Še nikoli videno filmsko potovanje, ki je nastajalo deset let in zajema celoten Marvel Cinematic Universe. Na velika platna nam prinaša končni, najsmrtonosnejši obračun vseh časov. Maščevalci in njihovi zavezniki superjunaki morajo biti pripravljeni žrtvovati vse, da bi lahko premagali mogočnega Thanosa, preden ta s svojim rušenjem in uničenjem pokonča celotno vesolje.

In the middle of October 1998, Tomoe Enjou is attacked by bullies from his old school and saved by Shiki Ryougi. He asks her to hide him at her place and admits that he killed someone. Several days after the incident there are still no broadcasts about the murder as if it didn't happen.

As election time nears, current Triad chairman Lok faces competition from his godsons. At the same time, Jimmy looks to increase his business relations with mainland China.

Mauji stays in a village near Delhi with his wife Mamta, father and mother. Varun works at a shop that sells sewing machines, owned by Bansal and his son Prashant. Both have a habit of ill-treating Mauji and make him do fun antics. When Prashant gets married, Bansal invites Mauji and his entire family. Mamta feels humiliated when she sees Mauji being asked to imitate a dog by the Bansals.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 22–26, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko have been apprehended by the Demon Slayer Hashira, a group of extremely skilled swordfighters. Tanjiro undergoes trial for violating the Demon Slayer code, specifically smuggling Nezuko, a Demon, onto Mt. Natagumo.

The Driver now carries an arrogant rock star who is visiting a major city (not Pittsburgh as earlier believed). Played by Madonna, this title character wants to get away from her bodyguards in the Driver's BMW. He soon gets tired of her and decides to have a bit of fun.

A worn-out, aging shearer who once rained king of the high country, gets on the gear to keep up his numbers. But when the drugs take over he must learn what it really means to be a man, before he loses so much more than his country pride -- MAN.

V drugem filmu iz serije o Angeliki, se junakinja pridruži skupini banditov, reši svoje otroke, postane uspešna poslovna ženska, in se zopet zaplete v politiko in srčne zadeve.

A non-verbal, autistic girl and a chatty boy are partnered on a canoeing trip. To complete their journey across an urban lake, they must both learn how the other experiences the world.

V tretjem filmu iz serije o Angeliki, je junakinja poslana na misijo, kamor jo pošlje kralj Ludvik XIV. Sama pa postane predmet govoric in obrekovanja.

Leone is a rich and powerful man whose loneliness drives him to hire a cast of actors to play the family he never had. On Christmas Eve, reality and make-believe start to get blurred.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

Claire is a midwife and has devoted her life to others. At a moment when she is preoccupied by the imminent closure of the maternity clinic where she works, her life is further turned upside down when Béatrice, her father's former mistress, turns up on the scene. Béatrice is a capricious and selfish woman, Claire's exact opposite.

A panicked young woman and her two best friends fly to Mexico to delete a ranting email she sent to her new boyfriend. On arrival, they run into her former beau, who soon gets caught up in their frantic scheme.

Film temelji na resnični zgodbi enega najbolj zloglasnih zločinov v zgodovini FBI-ja. Susan Smith je mlada ženska, ki si obupno želi pobegniti iz svojega mračnega življenja kriminala in drog v majhnem rudarskem mestu. Ko ji pot prekriža agent FBI-ja Mark Putnam, Susan postane njegova obveščevalka v odmevnem primeru. Toda ko se njun odnos začne poglabljati, začne naraščati tudi nevarnost in oba se znajdeta v brezizhodni situaciji, ki ima smrtonosne posledice.

A teenage girl discovers a box with magical powers, but those powers comes with a deadly price.

St. Agatha is set in the 1950s in small town Georgia. A pregnant con woman named Agatha is on the run and seeks refuge in a convent hidden in deafening isolation. What first starts out as the perfect place to have a child turns into a dark lair where silence is forced. Ghastly secrets are masked, and every bit of will power Agatha has is tested. She soon learns the sick and twisted truth of the convent and the odd people that lurk inside its halls. Agatha must now find a way to discover the unyielding strength needed to escape and save her baby before she’s caged behind these walls forever.

Though no one can see him, Hollow Face lurks in the corners, desperately desiring love but only knowing how to spread fear and hate. He creeps into the life of John Farrow after Farrow’s beloved 13-year-old daughter Mia is assaulted in their home. The line between the real and the imaginary blurs as fissures start to open within the family unit. It seems that no security measure can keep Hollow Face out.

Set in the 1980s, an estranged family hires a cult deprogrammer to take back their teenage son from a murderous cult, but find themselves under siege when the cultists surround their cabin, demanding the boy back.

Detective Mark Corley storms his way onto an alien spaceship to rescue his estranged son. When the ship crashes in Southeast Asia, he forges an alliance with a band of survivors to take back the planet once and for all.