Celebrate the season Scooby-Doo style as Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang face off festive frights, frosty nights and - jeepers - the ghost of Christmas, who wants to wish everyone a scary Christmas! In this collection of cold-weather capers, Scooby-Doo and the gang unwrap a series of mysteries in order to stop a group of chilling crooks from stealing the spirits of the season!

Temeljen na istinitoj priči, film predstavlja život Jordana Belforta, od njegova uspona na burzi, velikih zarada i života na visokoj nozi, do pada povezanog s kriminalom i korupcijom.

Njujorški policajac John McClane (B. Willis) putuje u Los Angeles u posjet svojoj supruzi Holly (B. Bedelia) koja je postigla uspješnu karijeru u multinacionalnoj kompaniji Nakatomi. McClane u L. A. dolazi na sam Božić i ne sluti da će događaji koji slijede poremetiti njegov susret s obitelji jer istodobno grupa njemačkih terorista, predvođenih Hansom Gruberom, zauzima zgradu.

Mladi Bilbo Baggins uz pomoć čarobnjaka Gandalfa Sivog i čak trinaestorice neustrašivih patuljaka mora pronaći izgubljeno kraljevstvo Erebor, nad čijim zidinama bdije zastrašujući zmaj Smaug. Na svom putu susrest će se sa goblinima, trolovima, vilenjacima, a Bilbo Baggins će upoznati stvorenje koje će mu zauvijek promijeniti život – Golluma.

Nakon bombardiranja okruga 12, Katniss Everdeen napokon pristane na prijedlog predsjednice Alme Coin i njenog savjetnika Plutarcha te postaje simbolom pobunjenika – šojka rugalica. No, predsjednik Snow u glavnom gradu objavljuje poruku Peete Mellarka koja pobija Katniss. Ona vjeruje da je njegov život u opasnosti i uvjeri predsjednicu Coin da spasi Peetu i ostale pobjednike igara. No, njegova reakcija biti će veliki šok.

The film goes behind the scenes of the 1999 sci-fi movie The Matrix.

Set in the African savannah, the film follows Kion as he assembles the members of the 'Lion Guard'. Throughout the film, the diverse team of young animals will learn how to utilize each of their unique abilities to solve problems and accomplish tasks to maintain balance within the Circle of Life, while also introducing viewers to the vast array of animals that populate the prodigious African landscape.

Two Minions are busy at work in the mailroom. One of them, bored, decides to throw a box of expired PX-41 samples into its designated chute.

Unaprjeđenje im je donijelo više posla u uredu, sada nisu toliko na ulici i čini se da više neće imati priliku upadati u nevolje i dizati u zrak sve na što naiđu. Martin Riggs i Roger Murtaugh pokušavaju se u svojim ozbiljnim godinama smiriti, no problemi kao da ih traže. Trijadi su se zamjerili jer pokušavaju u Ameriku spriječiti krijumčarenje Kineza koji bi se trebali baviti falsificiranjem novca potrebnog za kupnju čelnika kriminalne organizacije iz ruku kineske vojske. I ovoga puta Martinu i Rogeru pomaže Lorna Cole, Leo Getz, koji je u međuvremenu postao privatni detektiv, ali i novak u ekipi, Lee Butters.

Prije sedam godina Zaid je krenuo u rat protiv kopenhagenskog podzemlja kako bi osvetio svog mrtvog brata. Njegov životni identitet cijenjenog kardiologa i obiteljskog čovjeka nije ništa drugo nego san koji blijedi, a Zaid u zatvoru pati zbog gubitka sina Noaha kojeg je jedva poznavao. Kada policijski agent pristupi Zaidu i ponudi mu dogovor po kojem će ga pustiti na slobodu u zamjenu za infiltraciju u podzemlje Kopenhagena, Zaid vidi priliku da povrati ostatke obiteljskog života koji je ostavio za sobom. No, sve ima cijenu, a Zaid sada shvaća da je ozbiljno ugrozio život svog sina.

Follow the clues to fun and excitement as the beloved little mouse takes on a big monster in this charming, full-length adventure. When a ferocious, mouse-nabbing creature puts fear into the hearts of New York City's rodents, Fievel and his friends team up with a reporter to chase after the scoop of the century and -- just maybe -- get a close-up look at the bad guy himself!

In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.

Četiri astronauta stječe supermoći nakon izlaganja kozmičkim zrakama tijekom znanstvene misije u svemiru u novoj eksperimentalnoj letjelici te ih moraju koristiti kako bi spriječili planove svoga neprijatelja, doktora Victora Von Dooma.

Just as Daniel and Kristi welcome a newborn baby into their home, a demonic presence begins terrorizing them, tearing apart their perfect world and turning it into an inescapable nightmare.

A detective solves the puzzle box that releases the diabolical demon, Pinhead. As those around him begin to meet tragic fates, he sets out to conquer the horrifying villain.

Maya Dolittle is back in a heartwarming adventure of presidential proportions! Maya's dream of going to vet school is put on hold when she gets a call from the president of the United States. It seems the First Dog is out of control, and the president needs Maya's help. It's up to Maya and her own dog, Lucky, to stop a canine catastrophe from becoming a national crisis!

As fanged, furious furballs viciously invade an L.A. apartment building and sink their teeth into the low-rent tenants, Josh leads the battle to beat back the conniving critters and save the planet.

Larry Guthrie, who loses his first love to the town hot shot, decides to win her back by volunteering with the children at her after-school program. When Larry accidentally tells the kids the Tooth Fairy is make-believe, he soon is transformed into a tutu-clad fairy with the "sentence" of collecting teeth.

A genetically created Anaconda, cut in half, regenerates itself into two new aggressive giant snakes, due to the Blood Orchid.

Scooby-Doo and the mystery inc gang battle fiends and gobs of eerie monsters.