Mama Cora, who is almost eighty years old, has three sons and a daughter. She lives with one of them, who has serious financial problems. The family meets one day to celebrate an anniversary meal, and that is when the problem arises: which of them will take care of her?

The O.J. Simpson case, as never told before. Tanya Brown, Nicole Brown Simpson's sister, explores O.J. and Nicole's relationship and the trial that followed, using Nicole's words and the photos she left behind to reveal the Brown family's experience.

This visual album from Beyoncé reimagines the lessons of "The Lion King" (2019) for today’s young kings and queens in search of their own crowns.

Винсънт Пери е осъден на доживотен затвор за убийство на жена си, но след 10 години в затвора, успява да избяга. На шосето го качва Ирен Дженсън, която му предлага помощ. Полицията е по петите на Винсънт, който си прави пластична операция, за да се скрие и да намери истинския убиец. Само тогава той ще бъде в безопасност и ще се опита да забрави тези изгубени 10 години в затвора. Но убиецът сам го открива и убийствата продължават...

Amamiya Shu transfers to Moriwaki elementary filled with hope and ambition. But it doesn't take long before he gets picked on by the class bullies, and gets involved in a dare to play the mysterious piano in the forest.

After a "white lie" which spirals out of control, a neurotic, naive and musically gifted Muslim cleric's eldest son must follow through with an arranged marriage, except he is madly in love with an Australian born-Lebanese girl.

1940-та година. Германия бърза да завърши победния си марш в Европа. Непокорена е останала единствено Англия и за десантната операция Райхът се нуждае от пълна победа над Кралския въздушен флот. Започва най-великата въздушна битка в историята.

Хулиан и Никола се трудят неуморно, за да помагат на хората, живеещи в бедно предградие на Буенос Айрес. Тяхната мечта е да довършат строежа на болница, изоставена преди години. Единствената им опора е Лусиана, млада и непокорна служителка в социалните служби.

Colombo works at a 24-hour parking lot and tops up his measly wages by selling weed. Mario is a lawyer and a keen birdwatcher, but unfortunately for him, he is unable to drive due to a past accident. Mario offers to pay Colombo to drive him from Valencia to a lake in the Costa Brava (Spain), where he wants to see some cranes. When they reach the lake, the lawyer tells him that the birds have changed their migratory route and are now going to nest in the Danube delta in Constanza (Romania). Mario needs to get there, and Colombo needs the money. Neither of them is aware of the other’s story, but at that moment, a new and definitive journey starts for both of them.

Over a trio of summers, a caretaker for luxury condominiums relies on her resourcefulness and her eye for opportunity to take advantage of whatever comes her way.

Историята на Глория Стайнъм, която става основна говорителка на феминисткото движение през 60-те и 70-те години.

Работохоличката Ирене е принудена да преоцени приоритетите си след самоубийството на двама от най-добрите си приятели.

Маркос и Ана живеят щастливо заедно 25 години, но когато единственият им син заминава да учи в друга държава, те чувстват, че нещо важно е изчезнало от връзката им. Все още ли са влюбени или това е просто привързаност между тях? За да разберат чувствата си, те решават да живеят отделно.

Когато неочаквана трагедия преобръща живота на две жени и техните семейства, те започват да се съмняват във връзките с близките си.

Lucio, a prestigious university professor, takes the position of substitute teacher at a high school in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, where he grew up. Through tales, novels and poetry, he tries to distract his class from the harsh reality of their everyday lives. But soon, he must step out of his professional duties when Dilan, one of his students, is threatened by a local drug kingpin.

Chronic insomniacs Zach and Sophia wander the pre-dawn streets of NYC on an impromptu first date.

It’s the late 1950s, and in an affluent and quietly respectable part of Buenos Aires, young Sulamit Löwenstein strikes up a friendship with her next-door neighbour Friedrich over the whereabouts of her family dog. She is the daughter of German-Jewish immigrants to Argentina, he is the son of a senior SS officer, a tragic political legacy from whose shadow both characters struggle to escape over the next three decades. Following the teenaged Friedrich to Germany, Sulamit finds him caught up in the radical politics of late-1960s student life; and she’s forced to make important decisions about her attitude to her homeland when Friedrich returns to Argentina to join the fight against the military junta.

Nora and Antonio organize a prestigious celebration and invite their humble relatives.

A couple find themselves trapped while on a run around a pond.

Quique is dispatched to a village in deep Spain Teruel to lead its politics of recuperation but soon discovers he was sent there so that his girlfriend and leader of his party could spend more time together.