Behind the scenes, Trish Stratus and Lita are the best of friends, but when they go eye to eye in a WWE ring, they become two of WWE’s greatest adversaries. For the first time ever, WWE Home Video collects this historic rivalry from beginning to end with Trish and Lita: Best Friends, Better Rivals. From their first foray into sports entertainment as valets, to their legendary matches for the WWE Women’s Championship, to their team ups, this set covers their parallel journeys together in sports entertainment.

WrestleMania X-Seven was the seventeenth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Snickers Cruncher. It took place on April 1, 2001 at the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas. The event was the first WrestleMania held in the state of Texas. A record-breaking attendance for the Reliant Astrodome of 67,925 grossed US$3.5 million. The main event was a No Disqualification match between Steve Austin and The Rock for the WWF Championship. The main matches on the undercard featured Triple H versus The Undertaker, the second Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the WWF Tag Team Championship, and Vince McMahon versus Shane McMahon in a Street Fight. With WWE's acquisition of long-time competitor WCW and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin joining forces with storied rival Mr. McMahon.

WrestleMania XX was the twentieth annual WrestleMania . It took place on March 14, 2004 at Madison Square Garden in New York. The main match for the Raw brand was a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship between champion Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit. The main match for the SmackDown! brand featured Eddie Guerrero versus Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship. The event featured the return of The Undertaker, who challenged Kane. Also on the card was a match between Goldberg and Brock Lesnar with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the special guest referee. WrestleMania XX was the third WrestleMania at Madison Square Garden but the fifth to take place in the New York metropolitan area (following WrestleMania I, WrestleMania 2, WrestleMania X and Wrestlemania 29). The event grossed US$2.4 million in ticket sales, making the Pay-Per-View the highest grossing event ever for WWE at Madison Square Garden. More than 20,000 people attended the event.

WrestleMania 23 was the twenty-third annual WrestleMania PPV. It took place on April 1, 2007 at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan. The event was a joint-brand pay-per-view, featuring performers from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Batista versus The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was an Eight Man Tag Team match between The ECW Originals and The New Breed. The featured matches on the undercard included Bobby Lashley versus Umaga and an interpromotional Money in the Bank ladder match. It set an all-time Ford Field attendance record of 80,103. WrestleMania 23 grossed US$5.38 million in ticket sales, breaking the previous record of $3.9 million held at WrestleMania X8. With about 1.25 million buys, the event is the highest WWE pay-per-view buyrate in history.

WrestleMania 21 was the twenty-first annual WrestleManiaPPV. It was presented by Snickers and took place on April 3, 2005 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The main match on the Raw brand was Triple H versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown brand was John "Bradshaw" Layfield versus John Cena for the WWE Championship. Another primary match was an interpromotional match between The Undertaker versus Randy Orton. The featured matches on the undercard were Kurt Angle versus Shawn Michaels and a Money in the Bank ladder match. The event also featured the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin who started his part-time appearances with WWE at this event. The event drew a Staples Center record attendance of 20,193 people and grossed more than $2.1 million in ticket sales.

After his release from prison, bank robber Zequi sets off to recover the stolen money that was buried by his dizzy accomplice. He's horrified to learn that a high school gymnasium is now standing over the site where the loot is stashed. Needing to infiltrate the building, Zequi lands a job as a substitute teacher for a group of wild and unruly students. As the ex-con tries to lay down the law, he starts to realize that life in jail may have been easier than trying to deal with rebellious teens.

„Jumpers for Goalposts” представя живота на Ед зад кулисите и прави връзка с историята на неговия триумф до зашеметяващия концерт на стадион Уембли. В една честна и интимна изповед на звездата и на най-близките до него хора, разбираме колко далече е стигнал самият той. Това уникално световно киносъбитие е покана към милионите фенове на Ед да се присъединят към него и да празнуват успеха, който той е постигнал досега.

Киното многократно е третирало насилието и погазването на човешкото достойнство в армията. Но Могилата" се откроява като едно най-ярките и силни произведения на тази тема. Филмът показва няколко дни от живота на петима английски войници в лагер за военнопленници по време на Втората световна война. Още от първия миг изниква остър конфликт между новодошлите и командването на лагера. Развитието на конфликта откроява цял ред проблеми: кариеризъм и страх, расизъм и безотговорност, примиренчество и неустойчивост... Във филма усещаме страстно отрицание на военщината и отхвърляне на бруталната власт. Строгата режисура насища всеки кадър с драматизъм и напрежение." Александър Соколски

Stone Cold Steve Austin defends the WWE Championship against The Undertaker with Shane & Vince McMahon serving as guest referees. The Rock takes on Triple H. The Union takes on The Corporate Ministry in an Eight-Man Tag Team Elimination Match. Kane & X-Pac defend the WWE World Tag Team Championship against D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry and more!

Decades since their successful television series was canceled, Chip has succumbed to a life of suburban domesticity as an insurance salesman. Dale, meanwhile, has had CGI surgery and works the nostalgia convention circuit, desperate to relive his glory days. When a former cast mate mysteriously disappears, Chip and Dale must repair their broken friendship and take on their Rescue Rangers detective personas once again to save their friend’s life.

Survivor Series (2001) was the fifteenth annual Survivor Series PPV and was presented by Microsoft's Xbox. It took place on November 18, 2001 at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina. This PPV marked the end of The Invasion angle. The main event was a 10 Man Elimination Tag Team Match featuring The Rock, Chris Jericho, Kane, The Big Show and The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Booker T and Shane McMahon Several titles were put on the line in unification matches. The WWF Intercontinental/WCW U.S. Title had Edge vs. Test, the WWF/WCW Tag Team Titles were unified in a Steel Cage match with The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz, the WWF European Title was defended by Christian vs. Al Snow, and there was an "Immunity Battle Royal" to get protection from being fired by which-ever brand came out on top.

"Златният век" е първият пълнометражен и озвучен филм на Бунюел. Мъж и жена са страстно влюбени един в друг. Но стремежите им да споделят страстта си се оказват невъзможни. Техните семейства, Църквата и буржоазното общество постоянно осуетяват развитието на връзката им.

The teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary film about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.

Действието се развива през 1933 г. - годината на Скорпиона. Осем години са изминали, откакто легионерът Рик О'Конъл и безстрашната египтоложка Евелин са водили битка с 3,000-годишния враг Имхотеп. Женените вече Рик и Евелин живеят в Лондон, където възпитават сина си Алекс. В резултат на поредица от събития мумията на Имхотеп попада в Британския музей. Истината е, че тя отново тръгва по света решена да получи безсмъртие. Освободена е още една сила, родена от най-мрачните ритуали на древноегипетския мистицизъм, която е по-силна и от самия Имхотеп.

Дълги години Едноокият, ням воин със свръхестествена сила, е бил държан като затворник. С помощта на прислужника Аре, двамата бягат от затвора и започват едно пътешествие към сърцето на мрака. Качват се на викингски кораб, който скоро потъва в безкрайна мъгла. Единственото място, което се вижда е неизвестна земя. Докато новият свят разкрива тайните си и викингите се борят за живота си, Едноокият открива истинската си същност.

След приключване на Студената война суперсилите СССР и САЩ готвят споразумение за глобално намаляване на всички видове оръжия. Но група влиятелни военни работят по заговор да се наруши подписването на договора. И тайната война започва. Поръчкови политически убийства се случват едно след друго, загиват невинни хора. Сержант Джони Галахър трябва да доведе в САЩ арестуван от Специалните сили войник. Но при пристигането си във Вашингтон "пратката" изчезва при мистериозни обстоятелства. Галахър започва свое разследване, по време на което научава за участието на избягалия затворник в политическите покушения.

No Way Out (2002) was a professional wrestling PPV that took place on February 17, 2002 at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The biggest angle for No Way Out was when Vince McMahon revealed that he would unleash the New World Order (nWo) upon the World Wrestling Federation in an attempt to "kill (his) creation". The Main Event saw Chris Jericho defend the Undisputed Championship against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Triple H faced Kurt Angle in a number one contender's match, The Rock competed against The Undertaker, Edge fought William Regal in a Brass Knuckles on a Pole match, and the Tag Team Championships were one the line between Tazz & Spike Dudley versus Booker T & Test.

Франк Уолш е ловец и колекционер на екзотични животни. Сред тях е рядък бял ягуар, който той се кани да откара в САЩ, където ще продаде за огромна сума. Ягуарът е част от богатата колекция животни, уловени от Уолш в джунглите на Амазония.

A wealthy teen and his friends attending an elite private school uncover a dark conspiracy while looking into a series of strange supernatural events.

When something horrible happens to the only survivor of a bloody massacre, an insecure rookie cop must overcome his fears to stop further carnage.