Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

During the Napoleonic wars, a Spanish officer and an opposing officer find a book written by the former's grandfather.

A young woman of about 17 years old, named Meryem (Ozgu Namal), has been raped, and her village's customs call for her to be killed to restore honor and dignity to her family and village. The eldest son of the village leader, Cemal (Murat Han), is ordered to take Meryem to Istanbul and kill her, but at the last minute he cannot complete the task.

A group of friends have created a brand new subculture that is taking over the streets of Glasgow. They've established their very own fight club, but this is no ordinary wrestling event - this is brutal, riotous chaos. Fights don't always stay inside the ring, people are bounced off the side of buses and thrown off balconies in pubs. They now plan the biggest show of their lives. The stakes are high, will it bring them the fame and recognition they need to survive?

Elina is a flower fairy who discovers that her home of Magic Meadow has been overcome by a horrible malady that is killing the flowers and making the fairies unable to fly. With the help of Bibble, a puffball and a giant butterfly named Hue she attempts to find Azura, a Guardian Fairy. She's challenged along the way by the evil Laverna who wants to usurp the Enchantress, the ruler of Fairytopia.

A half-sister and brother, illegitimate offsprings of Zeus, are stranded on a Channel Island ranch and face eviction by the US Government. They must find a play fated by Zeus and perform it flawlessly for the gods' amusement. If they do not act well, they will die. Shot over a period of 10 years "12" is 1 part L.A. love story, "The Importance of Being Earnest", a pagan spoof, personal diary of LA disasters of the 90's, and an unforgettable adventure about characters in search of themselves.

Hekule, kráľ Kuvukilandu, dostane od umierajúceho Kunjiho Balanadina klenot. Kameň je prekliaty a spôsobí, že Hekuleho posadne duch zlomyseľného Kunjiho. Je na pánovi Kosti, kráľovskom šamanovi, aby vyliečil svojho kráľa a zbavil sa prekliateho kameňa tým, že vráti drahokam do jeho domova v indiánskej rybárskej dedine.

When the Jade Empress steals the world's largest diamonds, super heroes Bikini Avenger and Thong Girl must stop her before she uses the gems to build a dangerous sci-fi weapon.

When several young girls are found dead, left hideously aged and void of blood, Dr Marcus suspects vampirism. He enlists the help of the Vampire Hunter. Mysterious and powerful, Kronos has dedicated his life to destroying the evil pestilence. Once a victim of its diabolical depravity, he knows the vampire's strengths and weaknesses as well as the extreme dangers attached to confronting the potent forces of darkness.

Fantozzi a jeho byvaly spolupracovnik Filini sa zucastnia pohrebu byvaleho kolegu, ale vten den zomrie aj ich dalsi kolega - sportovec. Cestou z dalsieho pohrebu sa tak rozhodu vykradnut banku, pretoze so svojou malou penziou velmi biedne pretlkaju zivotom... Medzi tym Fantozziho zena Pina pripravuje oslavu 40. vyrocia svatby. Na nej sa Fantozzi dozveda, ze sa k nim nastahuje jeho hrozna dcera Mariangela aj s manzelom a dietatom. Pre Fantozziho a manzelku sa zivot stava peklom a su vystahovani do garaze. K tomu vsetkemu sa Fantozzi dozvie, ze je smrtelne chory a tak jeho zena tajne presvedci slecnu Silvani aby s jej muzom stravila vikend na horach.

Following a twinning between the national fire brigade and the special forces of the Canadian firefighters, Captain Carter arrives in Rome.

Mr. Miyagi decides to take Julie, a troubled teenager, under his wing after he learns that she blames herself for her parents' demise and struggles to adjust with her grandmother and fellow pupils.

In this second episode Dalmazio and Egisto come, respectively, from the prison and the insane asylum. They risk a second arrest for their awkwardness so they return from their "uncle" who is willing to help them.

Ludstvo stoji na prahu 3-ho tisicrocia, ale niektorym sa cnie skor po svete, aky bol predtym. Napriklad vojvoda Balabam je nestastny z toho, ze zamestnanci uz nemaju taky respekt ako kedysi a on sam sa k nim musi spravat slusne. Cnie sa mu po casoch, kedy mohol svojich ludi ponizovat a vykoristovat. Tiez po Fantozzim, ktory bol priamo vzorom usluzneho a snaziveho uradnika. Balabamova firma sa zaobera genetickym klonovanim. Jej vedenie sa rozhodne poziadat Fantozziho vdovu Pinu o pramienok vlasov po zosnulom manzelovi a pokusi sa ho naklonovat. Experiment sa podari. Uctovnik Fantozzi je opat tu a s nim prichadzaju aj nove malery, ktore ho stretavaju na kazdom kroku, ci uz je vrhnuty do role vychovavatela sefovho syna, alebo prepadne stavkovaniu a musi predstierat, ze vyhral hromadu penazi, alebo su pri oslave Silvestra aj s manzelkou omylom povazovani za albanskych utecencov a su deportovani spat do Albanska. Ako by to nestacilo, zamiluje sa jeho skareda vnucka do podleho striptera.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.

Recep Ivedik has been depressed since the death of his grandmother. Everyone who tries to help him fails. A young girl named Zeynep, who can't find an apartment, stays with Recep. Initially, the two can't stand each others but after a while, they grow close. Despite many adventures together, Recep's depression won't go away. That is until he experiences something he had never experienced before.

Recep Ivedik coaches the children football team in his neighborhood. For the training he uses the only free piece of land as football field on which he used to play football as a child. Recep notices sadly that this piece of land was sold to a businessman. So as not to loose this for the neighborhood and the children valuable piece of land he decides to re-buy it on his own. With his own methods he does not receive the money. The participation in a competition with a big price is the only solution of his problem ...