Drama u kojoj se zatvorski čuvari susreću s nevino optuženim zatvorenikom osuđenim na smrt koji ima čudesne, iscjeliteljske moći. U saveznoj državi Lousianne u SAD-u tridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća nalazi se zatvor za osuđene na smrtnu kaznu. Šef odjela je Paul Edgecomb koji nastoji posljednje dane tih ljudi učiniti što je moguće dostojanstvenijima i mirnijima. I ostalo je osoblje humano, pouzdano i sposobno. Iznimka je samo prznica i sadist Percy Wetmore, s dobrim vezama među političarima. Ipak, Edgecomb i njega uspješno drži pod kontrolom, iako sam pati od nepodnošljivo bolnih mokraćnih smetnji. Sve će se promijeniti toga ljeta kad u ćeliju dođe novi osuđenik, crnac John Coffey, zatvoren zbog silovanja i umorstva dviju djevojčica. Njegova nevina dobroćudnost u nesrazmjeru je s navodnim zločinom, i to Edgecombu, kao i svima ostalima, odmah upada u oči. A događaji koji slijede učvrstit će njihovu vjeru u Johnovu nevinost i otkriti njegove neobične sposobnosti.
At the age of 10 years, young Rémi is snatched from his adoptive mother and entrusted to the signor Vitalis, a mysterious itinerant musician. Has its hard sides - he will learn the harsh life of acrobat and sing to win his bread. Accompanied by the faithful dog capi and of the small monkey Joli-Coeur, his long trip through France, made for meetings, friendships and mutual assistance, leads him to the secret of its origins.
Mlada kazališna kompozitorska nada na pragu tridesete balansira ljubav, prijateljstvo i pritisak stvaranja velikog umjetničkog djela dok još ima vremena.
Sveukupno dvanaest letjelica jajastog oblika sletjelo je na različitim lokacijama diljem svijeta. Američka vojska uskoro regrutira lingvisticu Louise Banks, čiji je zadatak uz pomoć fizičara Iana Donnellyja otkriti jesu li naši posjetitelji došli u miru ili predstavljaju prijetnju kompletnom čovječanstvu...
Based on the true story of Robin, a handsome, brilliant and adventurous man whose life takes a dramatic turn when polio leaves him paralyzed.
Nakon zajednički provedene noći na dan diplome, 15. srpnja 1988., razmaženog Dextera i radišnu Em život odvodi u raznim smjerovima. Prolaze godišnjice tog istog datuma, a Dexter i Ema se zbližavaju i razdvajaju...
The film follows a man with an unwanted gift for healing who meets a teenager with cancer who helps him to find himself.
When 43-year-old hairdresser Suze Trappet finds out that she's seriously ill, she decides to go looking for a child she was forced to abandon when she was only 15. On her madcap bureaucratic quest she crosses paths with JB, a 50-year-old man in the middle of a burnout, and Mr. Blin, a blind archivist prone to overenthusiasm. The unlikely trio set off on a hilarious and poignant helterskelter journey across the city in search of Suze's long-lost child.
Together for 20 years, a couple that has grown apart over time receives difficult news that will impact the entire family. As they try to make sense of the changes, they end up rediscovering their love for one another.
The whole Bélier family is deaf, except for sixteen year old Paula who is the important translator in her parents' day to day life especially when it comes to matters concerning the family farm. When her music teacher discovers she has a fantastic singing voice and she gets an opportunity to enter a big Radio France contest the whole family's future is set up for big changes.
In one of the poorest areas of Paris, a school counselor devotes herself to working with disadvantaged students, while facing challenges of her own.
When a bestselling celebrity biographer is no longer able to get published because she has fallen out of step with current tastes, she turns her art form to deception.
Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins.
Rémy and Mélanie live next door to each other in Paris but have never met. The two thirty-year-old Parisians search for connections online, but never have much success. Falling deeper into loneliness and depression, both decide to start attending regular therapy. With the help of their therapists, they uncover the real roots of their issues, and find that the connection they were both searching for is much closer than they thought.
Na 11.000 metara pod morem u mračnim dubinama Marijanske brazde Norah Price dio je posade podvodnih istraživača koji rade na bušilici u dubokom moru. Nakon što navodni potres uništi strukturalni integritet tankih metalnih zidova njihova laboratorija koji ih dijeli od preko 10.000 atmosfera tlaka slane vode, posada se mora boriti kako bi se međusobno zaštitili. Predvođeni kapetanom, preživjeli shvaćaju da im je jedina nada hodati po dnu oceana kako bi stigli do prije korištenog susjednog objekta za koji se nadaju da je netaknut. Ali ubrzo se nađu u borbi za život kad otkriju da ni u ovim dubinama nisu sami.
Svaki pingvin ima jedinstvenu pjesmu koju izvodi svojoj odabranici, no mali Mumble nema lijep glas, ali zato ima nešto što nema niti jedan pingvin – talent za tap ples. I dok njegova majka Norma Jean doživljava sinov hobi slatkim, tata Memphis misli da plesanje nije prikladno za jednog pingvina. Osim toga, roditelji znaju da bez posebnog pjeva pingvin nikada neće sebi naći partnericu i pravu ljubav. Od trenutka kada su se izlegli, Mumble i njegova prijateljica Gloria posebno su vezani jedno za drugo, no Glorija nikako ne uspijeva izaći na kraj s Mumbleovim „skakutanjem“. Glasove slatkim pingvinima posudili su David Vurdelja, Robert Ugrina, Ljubomir Kerekeš i drugi.
Bella (Kristeen Stewart) i Edward (Robert Pattinson) ponovno su zajedno, ali njihovoj vezi prijeti nova sila: zla vampirica koja želi svoju osvetu. Bella će biti prisiljena birati između svoje prave, istinske ljubavi Edwarda i prijateljstva s Jacobom dok se nastavljaju opasne bitke između vampira i vukodlaka. Ali, postoji još jedan izbor s kojim će Bella biti suočena: smrtnost ili besmrtnost? S najvećom produkcijom do sada i superzvijezdama Robertom Pattinsonom i Kristen Stewart, pod scenarističkom adaptacijom Melisse Rosenberg i redateljskom palicom Davida Sladea, ovaj nastavak oduševit će gledatelje vizualnim stilom, odličnim glumačkim izvedbama i nevjerojatnom bezvremenskom ljubavnom pričom za sve generacije!
Mika, a little crook, took a quick tour of the prison, where he got to know "Putin", a crazy and unpredictable detainee. As soon as his sentence has been served, he decides to start from scratch and start his life over again. As he prepares to marry the daughter of a wealthy businessman, his past catches up with him: Putin arrives without warning! Mika will quickly realize that we do not easily get rid of such a ball ...
Detective Yvonne is the widow of police chief Santi, a local hero in a town on the French Riviera. When she learns he was in fact a crooked cop, she tries to right his wrongs. Crossing paths with Antoine, a victim of Santi, sets off a series of wild events.
In a globalized world where youth and technology reign supreme, three aged friends refuse to give up and dare to launch a business from scratch: a daycare center. But is modern society ready enough to embrace their venture?