Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

Set against the backdrop of a beautiful hilltop village surrounded by dense forest and a decaying tea plantation is the story of Sudha, an under privileged woman who reaches this village after her marriage with Chandran. They stay along with Chandran’s brother and aging mother in a confined single room house with a make shift separation to create space for the couple. The room has a strange light without a switch which changes its colors often. While Chandran calls the light his invention of a lifetime, it deprives Sudha of her privacy and begins to haunt her. Adding to her woes, Chandran engages in acts to physically exert his dominance over Sudha. Amidst deep trauma, Sudha realises that she doesn't have any support and decides to fight for her survival and seeks revenge against Chandran. Will Sudha succeed in her fight for freedom forms the crux of this emotional thriller.

Hosts Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher return with an eighth installment of VHS relics they’ve salvaged from thrift stores, garage sales and garbage cans across the country. Found Footage Festival: Volume 8 highlights include a collection of satanic panic videos from the 80s, a star-studded Desert Storm parade sponsored by Taco Bell, outtakes and on-air bloopers from over ten years of North Dakota local news, and selections from David Letterman's Video Collection, inherited by the Found Footage Festival when Dave retired. Recorded live at The Bell House in Brooklyn.

Part 2 picks up where the original film left off, with the program trying to recover from the devastation left by NCAA sanctions and scandals that had some calling for the school to drop football. The Hurricanes rose from those ashes to win another national championship, only to face new controversies when a booster used a Ponzi scheme to win favor with the program.

城市一隅,颓废破败。顽皮孩子乔纳(Max McIlmunn 饰)看到哭泣的爱丽丝(Vicki Masson 饰),心生恐惧,躲进了被人丢弃的大冰箱里。乔纳的两个朋友欺负流浪汉查理(Laurie Ventry 饰),被爱丽丝的男友鲁迪(Gary Lewis 加里•刘易斯 饰)训斥。其中一个孩子恶作剧,盖上了冰箱门。鲁迪试图放出乔纳,但冰箱门卡住无法打开。 冰箱内的氧气将尽,乔纳渐渐失去意识,鲁迪和爱丽丝想尽一切办法,气急败坏的鲁迪愤然离去,只有爱丽丝守护者命运未卜的男孩。楼群里所有的人都在注视,所有的人又都无视……

Twelve old high school friends are murdered one by one during a reunion party that takes place on Christmas eve.

Some gangsters believe they have been betrayed by Camilo, a small-time photographer, so they plan to kill him. First they send to Alexis, a murderer for hire, but his machine gun fails at the decisive moment. From that moment, Camilo and Alexis become inseparable friends.

"Africa Light" - as white local citizens call Namibia. The name suggests romance, the beauty of nature and promises a life without any problems in a country where the difference between rich and poor could hardly be greater. Namibia does not give that impression of it. If you look at its surface it seems like Africa in its most innocent and civilized form. It is a country that is so inviting to dream by its spectacular landscape, stunning scenery and fascinating wildlife. It has a very strong tourism structure and the government gets a lot of money with its magical attraction. But despite its grandiose splendor it is an endless gray zone as well. It oscillates between tradition and modernity, between the cattle in the country and the slums in the city. It shuttles from colonial times, land property reform to minimum wage for everyone. It fluctuates between socialism and cold calculated market economy.

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.

Archive footage of Australia and New Zealand forces during WW1, WW2 and the Vietnam conflict. Plus home life between the wars, especially focusing on the homage we pay to those who so bravely sacrificed themselves on our behalf. This is all held together by a wonderful script narrated by John Stanton.

In order for the revolution to live up to its promise, might love be the missing ingredient? Artist Dora García delves into the archives and finds in the searing writings of Alexandra Kollontaï, an early-20th-century revolutionary, a precious ally of queer and feminist movements in Latin America and elsewhere. A joyfully militant political film."

Flint must quickly alter his plans for a romantic date with Sam after his monkey-cleaning invention goes awry.

空姐出身的张嘉欣(杨思琦 饰)一生追求浪漫的爱情,无奈情路坎坷,突然宣布要和钻石王老五Gary(李铭顺 饰)结婚。同是空姐出身的三位好姐妹(张可颐、刘心悠、卫诗雅 饰)一同在马来西亚见证嘉欣大婚,嘉欣却临阵退缩,宁做落跑新娘一路出逃到杭州疗情伤。在情场中寻覓的没有脚的小飞鸟,最后被艺术折服,方停下脚步……   一个商场中的女强人,以为抓紧老公不放会快乐,最后知痛,放手,才得到解脱的快乐。 一个极之重视外表的OL,三天之内180度转变,她真正需要的是有承担、能解决问题的男人,踏实的生活才会令她快乐。一个宅女,找到一个会令她笑的男人,就快乐了。三姐妹如何惩罚贱男为姐妹复仇?这出喜剧又将如何收场?

A strange student encounters surreal horrors over the course of one day.

A young transgender woman takes a hike through the English countryside in an attempt to resolve her spiritual crisis - but an ancient evil strives to ensure that she never completes her journey.