While under the care of the Outer Sailor Guardians, Hotaru begins to age rapidly. Then, the time comes for all the Sailor Guardians to reunite!

The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists

In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he is only praised for his acting due to his status as his father's heir. Devastated by this, he turns to Otoku, a servant of his family, for comfort, and they fall in love. Kikunosuke becomes determined to leave home and develop as an actor on his own merits, and Otoku faithfully follows him.

High up on the Tibetan plateau. Amongst unexplored and inaccessible valleys lies one of the last sanctuaries of the wild world, where rare and undiscovered fauna lives. Vincent Munier, one of the world’s most renowned wildlife photographers takes the adventurer and novelist Sylvain Tesson (In the Forest of Siberia) with him on his latest mission. For several weeks, they’ll explore these valleys searching for unique animals and try to spot the snow leopard, one of the rarest and most difficult big cats to approach.

A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.

In the midst of a civil war, former violinists Jan and Eva Rosenberg, who have a tempestuous marriage, run a farm on a rural island. In spite of their best efforts to escape their homeland, the war impinges on every aspect of their lives.

Robert Eroica Dupea pochádza z klasickej hudobnej rodiny. Zahodil však sľubnú kariéru koncertného klaviristu a pracuje ako pomocný robotník na ropných vrtoch v Kalifornii. Bez hlbšieho zmyslu žije zo dňa na deň. Keď sa dozvie, že jeho otec je ťažko chorý, vydá sa na cestu domov, kde je opäť konfrontovaný s bohatstvom a kultúrnym životom svojej rodiny, ktorú kedysi zavrhol.

Felice Sciosciammocca, the mayor of Roccasecca, sends his nephew Ciccillo to Naples so that he will become a good doctor.

Mayang, Harris, and Topan were best friends since childhood. Mayang, a columnist in a female magazine, had been married to Harris, a professional, while Topan was still single and became a photographer. Mayang and Harris went for a vacation to solve their problem. Topan was invited to join them because eventually he intended to go to the same direction. On the trip, the problems of the three unraveled. Harris had sexual difficulty because of his past trauma. Mayang, who tried to understand and help, was almost unsuccessful. Turns out Topan still harboured his childhood love for Mayang. As for the climax, Harris was suspicious towards Mayang and Topan. A film that portrays sexual problem not in a vulgar way.

A man of humble beginnings and honest intentions rises to power by nefarious means. Along for the wild ride are an earnest reporter, a heretofore classy society girl, and a too-clever-for-her-own-good political flack.

When a wandering mercenary named Hogan rescues a nun called Sister Sara from the unwanted attentions of a band of rogues on the Mexican plains, he has no idea what he has let himself in for. Their chance encounter results in the blowing up of a train and a French garrison, as well as igniting a spark between them that survives a shocking discovery.

When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.

Following the disappearance of the glamorous and secretive Evelyne Ducat during a blizzard in the highlands of southern France, the lives of five people inextricably linked to Evelyne are brought together to devastating effect as the local police investigate the case.

While vacationing in St. Moritz, a British couple receive a clue to an imminent assassination attempt, only to learn that their daughter has been kidnapped to keep them quiet.

Bruno is an architect who has a perfect life: A nice family and a good job. Anyway, Bruno has a deep sense of unease. He decides to leave his wife to be alone and have time to find him self. A business man offers him to build an iconic landmark in Santiago city. Motivated by this professional challenge, Bruno feels he can find a twist in his life by a vocational route. He start working with a young history teacher named Fer who is agile, energetic, captivating and gay. Starts between them an unexpected and intense romance. At this point he must decide his path. The biggest learning: simplicity is the best way to get up again.

Po 30 rokoch vo veľkej spoločnosti odchádza Hugo Fantozzi do dôchodku. Energický smoliar, ktory je schopný dostať sa v priebehu niekoľkých minút do viac problémov než večšina ostatných ľudí za cely život, má náhle vela volného času. Vo svojej činorodosti hladá spôsob, ako zaplniť všetky všedné dni nového života. Pomáha manželke Pine s nakupovaním, v úlohe pestúnky sa stará o vnučku Hugu, vydá sa na cestu do Benátok, uči sa golf. Lenže nič z toho mu neprináša uspokojenie. Postupne sa z neho stáva hypochonder a je na tom už tak zle, že ani nechce vyuziť príležitosť k sexuálnemu dobrodružstvu so svojou bývalou kolegynou, slečnou Silvaniovou. Nakoniec sa rozhodne sfalšovat svoje osobné dokumenty a získať novú prácu. A to znamená nielen vela nových malérov, ale aj výzvu pre jeho manželku Pinu. Ta sa rozhodne prijat dalšiu prácu, aby mohla platiť svojmu šefovi za to, že prijme Fantozziho do práce aby ho dostala z domu. A keď ani to nevyjde, sú na rade dalšie, ešte zúfalejšie opatrenia.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their story...in a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.