David McVicar's spellbinding production of LE NOZZE DI FIGARO is set in 1830s post-revolution France, where the inexorable unravelling of an old order has produced acute feelings of loss. In the relationship between Finley's suave, dashingly self-absorbed Count and Röschmann's passionately dignified Countess, which lies at the tragic heart of the opera, the sexy ease between a feisty Figaro (Erwin Schrott) and a sassy Susanna (Miah Persson) is starkly absent, the tenacious spark between Marcellina (Graciela Araya) and Bartolo (Jonathan Veira) suggesting what might be rekindled. The production is superbly complemented by the beauty of Paule Constable's lighting and Tanya McCallin's evocative sets. Antonio Pappano conducts (and accompanies the recitatives) with invigorating wit and emotional depth.

Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

Solomon and three friends find an embalmed dead body. Solomon refuses to accept there is anything supernatural in the house. He needs to believe if he wants to save the girl he loves from the ravenous blood spirit he has set free.

Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.

A resentful entity continues to come back to the Saha World in search of his lost love while battling against the secret guardians of the world. He fails his plan of trying to stay in this world but finds the true solution to his vengeance.

'Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species' tells the story of non-native species and the massive impact they've had on local ecosystems, our economy and human health. Battling these invasives is a complex and expensive task, but simply "letting nature take its course" is far more costly. The documentary highlights many species including Spotted Lanternfly, Emerald Ash Borer and Japanese Knotweed.

In lots of myth, a hero must undergo a "Nachtmeerfahrt" in which he encounter mysterious creatures and dangerous events. The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), himself made such an expedition to survey the world of symbols and archetypes, asking about their relevance for our lives. How do "Nachtmeerfahrten" appear today? Are they dangerous in some ways and which potential do they have? What are our spirits ("anima") and shadows telling us thereby? Does the imagines of our subconsciousness contain spiritual messages? This is a filmic journey to the biography of C. G. Jung and to the mighty world of myths, dreams and symbols.

A young woman who works in a bookstore has been terrified by nightmares about having committed suicide in a past lifetime, combined with a sense of déjà vu regarding a specific apartment building. When she meets a young man who works in an optical company, whether she knows it or not, she is that much closer to the truth about her visions.

A young girl arrives in Hollywood determined to become a star in the movies but finds that attaining stardom is a lot more difficult than she counted on. However, she does become a star of sorts — as the owner of a dog who DOES become a movie star.

When the mayor of a crime-ridden city and his opponent are both assassinated while seeking election, two FBI agents, John Archer and Mila Driver, reluctantly join forces to investigate the murder only to discover that City Hall holds more secrets than the identity of the killer.

During the EU enlargement negotiations, Danish journalist Christoffer Guldbrandsen accompanied his country's prime minister, Fogh Rasmussen, during the three-month negotiations. What looked like a conventional documentary turned out to be a tangible political scandal: Rasmussen wore an invisible microphone at many meetings and thus "recorded the true opinion of his counterparts behind the scenes". The close-up film ensures "more openness about the background of politics", since not only the official announcements were documented, but also not so statesmanlike statements about problems and people."

A group of artists settle in a swamp on the banks of the Indre River. Meanwhile, a voice describes a utopian world.

Fed up with the bullying from their classmates, Jorge and Emilio plan a shooting at their school.