A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

A young man must fight for his life against a shape shifting stalker.

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

Shorter & More Violent Versions Instead of the lame clay sculptures previously seen. The animals are not in Vivid color B/C I don't have a large amount colorful clay. This video Has 4 out of 8 Episodes i'll be doing & soon i'll be making colorful Versions of The Creatures In Runcycles.

Baheeg is a shy veterinarian who secretly loves Laila, the owner of a sick puppy in his clinic. On his birthday, Baheeg finds a genie who grants him many wishes in order to graduate from genie school. Baheeg tries through his wishes to attract Laila's attention by becoming many different characters in hopes that she will fall for love him.

An absurd black comedy that cunningly reverses the conventions of the crime thriller to comment on the alienating and dehumanizing effects of contemporary urban life. Alphonse Tram is unwittingly involved in several murders despite having no memory of committing the crimes. His confusion lead him to confess to his neighbour, Inspector Morvandieu. Alphonse and Morvandieu become the axis around which murders occur.

Vic Berettonová má už pätnásť rokov. Práve sa vracia späť z Rakúska, kde bola na študijnom pobyte. Už sa teší na kamarátov z lýcea, ktorým chce rozprávať o svojich zážitkoch. Veľmi ju však trápi, že všetci navôkol majú svoje lásky, dokonca aj babička Poupette, ktorá sa chce vydať za svojho dlhoročného priateľa.. Rodičia opäť na ňu nemajú veľa času, otec François dostal novú, zaujímavú prácu a mama Françoise venuje väčšiu pozornosť jej malému dvojročnému bračekovi. Vo vlaku si nešťastnou náhodou vymení pas s neznámym príťažlivým mladíkom. A čo čert nechce, mladíka, ktorý sa vola Philippe Berthier stretne znovu a ako inak - zaľúbia sa do seba. Nebola by to však Vic, keby si nenarobila zbytočné problémy..

Kráľovná bohov Héra odniesla pochodeň s večným ohňom a ľudstvu hrozí záhuba. Nepremožiteľný Herkules je povolaný, aby dal veci do poriadku. Ako vždy mu na stojí v ceste mnoho prekážok...

Protagonistkou talianskej filmovej rozprávky je prekrásna, múdra ale tvrdohlavá princezná Fantaghiro. Svet rozprávky možno mnohým pripomenie náš "ľudský" svet. Lenže hlavným hrdinom v boji so Zlom pomáhajú dobré víly a iné rozprávkové bytosti. Osud však zasiahne nielen do života odvážnej princeznej Fantaghiro, ale aj do osudov dvoch znepriatelených kráľovstiev...

Ultra Music Festival 2015. In the middle of the pouring rain. Dash Berlin wrote history surprising the crowd with one of the most emotional, powerful and energetic sets the festival has ever seen and proved to be right at home at the big main stage.

For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.

Tiffani attempts to help her geeky but very cute friend Casey find true love - or at least a sexy hunk. Taken under Tiffani’s wing, Casey pretends to be Ryan, Tiffani's hot, straight, stripper ex-boyfriend, in order to seduce the smoldering Zack online, which works, until the real Ryan shows up!

Living among boys is easy, each of them with their own mess, unregimented lifestyle, and unique "method of study." The male universe in which they live, however, is about to be invaded by women. Giorgia is independent and receives little attention from her parents; Francesca is in a doomed relationship with an older professor, while Emma wants to be a famous performer. In this new mixed arrangement house, each character finds their place as they establish a confusing, but fun and tumultuous extended family - a family which none of them has ever truly had.

The Hans Christian Anderson tale gets a new treatment, this time with a rat trying to exploit the talents of a little ugly duckling for profit.

A shaggy, candy-loving puppy named Dougal along with a group of friends embarks on a dangerous journey in an effort to imprison their oppressor -- the evil ice sorcerer ZeeBad (Zebedee's evil twin). As the world is placed in mortal danger Zeebad who wants to turn the world to ice. Doogal and his friends must recover 3 diamonds that are needed to stop him.

Vlna zločinnosti opäť zachváti mesto a polícia nedokáže vyvádzanie vyvrheľov spoločnosti zastaviť, obzvlášť keď sú v akcii takí Mesto zachvátila vlna zločinu. Polícia je bezmocná v boji proti gangu "Wilson Highs". Guvernér i starosta sú nespokojní a žiadajú nebezpečných zločincov čo najskôr zneškodniť. Kapitánovi Harrisovi preto prichádza na pomoc komandant Lazart so svojimi "hviezdami" z akadémie.

The evil Djinn is back at again, this time wreaking havoc on the students of Illinois' Baxter University. His victim is a beautiful, innocent and studious teenage girl named Diana Collins who accidentally opened up the Djinn's tomb and released him.

An alien impregnates an Earth woman so she can deliver an alien "messiah" that will rule the world. A newspaper reporter finds out what's going on and sets out to stop it.