku in je tik pred upokojitvijo v svojem skromnem stanovanju, v katerem trenutno živi sam. Stvari se hitro spremenijo, ko ga nenapovedano obišče njegova odtujena krščenka Helena Shaw, ki išče redek artefakt, ki mu ga je dal njen oče – gre za zloglasno napravo, ki naj bi imela moč izslediti časovne razpoke. Uspešna prevarantka Helena ukrade artefakt in hitro zapusti državo, da bi ga prodala najboljšemu ponudniku. Ker Indy nima izbire, pobriše prah s svojega znamenitega klobuka in usnjene jakne za še eno, tokrat zadnjo pustolovščino.

Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.

Jack Slavin is an environmentalist with a heart condition who lives with his daughter, Rose, on an isolated island. While Jack fights against developers who wish to build in the area, he also craves more contact with other people. When he invites his girlfriend, Kathleen, and her sons, Rodney and Thaddius, to move in, Rose is upset. The complicated family dynamics makes things difficult for everyone in the house.

New York sportswriter Mack has spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with her friends, but when she unexpectedly falls for one of her targets, she must learn what it takes to go from simply scoring to playing for keeps.

A zombie apocalypse threatens the sleepy town of Little Haven – at Christmas – forcing Anna and her friends to fight, slash and sing their way to survival, facing the undead in a desperate race to reach their loved ones. But they soon discover that no one is safe in this new world, and with civilization falling apart around them, the only people they can truly rely on are each other.

A teenager struggles to keep her scandal-ridden past and a big secret from getting out when she strikes up an unlikely romance with the crown prince.