Fight Club Rush 11 takes place Saturday, February 26, 2022 with 11 fights at Bombardier Arena in Vasteras,Sweden.
A story about a boy named Anders, who lives in an ordinary Swedish family in an apartment at the train station. Through his childhood, he experiences life's glorious scents of beautiful flowers and green forest, close and warm relationships with his grandparents and joyful play with his siblings. He has a strong friendship with his father and a great love for his mother. Still he lives in fear of death. He is afraid of losing all of this that is so valuable to him. In his thoughts and fears, he often turns often God, just as his sister, mother and grandparents, and ask Him for help and protection.
The 12th psychic documentary gathered and presented by the staff of "The Curse Video". A couple taking panoramic photos at the beach after the Bon Festival. Such a terrible incident happened to them...
Dokumentarfilm über den in Florenz betriebenen "Calcio Storico", eine mittelalterliche, recht brutale und mit hartem Körpereinsatz arbeitende Variante des Fußballs. Bei einem großen Turnier kämpfen vier Mannschaften der historischen Stadtviertel gegeneinander. In diesen Teams vermischen sich die sozialen Schichten wie zu keinem anderen Anlass. Der Film bietet Einblick in dieses archaische "Männlichkeitsritual" und stellt einige Protagonisten vor.
Norma Talmadge plays a Mexican saloon singer, known as 'The Dove.' She is romanced by a young caballero and menaced by a Villa-like brute of a dictator, played by Noah Beery.
Die zweite Live Action von Nana konzentriert sich auf Komatsu Nana und ihr Liebesleben. Es entwickelt sich eine Romanze zwischen ihr und dem Trapnest-Bassisten Takumi sowie mit dem Gitarristen Nobu von den Black Stones. Inzwischen arbeitet ihre Mitbewohnerin, Nana Osaki, hart, um mit ihrer Band erfolgreich zu werden. Beide kämpfen sich durchs Leben und müssen so manche Hürden meistern.
Eine verrückte Volksabstimmung wirft die Schweiz in einen chaotischen Ausnahmezustand. Denn: Die Initiative «NO BILINGUE» fordert fortan nur noch eine Landessprache! Viele Bürger durchleben deshalb eine Krise. So auch Walter Egli, der bei der Bundespolizei arbeitet und dafür sorgen muss, dass der Übergang in die Einsprachigkeit ordnungsgemäss vonstatten geht. Gemeinsam mit seinem anderssprachigen Partner, soll er eine Widerstandsgruppe aufdecken, die sich mit allen Mitteln gegen die Einsprachigkeit wehrt.
‘Dark tourism’ has been defined as travel to places historically associated with death or tragedy. In Belfast, Northern Ireland, this industry is booming. A new phenomena of tourists now travel to visit the working class streets of the city where the majority of the conflict took place and thirty six thousand people died during The Troubles, the colloquial name given to a thirty year period of political dispute and violence (1968-1998). Long-term residents begin to feel like they are part of the attraction, their testimonies give strength to this disastrous mass tourism.
In the first post-war years, Kostya, an orphanage from the Urals, goes to Odessa to visit his aunt.
Three years living in Sunset Park, living between the BQE and the Greenwood Cemetery, accumulating footage of junkyard cats, Park Slope strollers, burned out cars, flying birds.
A young psychology student starts a seemingly playful exercise with her friend. After a couple of questions, Maria manages to get Nikola's attention and focus on what she's saying. The one sided conversation soon turns into a confession...
Empire of Brazil, 1870. A queer indigenous body slowly dies on the cross while a transgender gypsy woman is banned by her people. A half-breed soldier stands in the middle of the way. A child and an old woman cross their stories like destined lines on the palm of a hand.