Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...

A group of German boys are ordered to protect a small bridge in their home village during the waning months of the second world war. Truckloads of defeated, cynical Wehrmacht soldiers flee the approaching American troops, but the boys, full of enthusiasm for the "blood and honor" Nazi ideology, stay to defend the useless bridge. The film is based on a West German anti-war novel of the same name, written by Gregor Dorfmeister.

A reporter and a promiscuous young woman try to solve a series of child killings in a remote southern Italian town rife with superstition and a distrust of outsiders.

Blake Redding is trapped in this dark room wanting to protect his love so the only thing he will do is escape like no failed student has done before.

Individually, bank employees Sanjay and Karina don't earn enough to be able to buy a home, so they decide to enter into a marriage of convenience.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

A man is painting a landscape. A woman is holding two cups. What can go wrong? A nightmare in pink.

Asteriksas ir Obeliksas savo kaime jau ima nuobodžiauti: stipruolis ir jo bičiulis pasiilgo nuotykių. Tačiau netrukus juodu gauna neįvykdomą užduotį – išlepintą ir jokių kovos įgūdžių neturintį jaunuolį Tiksperiksą paversti nepralenkiamu kariu. Tiksperiksui rūpi tik merginos ir šokiai, o dabar jam tenka mosuoti kumščiais. Netrukus Asteriksą pasiekia kita džiugi žinia – prie jų kranto prisišvartavo vikingų laivas, kuriuo atplaukė ne tik vikingų karalius, bet ir jo duktė, princesė Aba. Ši aplinkybė tikrai padės Tiksperiksui įveikti savo baimes ir pademonstruoti tikrą širdies narsą.

A psychic's ominous reading sends a man into a tailspin.

Pound x Pound introduces you to the world of boxing elite through the eyes of Juan Manuel Marquez, four-time world champion. It is a ringside ticket to the professional and personal life of Juan Manuel. An unique access to the truth behind the rivalry with Manny Pacquiao. Read the story behind the Mexican idol, who through work, effort, sacrifices and frustrations, has established itself as one of the best pound for pound fighters in the world.

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

In 1957, Evan Rendell flees after his father is lynched for killing multiple patients in his effort to find a replacement heart for his ailing wife. After 35 years, Evan escapes from a mental institution and returns to town for revenge, killing off residents one by one. When Jennifer and her friends break into the Rendell house out of morbid curiosity, Evan notices Jennifer has a heart condition similar to his mother and decides to make her his final victim.

Marco encounters his ex-girlfriend Consueloand starts seeing her without telling that he has just married. Antonio is an MP and during his European trip he has a love affair with elegant Olga who has a big secret to hide. Recently-jilted Fabio is mistaken for psychiatrist by a beautiful girl Valentina with whom he falls in love. A divorce lawyer Sandra is romantically attracted to her client's husband Massimo.

A twist of fate leaves a hapless accountant romantically torn between two sisters.

Geriausios draugės Ana ir Bet - aktorės, kurių karjeros susiklostė skirtingai. Jos abi nusprendžia keliauti į Big Surą ir atnaujinti ryšius, kurie pasimiršo dėl ne vienerius metus trukusios konkurencijos ir pavydo. Įtampa vis labiau auga, galiausiai prasiveržia netikėta, bet neišvengiama pykčio banga. Draugės pradeda nesutarti ne tik dėl savo draugystės pagrindų, bet ir dėl savo tapatybės.

Three people, each having different aspirations from life, are caught in a tangle of emotions and don’t know the way out. There’s a husband and wife with love eroding from their life. And there’s a single, happy-go-lucky dude who falls in love with the wife.

When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it

Daug žadantis rašytojas Bertranas, netikėtai įstringa nedideliame Prancūzijos miestelyje. Kamuojamas depresijos ir kūrybinių kančių, jis susipažįsta su paslaptinga ir seksualumu spinduliuojančia Eva. Bertranas atsiduoda likimui ir naujai sutiktai nepažįstamai mūzai, bet jis net neįsivaizduoja į kokį pavojingą žaidimą yra įtraukiamas. Šlovės ir savo egoizmo apakintas, jis negalvodamas paklūsta žaidimo taisyklėms ir visomis išgalėmis stengiasi pats patirti savo naujojo ir šokiruojančio romano siužeto vingius. Pagrindine jo rašomos knygos heroje tampa Eva.

Scooby-Doo and the mystery inc gang battle fiends and gobs of eerie monsters.