Film Kruela je postavljen v leta 1970 v Londonsko predmestje, v čas punk rock revolucije in spremlja mlado punco Estello, ki se brezciljno klati po ulicah Londona. Estelle je odločena, da bo opozorila nase s svojo kreativnostjo v dizajnerskem svetu. Nekega dne spozna baroneso Von Hellman, modno legendo, a stvari se ne izidejo v prid Estelle, ki pokaže svojo zlobno plat, ko se spremeni v kruto Kruelo.
Archeologist and avid puzzle solver Professor Layton and his assistant Luke are caught up in an adventure when a masked figure steals an entire opera house and forces those in attendance to play a high-stakes game. The winner will receive eternal life, but it could mean death for the losers.
Ni ga seznama najbolj znanih filmskih citatov, ki ne bi vseboval fraze »You can’t handle the truth!«. Film režiserja Roba Reinerja (Stand by Me, Misery, The Bucket List), A Few Good Men, predstavi polkovnika Nathan R. Jessupa (Jack Nicholson), arogantnega poveljnika mornariške baze Guantanamo Bay na Kubi in Daniela Kafeeja (Tom Cruise), mladega samozavestnega odvetnika, ki v finalnem aktu filma polkovnika Jessupa skuša pripraviti do priznanja, da je ta ukazal »rdečo kodo«, ustrahovalni postopek za mlade marince, ki je botroval k smrti enega izmed častnikov. Kljub dramatičnemu zaključku, pa je film A Few Good Men mnogo več kot le verbalni dvoboj med Cruseom in Nicholsonom. Odvetniška drama s pridihom komedije in trilerja, ki je bila prirejena po gledališki igri, predstavi ideje kot so dolžnosti vojakov, naravo konformnosti, preganjanje šibkih in slepo sledenje avtoriteti.
Spider-Man se vrača po manj kot enoletnem premoru - tokrat ga bomo srečali na evropskih tleh. Peter Parker se namreč skupaj s prijatelji odpravi na šolski izlet v Evropo. Čeprav načrtuje, da si bo zgolj ogledoval znamenitosti Benetk, Londona in Pariza, se dogodki obrnejo povsem drugače - njegov oddih prekine nevarni Mysterio. Še dobro, da je v kovčku tudi njegova Spider-Man preobleka.
Tessa Young je predana študentka, vzorna hči in zvesta punca svoji srednješolski ljubezni. V prvem semestru kolidža pa se Tessin varni svet poruši, ko spozna skrivnostnega in motečega upornika. Dvomiti začne v vse, kar je verjela in začne se spraševati, kaj sploh hoče od življenja.
Slowed by age and failing eyesight, crack baseball scout Gus Lobel takes his grown daughter along as he checks out the final prospect of his career. Along the way, the two renew their bond, and she catches the eye of a young player-turned-scout.
This is the story of two Greek families, named Delafrangas and Bisbikides. The former family is very wealthy & lucky, the latter very poor and continually struck by fate. Poor but honest Martha is in love with Giakoumis, a young builder and bouzouki organist, but all her dreams fall apart when posh Tzela "steals" the love of her beloved one... A couple of flash backs, following their families roots back to WW2 and the Turkish domination, and a hidden secret will unfold the story's ending..
Ustvarjalci komedije Superhudo na srečanje tretje vrste pošljejo čudaka Graema in Cliva. Ker prijatelja obožujeta znanstveno fantastiko, se odločita za obisk krajev, kjer naj bi pristali neznani leteči predmeti. Pot jima prekriža resnični Nezemljan Paul, ki je ušel iz dolgoletnega ujetništva in se želi vrniti domov. Za pomoč zaprosi prestrašeno dvojico, ki se na begu pred vojsko zaplete v številne nepozabne avanture.
Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins.
When rebellious street dancer Andie lands at the elite Maryland School of the Arts, she finds herself fighting to fit in while also trying to hold onto her old life. When she joins forces with the schools hottest dancer, Chase, to form a crew of classmate outcasts to compete in Baltimore s underground dance battle The Streets.
No beau? No problem! To earn money for college, a high schooler creates a dating app that lets him act as a stand-in boyfriend.
Inspired by Lindbergh's flight from New York to Paris, Mickey builds a plane to take Minnie for a trip.
What happens when you ask the most powerful computer program, run by the most powerful computers, to follow, listen and predict human behavior? The program learns, becomes sentient and begins to behave like a human. When a master computer program, Echelon, takes over America's entire online system, our country is threatened to be brought to its knees. Hacking into DARPA, Echelon gains the ability to manipulate the weather, create earthquakes, and cause a level of destruction unlike anything the country could ever imagine. But how do you stop a computer program when it has control over any and every defense you have?
Tri primestne mame odpotujejo v New York, da obiščejo sinove.
Kako najti trajno ljubezen v današnjem svetu? Zoe, ustvarjalki dokumentarcev in odvisnici od aplikacij za zmenke, je drsenje v desno, na zgražanje njene mame Cath prineslo le neskončen seznam Gospodov Napačnih. Za Zoejinega prijatelja iz otroštva in soseda Kaza je odgovor, da sledi zgledu svojih staršev in se odloči za dogovorjeno poroko z bistro in lepo nevesto iz Pakistana. Ko Zoe snema njegovo upanja polno potovanje iz Londona v Lahore, da bi se poročil s popolno tujko, katero so izbrali njegovi starši, se začne spraševati, ali bi se lahko česa naučila iz popolnoma drugačnega pristopa k iskanju ljubezni.
Joe Armstrong, an orphaned drifter with little respect for much other than martial arts, finds himself on an American Army base in The Philippines after a judge gives him a choice of enlistment or prison. On one of his first missions driving a convoy, his platoon is attacked by a group of rebels who try to steal the weapons the platoon is transporting and kidnap the base colonel's daughter.
A man who stops into a foster home to drop off some donations soon tells the kids a story about two teenage friends who uncover a long-lost medallion that transports them back in time.
Cedric the Entertainer plays Jake, a seemingly regular guy who has no idea who he is after being hit over the head by mysterious assailants. When he finds himself entangled in a government conspiracy, Jake and his pursuers become convinced that he is an undercover agent.
Kuba's sister falls seriously ill. In order to gather the required money for treatment he starts taking part in illegal car races.
In Guesta Verde University, the deranged Professor Curien is trying to bring back the dead, killing students for the experiment. There is an outbreak of zombies in the campus, and the government sends a NSA medical research team, formed by Dr. Alexandra Morgan a.k.a. Nightingale and lieutenant Ellis, with a special force leaded by lieutenant Dalton, trying to get the zero sample from the first generation zombie. The team has a very short time to accomplish their mission and leave the place before missiles are sent to destroy the area. However, the place is crowded of hyper sapiens and the group has to fight to survive.