Bosnia, July 1995. Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp. As an insider to the negotiations Aida has access to crucial information that she needs to interpret. What is at the horizon for her family and people – rescue or death? Which move should she take?

Ana, an eight-year-old girl living in Madrid with her grandmother and two sisters, mourns the death of her mother.

Tad accidentally unleashes an ancient spell, endangering the lives of his friends Mummy, Jeff, and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped by Sara, he sets off on an adventure to end the Curse of the Mummy.

პირველი მსოფლიო ომის დასასრული. გოგონა დაჟინებით ეძებს გაუჩინარებულ საქმროს. ის არის ერთ-ერთი იმ ხუთ ფრანგ ჯარისკაცს შორის, რომლებიც იდუმალ გარემოებებში სამხედრო სასამართლომ სიკვდილით დასაჯა. აღსრულების არჩეული მეთოდი არ იყო სროლა. მსჯავრდებულები რჩებიან ნეიტრალურ ზონაში, სადაც ტყვია მათ აუცილებლად გაუსწრებს - თუ არა მტერი, მაშინ საკუთარი თანამებრძოლები. და მხოლოდ უკვდავ სიყვარულს ძალუძს მტკივნეული გამოცდის გადალახვა სიმართლის საპოვნელად.

An orphaned cheetah becomes the best friend and pet of a young boy living in South Africa.

Middle-aged Giulietta grows suspicious of her husband, Giorgio, when his behavior grows increasingly questionable. One night when Giorgio initiates a seance amongst his friends, Giulietta gets in touch with spirits and learns more about herself and her painful past. Slightly skeptical, but intrigued, she visits a mystic who gives her more information -- and nudges her toward the realization that her husband is indeed a philanderer.

An investigative and powerfully emotional documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military, the institutions that perpetuate and cover up its existence, and its profound personal and social consequences.

Through interviews with both victims and instigators, Nanfu Wang, a first-time mother, breaks open decades of silence on a vast, unprecedented social experiment that shaped — and destroyed — countless lives in China.

Cold War spy Greville Wynne and his Russian source try to put an end to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The story of 12-year-old Ali and his three friends. Together they work hard to survive and support their families, doing small jobs in a garage and committing petty crimes to make fast money. In a turn of events that seems miraculous, Ali is entrusted to find hidden treasure underground. He recruits his gang, but first, to gain access to the tunnel, the children must enroll at the Sun School, a charitable institution that tries to educate street kids and child laborers, close to where the treasure is located.

A serial killer strikes fear in the hearts of residents of Hamburg during the early 1970s.

1942 წლის მაისი. დიდი სამამულო ომის დროს ფრონტის ხაზიდან შორს ნაცისტები გადმოსხამენ დესანტს იმისთვის, რომ დაიკავონ კიროვის სარკინიგზო ხაზი ბელამორ-ბალტიის არხი...

An offbeat observation of refugees waiting to be granted asylum on a fictional remote Scottish island. It focuses on Omar, a young Syrian musician who is burdened by the weight of his grandfather’s oud, which he has carried all the way from his homeland.

A young man is sent to "La Maca," a prison in the middle of the Ivorian forest ruled by its inmates. As tradition goes with the rising of the red moon, he is designated by the Boss to be the new "Roman" and must tell a story to the other prisoners. Learning what fate awaits him, he begins to narrate the mystical life of the legendary outlaw named "Zama King" and has no choice but to make his story last until dawn.

Gloria is a 58-year-old divorcée. Her children have all left home but she has no desire to spend her days and nights alone. Determined to defy old age and loneliness, she rushes headlong into a whirl of singles’ parties on the hunt for instant gratification – which only leads to repeated disappointment and enduring emptiness. But when Gloria meets Rodolfo, an ex-naval officer seven years her senior, she begins to imagine the possibility of a permanent relationship.

ისტორიული დრამა, ეიფელის კოშკის მშენებლობის შესახებ, რომელშიც მოვლენები საფრანგეთის რევოლუციის 100 წლისთავისთვის პარიზში მსოფლიო გამოფენის მომზადების დროს ვითრდება, რომელიც 1889 წელს უნდა ჩატარებულიყო.

A story of Hong Kong told by three generations of real people: 'preschooled' children, 'preoccupied' young people, and 'preposterous' senior citizens.

ერთი ქვრივი ქალი სადაზღვევო სფეროში თაღლითობის დანაშაულს იძიებს, რისი კვალიც საბოლოოდ პანამაში არსებული იურიდიული ფირმის ორ პარტნიორამდე მიიყვანს, რომლებიც მსოფლიო ფინანსური სისტემას საკუთარი ინტერესებისთვის იყენებენ.

Peter and Michael, raised on the streets of Philadelphia, are the children of Irish mob members, forever linked by the crimes of their fathers. 30 years later, Michael now runs the criminal organization and lusts for more power, his dangerous antics frequently held in check by his cautious cousin Peter. Haunted by the death of his sister, whose passing destroyed both his parents, Peter is caught between the dreams of childhood and the realities of his life as an enforcer. His only reprieve is a local boxing gym, a sanctuary that is quickly threatened as Michael’s desire for control escalates.

A crestfallen Varun, who is dejected in love, meets and falls in love with Preeti but fate has something else written in it.