Duped and sold to a brothel, a young woman fearlessly reclaims her power, using underworld connections to preside over the world she was once a pawn in.

Un licean timid din Kyoto întâlnește un bărbat care pretinde că este viitorul său sine, care îi spune că s-a întors în trecut pentru a-și salva prima dragoste.

A girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the "in crowd" of her school meets a rebel who teaches her a more devious way to play social politics: by killing the popular kids.

Peshwa Bajirao married to Kashibai, falls in love with Mastani, a warrior princess in distress. They struggle to make their love triumph amid opposition from his conservative family.

A tailor gains special powers after being struck by lightning but must take down an unexpected foe if he is to become the superhero his hometown in Kerala needs.

La ani de zile după moartea tatălui său, care era pompier, un artist-tatuator își pierde ultima fărâmă de stabilitate când mama lui începe să se vadă cu un alt pompier.

Peace and tranquility have set in Belogorie. The evil was defeated and Ivan is now enjoying his well-deserved fame. He is surrounded by his family, friends and small wonders from the modern world that help him lead a comfortable life. Luckily, he has his Magic Sword to cut a gap between the worlds to get some supplies quite regularly. But when an ancient evil rises and the existence of the magic world is put to danger, Ivan has to team up with his old friends and his new rivals. They will set out on a long journey beyond the known world to find a way to defeat the enemies and to return peace to Belogorie.

Bunty and Babli are forced out of retirement as a new pair of cons emerge, doing robberies in their name with their trademark sigil across India.

Born in the small-town of Kutch, Rashmi overcomes all societal barriers to become a national-level athlete. But her glory is hindered when she is asked to undergo a gender test.

When Aurangzeb recruits his trusted soldier Udaybhan to control the Kondhana fort, Shivaji's military leader Tanhaji Malusare and his army of Maratha warriors set out to recapture the fortress.

Urmările exploziei șocante de la centrala nucleară de la Cernobîl au făcut ca sute de oameni să-și sacrifice viața pentru a curăța locul catastrofei și pentru a preveni cu succes un dezastru și mai mare care ar fi putut transforma o mare parte a continentului european într-o zonă de nelocuit. Aceasta este povestea lor.

Colonelul Samuel Trautman, fostul superior al lui John Rambo, este insarcinat sa conduca misiunea menita sa ajute rebelii Mujahedini, care incearca sa opreasca invadarea Afganistanului de catre sovietici. Dupa ce l-a refuzat pe Trautman, cand acesta i-a solicitat ajutorul pentru indeplinirea misiunii, Rambo se vede nevoit sa intervina, dupa ce colonelul este rapit si torturat de catre sovietici. Cu ajutorul mujahedinilor, Rambo incearca sa-l salveze pe Trautman din mainile crudului comandant al armatei rosii, colonelul Zaysen.

A reformed sociopath heads to a remote island after the death of his brother. Soon after his arrival, the island falls under siege from a deadly gang of mercenaries, and when he discovers their role in his brother’s demise, he sets out on a relentless quest for vengeance.

After the FBI receives a threat that endangers the entire city, an interrogator and an I.T. specialist are plunged into a series of mind games with a criminal mastermind, desperately racing against time to uncover the villain's true agenda as they fight to protect thousands of lives.

Rachel, a rookie cop, is about to begin her first night shift in a neglected police station in a Scottish, backwater town. The kind of place where the tide has gone out and stranded a motley bunch of the aimless, the forgotten, the bitter-and-twisted who all think that, really, they deserve to be somewhere else. They all think they're there by accident and that, with a little luck, life is going to get better. Wrong, on both counts. Six is about to arrive - and All Hell Will Break Loose!

La câteva decenii după ce a mușamalizat uciderea colegului său de clasă, Michael (Michael Greyeyes) a părăsit rezervația și a fracturat trecutul. Când un bărbat care își împărtășește secretul violent caută să se răzbune, Michael face tot posibilul pentru a-și proteja noua viață alături de soția (Kate Bosworth) și șeful (Jesse Eisenberg) de demonii trecutului său.

A budding director tries to research a merciless gangster for making a film on gangsterism. But her secret attempts to conduct the research fail when she gets caught for snooping.

Kaaliyan is a village president in the Madurai district, who is fondly called Annaatthe. His nieces compete with each other to marry him. But, he falls in love with another woman who visits their village. Kaaliyan has a sister who gets married and shifts to Kolkata where she faces some unknown threats. Soon, her brother comes to her aid.

Aasif's belief in logic and science shatters when he gets possessed by a transgender's ghost.

When Kunjabdulla was young, he left everything behind including his hometown and his childhood sweetheart; and shifted to Mumbai. One fine day, Kunjabdulla sets out on a journey in search of his childhood friend and classmate Aleema, after 19 years.