A little devil appears in a small town, seemingly terrorising its inhabitants, but actually turns out to be a friendly creature when it helps a disabled boy.


The Three Stooges, as the Wrong Brothers, aid the war effort by inventing a new plane in this below-average two-reel comedy. Actually, they are attempting to avoid the draft but when their plane, the Buzzard, fails miserably, they march off to war. Richard Fiske, formerly a busy supporting player in Stooges comedies, appears courtesy of stock footage from the earlier Boobs in Arms (1940). Ironically, Fiske had himself been drafted and would be killed in action in France in August of 1944.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

A young writer embarks on a journey to find out more about the taxi business in Lagos by becoming a taxi driver, he meets a young lady along the way and becomes fond of her.

Olive joins the police force. Over-protective Popeye follows her around, "rescuing" her but she's fully capable of handling herself. Can't quite say the same for Popeye.

After his mother death a sixteen years old Sergey suddenly finds out that his father is alive and well.

In the spring of 1994, Les Stroud and Sue Jamison bade farewell to modern society and followed their hearts north, into the remote reaches of the Canadian wilderness. Leaving home, family and jobs behind, they would spend the next year living closer to the land than most of us could ever imagine. And they did it without the luxury of a single modern convenience. Les and Sue were attempting to replicate life in North American some 500 years ago, before Europeans first set foot on the continent. They created fire without matches. They built a shelter with a stone axe. They survived on what the bush provided. In doing so, they realized the true meaning of living wild, and how closely life and death coexist when you're many miles from human contact. Snowshoes and Solitude is the incredible story of Les and Sue's year in the Wabakimi wilderness. It chronicles the struggles and triumphs of the daily lives, and their burning love and respect for the natural world.

Captain Grogg and Madam tragicomically depict Grogg's miserable marriage with Sylfidia. Everything goes smoothly. Sylfidia turns down on every life mission from Grogg's side. After killing his wife by mistake, he walks out of his marriage by leaving the frame.

Ela, 15, has a love affair, which results in her being sent to a re-education center.

  阿兴(石天 饰)和阿汉(吴耀汉 饰),一个性格腼腆,一个开朗奔放,命运将这两个个性迥异的男人牵到了一起,让他们成为了在夜总会中同台演出的最佳拍档。阿兴默默喜欢着女歌手阿珠(钟楚红 饰),害羞的他选择了将这份真诚炙热的感情深深埋藏在心底。阿汉将这一切都看在眼里,他决定帮助朋友抱得美人归。   让两人感到头痛的是,一名富商亦在追求着阿珠,论财力,阿兴和阿汉完全不是他的对手。然而,阿珠并没有接受富商的追求,在她的心中,住着另外的一个人。遭到了拒绝的富商以为系阿兴从中作梗,将怒火全部发泄到了阿兴的头上,孱弱的阿兴不幸被打坏了脑袋。

Liberty Belles, silent comedy film from 1914 starring Dorothy Gish, Jack Pickford, and Gertrude Bambrick.

Worshipers of a satanic cult perform a ritual that frees a murderous demon.

Thomas Karatoulpanis (Dinos Iliopoulos) is a naive employee at a car show in the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair. Because of his modest personality he is constantly criticised by his mother-in-law, his uncle and his boss. The only one who supports him is his wife. But the appearance of a doppelganger who buys extravagant gifts in his name causes a ruckus. Thomas is an amateur singer and participates in the Thessaloniki Song Festival winning the first prize. This is when everyone realises that there are two people who look alike.

Priti, a British-born Indian woman in the West Midlands, reports a violent incident in the street.

Underwater Upside Down is an oddball comedy about two Malibu brothers whose parents tragic death 20 years ago left them with a whole lot of money, a ton of ambition and a toolbox devoid of tools. With a squandered inheritance and one week to salvage their future, they have to navigate their way through a world of Russian contractors, tween actresses, aging hippies and golf-club billionaires. Last thing they want is a naked amnesiac showing up at their door... But maybe she's exactly what they need.