Kábul pod tálibánskou nadvládou. Dvě sousední čtvrti a dva páry. Jeden je konzervativní - Atiq a Mussarat jsou manželé už 20 let a mají v sobě hluboce zakořeněné tradice afghánského života. Atiq pracuje jako hlavní dozorce v ženské věznici. Mussarat je těžce nemocná a snaží se zůstat silná až do samého konce. Druhý je moderní – mladí a zamilovaní, Zunaira s Mohsenem se staví proti všem těmto tradicím. Za Tálibánu přišli o práci právníka a profesorky na univerzitě a jen stěží se uživí. Jsou nuceni prodat všechen svůj skromný majetek, aby měli na jídlo. Přesto jsou odhodláni nadále vyznávat novodobé hodnoty. Jeden den dojde k ukamenování. Poté k ponižujícímu zacházení. A následně k boji... a jejich životy se navždy změní. Když se cesty těchto diametrálně odlišných párů navzájem protnou, za lásku bude třeba přinést oběti.

In this loose adaptation of "Hamlet," illegitimate son Kôichi Nishi climbs to a high position within a Japanese corporation and marries the crippled daughter of company vice president Iwabuchi. At the reception, the wedding cake is a replica of their corporate headquarters, but an aspect of the design reminds the party of the hushed-up death of Nishi's father. It is then that Nishi unleashes his plan to avenge his father's death.

Sayra, a Honduran teen, hungers for a better life. Her chance for one comes when she is reunited with her long-estranged father, who intends to emigrate to Mexico and then enter the United States. Sayra's life collides with a pair of Mexican gangmembers who have boarded the same American-bound train.

Ash Williams and his girlfriend Linda find a log cabin in the woods with a voice recording from an archeologist who had recorded himself reciting ancient chants from "The Book of the Dead." As they play the recording an evil power is unleashed taking over Linda's body.

Sentenced to six years in prison, Malik El Djebena is alone in the world and can neither read nor write. On his arrival at the prison, he seems younger and more brittle than the others detained there. At once he falls under the sway of a group of Corsicans who enforce their rule in the prison. As the 'missions' go by, he toughens himself and wins the confidence of the Corsican group.

Witek runs after a train. Three variations follow on how such a seemingly banal incident could influence the rest of Witek's life.

Los Alamos, Nové Mexiko. Dvanásťročný Owen je osamelý chlapec, ktorého v škole šikanujú a doma zanedbávajú rodičia pred rozvodom. Onedlho sa do susedstva prisťahuje dievča v rovnakom veku a spolu s ňou starší muž, zrejme jej otec. Dievča sa predstaví Owenovi ako Abby a oznámi, že nemôžu byť priateľmi. Napriek tomu sa v noci stretávajú alebo komunikujú cez stenu morzeovkou. Ale aj to len v noci. Owen tuší, že záhadná Abby nie je obyčajné dievča a skrýva nejaké desivé tajomstvo. Aj napriek tomu sa však neustále zbližujú a Abby sa stane Owenovou dôverníčkou. Chlapca neodradia ani záhadné a nevyjasnené vraždy, ku ktorým dochádza v blízkom okolí. Možno už tuší, že sa skamarátil s mladou upírkou, ktorá žije v utajení so svojím strážcom a opatrovníkom.

V roku 1973, keď sa Frank Bledsoe a jeho 18-ročná neter Beth vydávajú na cestu z Manhattanu do Creekville v Južnej Karolíne na pohreb rodinného patriarchu, sa k nim nečakane pripojí Frankov milenec Walid.

Nodame and Chiaki mutually decide that it would be for the best if they parted ways for a while so Nodame can practice for an upcoming competition. However, when things don’t go her way, she gets impatient and depressed. While Nodame is away, Chiaki’s former pianist Rui Son returns to take her place. To make matters worse, Rui and Chiaki are set to play the song Nodame dreams of playing with Chiaki herself: Ravel’s “Concerto in G Minor”.

When his only friend dies, a man born with dwarfism moves to rural New Jersey to live a life of solitude, only to meet a chatty hot dog vendor and a woman dealing with her own personal loss.

A French illusionist travels to Scotland to work. He meets a young woman in a small village. Their ensuing adventure in Edinburgh changes both their lives forever.

A dramatization of the Montreal Massacre of 1989 where several female engineering students were murdered by an unstable misogynist.

After his wife leaves him, a photographer has an existential crisis and tries to cope with his cousin's visit.

In the 1820s, a taciturn loner and skilled cook travels west to Oregon Territory, where he meets a Chinese immigrant also seeking his fortune. Soon the two team up on a dangerous scheme to steal milk from the wealthy landowner’s prized Jersey cow – the first, and only, in the territory.

Merlyn Solakhan’s feature documentary The City offers an unusual narrative on Istanbul. Solakhan roams every inch of the city, witnessing separate instances of standing stones, balloons, kites, cars, roads, and neighborhoods with her camera, whilst looking into the city’s nature, yesterday and today. The city from her perspective is intertwined with history. An essay film as well as a documentary, The City is a daring gaze on Istanbul. The movie goes beyond observation to working through and reflecting on the city, with no hesitation in bestowing a new image on it and seeing it in a new light.

V opustenej budove sa pokazí natáčanie nízkorozpočtového zombie hororu. Protivný režisér svojím nepríjemným správaním privedie hercov a štáb na pokraj síl, keď odhalí svoj plán, ako vniesť do projektu energiu a vzrušenie: oživiť skutočnú, starodávnu zombie kliatbu. V šialenom jednom zábere, v ktorom lietajú časti tiel a tekutiny, herci bojujú o život s nemŕtvymi a ich režisérom, až kým film nedospeje do šokujúceho záveru a nenabehnú titulky... ale je to celý príbeh?

A young woman's life spirals into chaos after she is involved in a hit-and-run accident. Then she encounters a mysterious man named Evian who offers her an opportunity for redemption. Narrated by a fish.

Through an immigrant cab driver, our world collides with a nervous filmmaker, a lawyer whose new breasts her ex-boyfriend wants to see, a mystery man, a gay man who might or might not have AIDS, and a birthday girl who got stood up. It is a mixture of laughter and sadness, all floating on a sea of philosophy.

Ryan a Jennifer sú protiklady, ktoré sa rozhodne nepriťahujú. Keď sa stretnú prvýkrát ako dvanásťroční, neznášajú sa. Keď sa opäť stretnú ako tínedžeri, zhnusia sa jeden druhému a vytvoria vzťah dokonalého vzájomného pohŕdania. Ale keď sa stretnú na univerzite, upätý Ryan a voľnomyšlienkárska Jennifer zistia, že to, v čom sa odlišujú, ich nakoniec zviaže dokopy a vytvorí výnimočné priateľstvo.

A man providing overnight watch to a deceased member of his former Orthodox Jewish community finds himself opposite a malevolent entity.