An emotional journey of a former school teacher, who writes letters for illiterate people, and a young boy, whose mother has just died, as they search for the father he never knew.

In 1990s Los Angeles, a 13-year-old spends his summer navigating between a troubled home life and a crew of new friends he meets at a skate shop.

An undercover cop has his loyalties tested when the boss of the corporate gang he's spent years infiltrating dies.

Muta Ada este lăsată pe o plajă din Noua Zeelandă cu fiica ei și pianul ei pentru a intra într-o căsătorie aranjată. Cu toate acestea, soțul ei refuză ca instrumentul iubit să fie transportat prin jungla impracticabilă. De asta se ocupă muncitorul pustnic Baines, care aduce pianul în casa lui și face un pact cu Ada: ea poate cânta la pian dacă își permite anumite libertăți. Încet, între cei doi se dezvoltă o legătură erotică intimă.

Composer Gustav von Aschenbach travels to Venice for health reasons. There, he becomes obsessed with the stunning beauty of an adolescent Polish boy named Tadzio who is staying with his family at the same Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido as Aschenbach.

Suntem în anii 50. Tom Ripley este un băiat sărac ce împrumută o jachetă cu emblema universității Princeton, pentru a cânta la o petrecere selectă. El pretinde ca îl cunoaște pe unul dintre bogații studenți la Princeton, pe nume Dicki Greenleaf, un rebel ce trăiește în Italia și refuză să se întoarcă acasă. Tatăl lui este dispus să îi ofere lui Tom 1,000 de dolari pentru a-i aduce fiul acasă. Iar Tom este mai mult decât dispus să o facă.

Elliot, a successful gynecologist, works at the same practice as his identical twin, Beverly. Elliot is attracted to many of his patients and has affairs with them. When he inevitably loses interest, he will give the woman over to Beverly, the meeker of the two, without the woman knowing the difference. Beverly falls hard for one of the patients, Claire, but when she inadvertently deceives him, he slips into a state of madness.

Un ucigaș în serie sufocă o femeie cu o cravată. Poliția din Londra are un suspect, dar el este omul greșit.

After a high-ranking North Korean official requests asylum, KCIA Foreign Unit chief Park Pyong-ho and Domestic Unit chief Kim Jung-do are tasked with uncovering a North Korean spy, known as Donglim, who is deeply embedded within their agency. When the spy begins leaking top secret intel that could jeopardize national security, the two units are each assigned to investigate each other.

At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.

Gruff retiree Rene rejects most human contact, but begins to soften once he comes to terms with his homosexuality.

Upon hearing his wife was killed in the Iraq war, a father takes his two daughters on a road trip, all the while searching for the right time and place to tell them about their mother's fate.

Un echipaj de tineri activiști de mediu execută o misiune îndrăzneață de a sabota o conductă de petrol.

On a dark night, Xueming hits a pedestrian with his car and flees the scene. Desperate to escape his feelings of guilt, he decides to approach the dead man's wife, Mrs. Liang. He develops an ambiguous relationship with the widow, while a policeman tries to resolve the investigation that will change his life forever.

In a crowded subway train, a woman pushes a man. They argue. Their little joust "barks loudly", but does not lack charm... Later, in the corridors of the station, the two strangers make love awkwardly in the booth of a photo booth. At last, on the surface, they will say goodbye...

Meticulosul horticultor Narvel Roth (Joel Edgerton) se îngrijește cu devotament de mai mult decât de luxuriantele Gracewood Gardens. Bărbatul a creat un sanctuar idilic pentru exigenta sa angajatoare, doamna Haverhill (Sigourney Weaver). Dar când Maya, strănepoata doamnei Haverhill, sosește în căutare de ucenicie, viața perfect cultivată a lui Narvel începe să se destrame, scoțând la iveală secrete dintr-un trecut violent care amenință să distrugă tot ce îi este drag.

Fatal... a diminutive for Fatal Bazooka, a bling-bling and hardcore rapper. A huge music star. Millions of fans, tens of hits, 4 « Artist of the year » Music Awards of Music, a range of fashion, a magazine, and soon his own amusement park : Fataland. He is the undisputed number one, until...

It's Friday evening. The lift repairman leaves the building and wants to finish his work on Monday. But he doesn't know there are four men in the building. They use the lift but stay in it about 100 meters from the floor. They have little oxygen and must survive…

Bimo need to make a decision to change his fate in Muara Tapah Village or he will regret for the rest of his life. Now, he has to face the reality, a creature allied with the devil is targeting his wife and future child. There were many regrets piled up in his heart. He also can no longer decide who is worthy of trust. Pak Kasno and Pak Tingen, his teaching friends? Mr. Village Head and his wife? Or the midwife who has been helping his wife?

1981. Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, aka OSS 117, is back. For this new mission - more delicate, more dangerous and more torrid than ever - he is forced to team up with a young new colleague, the promising OSS 1001.