Duped and sold to a brothel, a young woman fearlessly reclaims her power, using underworld connections to preside over the world she was once a pawn in.

A shy high schooler in Kyoto meets a man claiming to be his future self, who tells him he’s hacked into the past to save their first love.

Вероника е обикновено момиче опитващо се да оцелее в джунглата наречена гимназия. За момента тя постига целта си чрез приятелството си с най-популярната група момичета (всички на име Хедър) в училище. Те са красиви, надменни и жестоки към всички останали в училището. Ежедневието и мирогледа на Вероника се променят, когато среща чаровният социопат Джей Ди, който преобръща нейният животът давайки ново значение на думите "да оцелееш в училище"...

Баджирао Балад е наследник на премиера в Маратската империя, когато баща му умира, минава изпитание, за да заеме поста му на пешва (министър-председател). Неговата цел е да обедини земите на Индия под знамената на родината си, а основният му враг е империята на мугалите със седалище в Делхи. По време на един от военните му походи, идва войн да моли за помощ армията на пешва Баджирао, войнът се оказва една от дъщерите на крал Чатрасал, Мастани - принцеса на Бунделканд.

A tailor gains special powers after being struck by lightning but must take down an unexpected foe if he is to become the superhero his hometown in Kerala needs.

Scott has been a case of arrested development ever since his firefighter father died when he was seven. He's now reached his mid-20s having achieved little, chasing a dream of becoming a tattoo artist that seems far out of reach. As his ambitious younger sister heads off to college, Scott is still living with his exhausted ER nurse mother and spends his days smoking weed, hanging with the guys — Oscar, Igor and Richie — and secretly hooking up with his childhood friend Kelsey. But when his mother starts dating a loudmouth firefighter named Ray, it sets off a chain of events that will force Scott to grapple with his grief and take his first tentative steps toward moving forward in life.

Мирът и спокойствието са настанали в Белогорието. Злото беше победено и Иван вече се радва на заслужената си слава. Той е заобиколен от своето семейство, приятели и малки чудеса от съвременния свят, които му помагат да води комфортен живот. За щастие той има своя магически меч, за да намали празнината между световете, за да получава някои доставки доста редовно. Но когато древно зло се надига и съществуването на магическия свят е изложено на опасност, Иван трябва да се обедини със старите си приятели и новите си съперници. Те ще се отправят на дълго пътешествие отвъд познатия свят, за да намерят начин да победят враговете и да върнат мира в Белогорието.

Bunty and Babli are forced out of retirement as a new pair of cons emerge, doing robberies in their name with their trademark sigil across India.

Born in the small-town of Kutch, Rashmi overcomes all societal barriers to become a national-level athlete. But her glory is hindered when she is asked to undergo a gender test.

Филмът е базиран на живота на Танаджи Лаусаре, марати воин от 17 в., който се превърща във вдъхновение за своите войници и съвременници.

The aftermath of a shocking explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power station made hundreds of people sacrifice their lives to clean up the site of the catastrophe and to successfully prevent an even bigger disaster that could have turned a large part of the European continent into an uninhabitable exclusion zone. This is their story.

Борбата е повлияла на Рамбо, но най-накрая е започнал да намира вътрешен мир в манастира. Когато приятелът и наставникът на Рамбо, кол. Траутман, поиска помощта му за най-тайната мисия в Афганистан, Рамбо отхвърля, но трябва да преосмисли кога е заловен Траутман.

Социопат пътува до отдалечен остров, за да разследва мистерията около смъртта на брат си, но скоро се сблъсква с повече, отколкото е очаквал.

After the FBI receives a threat that endangers the entire city, an interrogator and an I.T. specialist are plunged into a series of mind games with a criminal mastermind, desperately racing against time to uncover the villain's true agenda as they fight to protect thousands of lives.

Rachel, a rookie cop, is about to begin her first night shift in a neglected police station in a Scottish, backwater town. The kind of place where the tide has gone out and stranded a motley bunch of the aimless, the forgotten, the bitter-and-twisted who all think that, really, they deserve to be somewhere else. They all think they're there by accident and that, with a little luck, life is going to get better. Wrong, on both counts. Six is about to arrive - and All Hell Will Break Loose!

Decades after covering up his classmate’s murder, Michael has moved on from his reservation and fractured past. When a man who shares his violent secret seeks vengeance, Michael goes to great lengths to protect his new life with his wife and boss from the demons of his past.

A budding director tries to research a merciless gangster for making a film on gangsterism. But her secret attempts to conduct the research fail when she gets caught for snooping.

Kaaliyan is a village president in the Madurai district, who is fondly called Annaatthe. His nieces compete with each other to marry him. But, he falls in love with another woman who visits their village. Kaaliyan has a sister who gets married and shifts to Kolkata where she faces some unknown threats. Soon, her brother comes to her aid.

Aasif's belief in logic and science shatters when he gets possessed by a transgender's ghost.

When Kunjabdulla was young, he left everything behind including his hometown and his childhood sweetheart; and shifted to Mumbai. One fine day, Kunjabdulla sets out on a journey in search of his childhood friend and classmate Aleema, after 19 years.