Based on a famous Mexican legend, a group of kids must stop the ghost of a woman whose guilt over the drowning of her own children leads her to abduct youngsters who wander the woods at night.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

为了拯救伙伴而进化为魔王的利姆鲁·特恩佩斯特 与他的同伴尽兴生活在魔物之国【魔国联邦】, 西侧的有名为【拉贾小亚国】的地方, 那里的女王持有不可思议的力量,瞒伏许久的阴谋即将上演。 突然出现在利姆鲁等人面前的是“幸存的鬼族”绯色。 利姆鲁的伙伴红丸与兄长再会。 被斩断的“红莲之绊”,新的战斗导火线燃起―。


  这次的故事发生在现代。一直以来都生活得无忧无虑的芭比(Diana Kaarina 配音)竟然被炒了鱿鱼,心中充满了郁闷,芭比决定前往巴黎散心,投靠在巴黎开时尚屋的阿姨米丽森(Patricia Drake 配音)。到了巴黎,芭比才知道,由于遭到同行的暗算,时尚屋即将面临倒闭的厄运,不愿看到这样的悲剧发生,芭比和米丽森和助手爱丽丝(Tabitha St. Germain 配音)决定联手,帮助米丽森。   一次偶然中,芭比和爱丽丝发现了一个秘密的时尚屋,时尚就是在这里诞生的。在时尚屋里,两个女孩结识了古灵精怪的时尚精灵,有了精灵的帮助,芭比能够帮助米丽森重整旗鼓吗?肯(艾德里安·佩特里 Adrian Petriw 饰)芭比的男友,追随着芭比的脚步,他亦千里迢迢来到了巴黎。


Return is a methodical construction of the approach of an individual towards an unseen goal, which assumes metaphorical significance. Viola moves toward the camera/viewer, pausing every few steps to ring a bell, at which point he is momentarily thrust back to his starting place, and then advanced again. Finally reaching his destination, he is taken through all of the previous stages in a single instant and returned to the source of his journey.

  白雪覆盖的森林腹地,温柔的松鼠妈妈(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 配音)为孩子们讲述了关于咕噜牛的传说:可爱的咕噜牛宝宝(Shirley Henderson 配音)试图进入幽暗森林,却被爸爸(罗彼·考特拉尼 Robbie Coltrane 配音)粗暴地抓回。爸爸警告宝宝,幽暗森林内藏着可怕的大恶鼠,一旦遇上恶鼠势必遭到伤害。夜幕降临,雪花纷飞,咕噜牛爸爸沉沉睡去。温暖的洞穴中,小宝宝却无心睡眠。他的好奇心打败了对大恶鼠的恐惧,最终他冒着大雪闯入幽暗森林。神秘的脚印、邪恶的毒蛇、夜间出没的猫头鹰,为止的森林带给小宝宝前所未有的体验……   本片根据Julia Donaldson与插画家Axel Scheffler联合创作的同名绘本改编。

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he once thought.

The Avengers gather to celebrate their latest victory, but their celebration is quickly interrupted by the mysterious disappearance of Black Widow's father, Red Guardian. As the Avengers investigate, they discover that Red Guardian isn't the only one missing when they meet a dangerous new foe quite unlike anything they've ever encountered before.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

Alice预见了Volturi即将到了,大家猜到一是因为Renesmme,二是因为Volturi不满Cullen家族的壮大,他们想维护自己的权威与声望。Volturi的首领Aro一直都很想把Alice和Edward收归旗下,Alice和Ed的叛逆已经让Aro心存不满。Bella心烦意乱,Cullen家族也很紧张。Bella头一次看到一贯平静优雅的Charlisle出现担忧的神情,对于Volturi那段恐怖的在Bella还是human的时候的那段记忆让Bella更加恐惧,她担心Renesmme早于不测。但没有人能估到Volturi什么时候来。Edward和charlisle商量着对策,而这时候Bella和Jacob带着Renesmme去hunting,却与Tanya三姐妹中的Irina不期而遇。Irina是Tanya三姐妹中的一员,虽然没有直接服务于Volturi,但对这个有几千年历史的V氏家族一贯衷心,Irina没有等Bella解释,便认定Cullens创造了一个baby vampire,疾速感到意大利Volturi家族报告。这一刻开始,Bella知道,一场毁灭性的灾难将要来临……

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.



少年Titans队被 Nerdlucks 拜访,Nerdlucks 是 Space Jam 的恶棍,他们试图抓住 Michael Jordan 和 Looney Tunes。 Cyborg 惊讶地发现他的Titans同胞从未见过 Space Jam,于是组织了一场独家观看派对。 当然,如果Titans们正在看电影,不要指望沉默是金。 Raven 和 Starfire 提供评论,Cyborg 介绍有趣的事实,Beast Boy 指出屁股,还有 Robin,但 Robin 不信任他们的新外星人朋友。 书呆子们是来参加一个无辜的观看派对,还是他们袖子里有更险恶的动机?

托马斯先生有时自称流浪汉托马斯,他的朋友们称他为萨莫乔奇克先生。他的绰号来自他的发明家叔叔遗传给他的一辆不同寻常的汽车。这辆车,虽然丑陋,“介于独木舟和独轮手推车之间”,正如恶毒的人们所说,有着令人难以置信的能力: 使用法拉利410引擎,它可以以每小时280公里的速度行驶。由于使用了螺丝钉,它就像一艘摩托艇。乘坐这辆车,托马斯先生前往波兰破译另一个历史谜团,抓捕企图偷窃珍贵历史文物的小偷和走私犯。寻宝是伟大的,但是... 没有人干涉更好... 与此同时,一些丹麦人和一群可疑的波兰年轻人追踪萨莫乔德齐克先生在日耳曼城堡和圣殿骑士团总部的搜索线索。要找到宝藏,你需要很多知识,很多技巧,还有... 很多运气。谁还会有更多?

A group of students head off for a snowboarding adventure on an untouched piece of land. When their SUV mysteriously stalls in a brutal snowstorm they are not only faced with the reality of freezing to death but a fate even more horrifying. For they have become stranded in Stoughton Valley, home of some Witch Trials even more horrendous than Salem, and are being hunted by a supernatural creature determined to keep them there.

Kim Marsden inherits a cattle station near Alice Springs after the death of her father. Kim becomes convinced her father was murdered. She sends for a legendary local bushman called the Sundowner, who was one of her father's best friends.