
The film begins in Mumbai where a terror-sticking dead body from the hospital mortuary wakes up. Everybody reads him as Godse who is in a coma for 18 months, and a couple, Bhupati & Malathi Devi forwards as his parents. Further, he knowledges that he is CEO of a company that met with an accident done by his opponent Banerjee. However, he denies it, stating himself as Bose when doctors analyzed that it is a blackout stage.

  河内一个由兄妹四人组成的普通中产阶级家庭,大姐香与摄影师丈夫昆有一个儿子,但两人性生活不和谐,二姐卿(黎卿)同作家金结婚没多久,小妹琳(陈女燕溪)患有幽闭恐惧症,她与弟弟海保持着一种暧昧关系。在母亲的斋祀日,三姐妹追忆起被戏称为“母亲的谭”的神秘男人。   为获得写作灵感,金前往西贡寻找有关谭的资料,此时他发现梅已怀有身孕,不明白梅为什么要对自己保密,香在昆出差期间有了外遇,琳则在与海保持暧昧关系的同时,与另一个男孩有交往。透过平静生活的表面,三姐妹都有不愿人知的秘密和心事。

该片由吉尔·约格尔(《我恨你的十件事》)自编自导,讲述12岁的科技天才Oliver某次做实验出了差错,他和他的狗Henry之间产生了心灵感应,双方变得更亲近,联手克服家庭和学校的困难。Andrew Lazar(《美国狙击手》《猫狗大战》)制片。

Nounours is the nickname of a "cousin" an informer with a special arrangement with the police: he gets 10% of the drugs seized thanks to his help. When his personal contact, inspector Maurin, commits suicide, inspector Gérard Delvaux takes over. Meanwhile, judge Lambert is uncovering the illegal practices of the policemen. Her persistent investigations, which had cornered Maurin, are leading to Gérard, and also to Nounours as the source of heroin that led to recent cases of deadly overdoses. Nounours promises Gérard increasingly bigger catches which he is intent on realising before he is forced to reveal who Nounours is to judge Lambert.

影片根据真实故事改编,讲述了一名超有性格的女大厨在法国总统的住所爱丽舍宫担任主厨的遭遇。霍腾瑟(Hortense Laborie)来自法国西南部的小城佩裏戈尔(Perigord),意外地被共和国的主席任命为她的私人厨师。她奉命统管爱丽舍宫后厨的一切事物。然而这让她手偶到了来自同行的嫉妒。但霍腾瑟还是凭借着自己的能力获得了人们的尊重。意外的是,她的厨艺不仅勾住了总统的胃,而且吸引了她的心,但是这段不能公开与众的感情面临了重重的阻碍……


故事发生在1969年的巴黎,保罗(杰瑞米·戴维斯 Jeremy Davies 饰)是一位热爱电影的青年,怀揣着对于电影的美好理想,他来到了文艺圣地巴黎,想在这里,凭借着自己的努力和运气打出一片天地。然而,现实却并不如想象中的那样美好,来到巴黎后,保罗只能在片场里跑跑龙套,连摄影机都摸不到,更别说当导演拍电影了。 某日,保罗得到了一份不错的工作——在一部科幻巨片里担任剪辑师的职务。在这里,保罗亲眼见证了导演和制片人之间的种种不合,与此同时,性感美艳的女主演瓦伦蒂娜(安吉拉·琳达瓦尔 Angela Lindvall 饰)似乎对他格外倾心。一场激烈的争吵之后,导演彻底撂担子不干了,制片人指派保罗接替导演的工作,他能够抓住这次千载难逢的好机会吗?

故事讲述一个女性 被摩萨德招募成为间谍并潜伏到德黑兰执行任务,而她更要处理自己和上司,目标人物的错乱关系。

In a region that was once the flagship of the mining industry, two long-term unemployed men come up with the idea of building an "artisanal" amusement park on the site of a disused coal mine. By saving the mine and its memory, they will regain their strength and dignity.


米歇尔·阿扎纳维西于斯([艺术家])新片[消失的王子](The Lost Prince,暂译),由奥玛·希、贝热尼丝·贝乔主演。故事围绕父亲Djibi展开,他告诉7岁女儿索菲亚一个名为“童话世界”的奇幻电影制片厂。他本人扮演白马王子。五年后女儿长大,而Djibi必须要去维持在女儿人生中的英雄形象。本片拍摄周期为7月30至10月5日,将在戛纳电影市场上寻找国际买家。

If anyone knows anything about bikes, it’s Raoul Taburin, official bicycle dealer of Saint Céron, a lovely village in the South of France. But Raoul has a terrible secret: he has never been able to keep his balance on a bike without using stabilisers. His childhood and teenage years were spent trying to overcome his flaw - in vain. All attempts to tell his secret have also failed. Nobody believes him. When photographer Hervé Figougne moves to Saint Céron, the two men become fast friends. And when Figougne offers to photograph Raoul riding a racing bike along a mountain precipice, the moment of truth has arrived. He does all he can to avoid the photo shoot. But everything goes against him and he finally has to accept his destiny. “At least”, he thinks, “people will have to believe me”. But for Raoul Taburin, things are never that simple...

A writer must face the sudden death of his father, but after the burial, the latter reappears to him. He will have to learn to live with this facetious companion, but difficult to explain the situation to his family, because he is the only one who can see him. This disturbing presence will create an earthquake in the family.




Pontagnac, a married man, tries to seduce Victoire, the wife of his good friend. Little does he know, Victoire has plans of her own to punish her cheating husband. The would-be fling ignites a dizzying spell of complications as characters arrange trysts, attempt to expose each other’s deceits, and are ultimately forced to come clean.

11 岁的艾米迷上了一个自由奔放的舞蹈团,因此开始违抗她保守的家庭传统。

In 1980s Paris - Patrick, Dov, Yvan and Serge are young men seeking success in love and business... with varying success.