An extraordinary group of artists and musicians, in the wake of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, creates an underground arts movement and transform a community.

Každoroční plážová párty slibuje 3 dny nabité zábavou, hrami, tancem a hlavně jídlem, což je pro Scoobyho se Shaggym nejdůležitější. Ale i na slunci a v písku detektivové brzy zjistí, že nic nedokáže zkazit prázdniny tak jako mrtví piráti! Bude to chtít dokonalou spolupráci, jestli chce parta kolem Scooby-Dooa i jejich noví přátelé zachránit párty před přízračnými chvastouny.(Magic Box)

AA is a portrait of the dream diaries of Russian avant garde feminist poet and photographer Anna Alchuk.

Když Laura Trudeauová odešla z Utahu jako mladá vdova, zanechala tam svého otce, lásku k tanci a zlomené srdce. Nyní se musí vrátit domů, aby vedla renovaci opuštěného hotelu, který musí být obnoven včas na štědrovečerní taneční benefici. Laura je v šoku, když zjistí, že její stará láska, Ricardo Archuleta, chlapec, který ji opustil kvůli profesionální taneční kariéře, je hvězdou benefice. A když jeho taneční partnerka Taylor odstoupí ze show, protože se chce zúčastnit konkurzu mimo město, Laura ji musí zastoupit a znovu probudit lásku k tanci, nemluvě o svých starých citech k Ricardovi, což je kombinace, z níž se jí točí hlava.

A young writer embarks on a journey to find out more about the taxi business in Lagos by becoming a taxi driver, he meets a young lady along the way and becomes fond of her.

A New York drug dealer is kidnapped, and his wife must try to come up with the money and drugs to free him from his abductors before Christmas.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

Brendan Cobbs, a famous novelist, is sent to a remote cottage in rural England to find inspiration for his next novel. He believes he found his next subject when he encounters Alfred, a child size doll who can come to life.

A boy deals with the loss of his mother by creating a relationship with a dangerous monster.

Quinn se probere v parkové fontáně ve Vietnamu, aniž by si vzpomněl, kdo je nebo odkud přišel. Když putuje městem a spojuje stopy své minulosti, je neustále sledován neznámými cizinci.

Veselou vánoční náladu zmrazí bezcitná žena, která chce v rodném městě prodat svoje pozemky. Dokážou hudba, kouzla a vzpomínky změnit její úmysly?

After all the trouble in the first film, Tino and Jane have more fun adventures. Still tasting bitter failure, they see a light at the end of the tunnel with uncle Olavinho’s unexpected inheritance. However, the will carries an unusual request: the rich uncle wants his ashes to be scattered throughout the Grand Canyon. The couple takes the opportunity of the trip to fulfill this wish and decides to go to Las Vegas and end up getting into comical situations. Big time spender Tino will fall into the greatest temptations and indulge in the casinos of the gambling city.

Kočovný kmen kejklířů vedený královnou Canary je přepaden krutým králem Kadarem, jenž prahne po kouzelném rubínu, symbolu kmene. Královna talisman včas ukryje a Kadar ji za trest uvězní ve svém harému. Spolu s ní jsou odvlečeni její dva chráněnci, dvojčata Kutchek a Gore. Bratři jsou drženi v pracovním táboře a od dětství jsou nuceni ke gladiátorským zápasům. Díky tomu z nich vyrostou statní a neohrožení válečníci, kteří se vydávají zachránit svou vládkyni.

Insulted by Rosario, a rich businessman, Jai Kishen a Matchmaker teaches him a lesson by getting his daughter married to Raju, a Coolie, who poses to be a millionaire. They sense something fishy and Raju's deceptions are discovered. In an attempt to cover it up, he cooks up a story of having a filthy rich twin. One lie leads to another and things start to go awry culminating in a comedy of errors.

International master thief, Simon Templar, also known as The Saint, is asked by a desperate rich man to find his kidnapped daughter. However, in addition to evading the authorities, Simon must face a dangerous adversary from his past.

Martin Bashir conducts a rare interview with Michael Jackson and is given unprecedented access to the reclusive performer's private life over a span of eight months, from May 2002 to January 2003.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.

A retired army sergeant, a police officer and his wife and a drug dealer apparently have nothing in common, but they will unite for a greater good. When people start using explosives to fish on the edge of Salvador, Bahia, this group will do everything to end this environmental crime. But in the search for the paths that seem most correct, each one of them will go through more personal and moral conflicts.