Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.

An aging group of outlaws look for one last big score as the "traditional" American West is disappearing around them.

A deaf man and his girlfriend resort to desperate measures in order to fund a kidney transplant for his sister. Things go horribly wrong, and the situation spirals rapidly into a cycle of violence and revenge.

II pasaulinis karas Ramiojo vandenyno salose. Grupei kareivių duota užduotis – užimti vienoje salelėje aukštumą. Jauni kareiviai įnirtingai kaunasi su japonais. Jauni vyrai kaunasi ne už kokią nors idėją ar šalį. Jie kovoja už save, šalia esančius draugus, jų laukiančias mylimąsias ir motinas. Jie kare galvoja ne apie Ameriką, o apie tai, kaip išlikti per pragarišką susišaudymą.

Fletcher Christian successfully leads a revolt against the ruthless Captain Bligh on the HMS Bounty. However, Bligh returns one year later, hell bent on revenge.

A young bank teller, literally allergic to paper money, becomes the worst nightmare of his best customer, a wealthy butcher who manages his business unscrupulously.

JAV povandeniniame laive, jaunas pareigūnas sukelia maištą, kad užkirstų piktnaudžiaujančiam kapitonui paleisti raketas anksčiau.

Filmas dokumentine maniera pasakoja apie nevykusio nusikaltėlio Virdžilo Starkvelo (akt. Woody Allen) gyvenimą. Pradedant ankstyva vaikyste, kai nelaimėlis Virdžilas įsipainiodavo į gatvės vaikigalių krečiamas išdaigas, baigiant gausybe absurdiškai nepasisekusių vėlesnių apiplėšimų, pasikėsinimų nužudyti ar pabėgimų iš kalėjimo, į kurį Virdžilas per savo gyvenimą buvo patekęs ne kartą. Jo biografija rekonstruojama jį pažįstančių žmonių: tėvų, mokytojų, gydytojų (psichiatrų), kaimynų ir kitų pasakojimais bei „autentiška“ filmuota medžiaga. Sutikęs savo gyvenimo meilę Luizą (akt. Janet Margolin) Virdžilas bando pasikeisti.

An ethical Baltimore defense lawyer disgusted with rampant legal corruption is forced to defend a judge he despises in a rape trial under the threat of being disbarred.

A recently released ex-convict and his loyal wife go on the run after a heist goes wrong.

At the opening party of a colossal—but poorly constructed—skyscraper, a massive fire breaks out, threatening to destroy the tower and everyone in it.

An up-and-coming poker player tries to prove himself in a high-stakes match against a long-time master of the game.

Oklahoma, 1873-ieji. Klaidingai apkaltintą pavogus gyvulius, Džedą Kuperį (Clint Eastwood) parsidavėlis teisėjas Vilsonas nuteisia "linčo teismui". Jis pakariamas. Per stebuklą Kuperis lieka gyvas tik todėl, kad vietos maršalas laiku nupjauna virvę. Jį išslaugo ir išgydo vietinė gražuolė Reičel, turinti savų sąskaitų su vietine "teisėsauga". Laikui bėgant Kuperis išteisinamas ir paskiriamas valdžios atstovu. Dabar jis medžios savo skriaudikus...

Filmed during the annual 24-hour endurance race at Le Mans, Michael Delaney is a Porsche driver haunted by the memory of an accident at the previous year's race in which a competing driver was killed. Delaney also finds himself increasingly infatuated with the man's widow.

In the mid-1980s, the U.S. is poised on the brink of nuclear war. This shadow looms over the residents of a small town in Kansas as they continue their daily lives. Dr. Russell Oakes maintains his busy schedule at the hospital, Denise Dahlberg prepares for her upcoming wedding, and Stephen Klein is deep in his graduate studies. When the unthinkable happens and the bombs come down, the town's residents are thrust into the horrors of nuclear winter.

Great Britain, 1944, during World War II. Relentlessly pursued by several MI5 agents, Henry Faber the Needle, a ruthless German spy in possession of vital information about D-Day, takes refuge on Storm Island, an inhospitable, sparsely inhabited island off the coast of northern Scotland.

Šerifas Virdžilas Koulas ir jo pavaduotojas Everetas Hičas dirba taip, kad net nepastebėsi akimirksniu iššaunančio ir vėl užtaisomo ginklo. Jokių jausmų. Jausmai žudo. Į miestelį atvyksta moteris, teturinti dolerį kišenėje, tačiau su dideliu troškimu išgyventi...

After an anonymous hacker begins leaking the private data of thousands living in a small American town, the townspeople spiral into madness, with four high school seniors at the center of the maelstrom.

The life and struggles of a notorious rock musician seeping into a pit of loneliness whose everyday life involves friends and family seeking financial aid and favors, inspired by rock music legend Kurt Cobain and his final hours.

A bank temporarily housed in a mobile home while a new building is built, looks like an easy target to break into. On the other hand, why not steal the whole bank, and rob it in a safer location.