A football-shaped space probe is picked up by an alien.

The inspirational true story of Opportunity, a rover that was sent to Mars for a 90-day mission but ended up surviving for 15 years. Follow Opportunity’s groundbreaking journey on Mars and the remarkable bond forged between a robot and her humans millions of miles away.

Elle Marja, 14, is a reindeer-breeding Sami girl. Exposed to the racism of the 1930s and phrenological examinations at her boarding school, she starts dreaming of another life. To achieve this other life she has to become someone else and break all ties with her family and culture.

Keisuke Isobe and Koume Satou live a rather dull life. But when Koume's crush breaks her heart, their situation becomes quite unordinary. She starts a "no-strings-attached" relationship with Keisuke, whom she had previously rejected, both finding solace in the other in order to fill the emotional voids in their lives.

Sredinom 2000-ih Wall Street je rastao u svakome pogledu, s rekordnim dividendama, višemilijunskim godišnjim zaradama i rastućim poslovanjem s nekretninama. No 2008. sve se to preko noći urušilo. Do jeseni američki monetarni sustav, nakon godina nepravilnog poslovanja, bio je u slobodnom padu zbog neisplativih hipotekarnih kredita te zelenaških zajmova koji su uzrokovali krizu. Unatoč znakovima upozorenja, nitko nije vjerovao da su novčarske institucije u opasnosti. Dok se tržište sve više rušilo, postalo je očito da su banke prejake da bi propale te prijete stvaranju globalne krize kakvu svijet još nije vidio. HBO Films predstavlja fascinantan pogled iza kulisa na nedavnu krizu koja je gotovo slomila američki bankovni sustav – i cijelo gospodarstvo te zemlje.

Returning home to visit their ill grandfather, two estranged brothers must confront their unresolved rivalry while their parents’ marriage frays.

During WWII, in the days leading up to Christmas, a woman arrives at an Italian Catholic boarding school for orphaned girls with a large cake and a plea for them to pray for her boyfriend, who is having an affair.

Based on the true story of Lindy Chamberlain who, during a family camping trip to Ayers Rock in central Australia, claimed she witnessed a dingo take her baby daughter, Azaria, from their tent. Azaria's body was never found and, after investigations and two public inquests, she is charged with murder.

After locking himself out of his apartment, an introverted, heartbroken editor finds himself on an epic journey up, down and around his block with life-altering ramifications.

At dawn, Clarisse takes a last look at her husband and two sleeping children, hesitates to leave a note, and hits the road. A desperate escape that gradually reveals its layers as Clarisse — who seems to have an extra-sensory connection to the family she has left behind — loses herself in the world.

A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities, and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.

Kaylee je uspješna boksačica na početku svoje karijere. Pripremajući se za meč života, Kayleen život se potpuno okreće kada upozna čovjeka koji tvrdi kako ima tragove da je njezina mlađa sestra Weeta, koja je nestala prije dvije godine, vjerojatno živa i nalazi se u rukama trgovaca ljudima. U nadi da će pronaći svoju sestru, Kaylee se infiltrira u lanac trgovaca ljudima kako bi pronašla ljude odgovorne za nestanak njezine sestre.

From his rise as a business mogul to his plummet into international notoriety, this true crime documentary examines the bizarre story of Carlos Ghosn.

After a phone call ends in despair, a young woman faces a fatal decision.

Denmark, in the near future. One year after a major bomb attack in Copenhagen, political radicalization has intensified and ethnic tensions are increasing. As next year's parliamentary elections approach, in which nationalist leader Martin Nordahl hopes for a landslide victory, Zakaria becomes involved in a radical organization, where he befriends Ali.

Whitney Alder owns interior design firm Marietta Designs, which she runs with her friend Andi in the small town of Marietta, Montana. Whitney is designing Santa’s float for the annual Marietta Christmas Parade when a potential job opportunity comes her way: the full redesign of a landmark home by Christmas Eve.

Andres Cuadrado is an old-fashioned civil servant. Conservative and somewhat macho, he takes his job at the Ministry of Finance very seriously. He considers himself above all a person "as God commands" and, consequently, he takes it for granted that everything responds to a natural, hierarchical and immovable order. After an unfortunate confrontation with a colleague, Andrés is disciplined and transferred to the Ministry of Equality. There everything is totally new to him: there are no assigned places, no schedules, and everyone is a vegan. Andres will have a lot of catching up to do to adapt to this new order of things.

A promising up-and-coming country duo seek out the secluded mansion of their idol Harper Dutch, a former country music star and Nashville royalty turned recluse. What starts out as a friendly visit devolves into a twisted series of horrors forcing the friends to confront the lengths they will go to in pursuit of their dreams.

An undocumented Filipina immigrant lands a job as a careworker for a seemingly terminal old man, securing a better life for her and her daughter. But a dark discovery threatens to destroy everything she’s strived for and holds dear.

In the aftermath of a huge scandal, Trinitie Childs, the first lady of a prominent Southern Baptist Mega Church, attempts to help her pastor-husband, Lee-Curtis Childs, rebuild their congregation.