Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her political battles, her tragedies. An intimate and epic portrait of an extraordinary woman who eminently challenged and transformed her era defending a humanist message still keenly relevant today.

In an urban war zone where everything that moves is a target, Paul tries to live, love and inform.

Dej sa odohráva počas jeho posledných dní, keď už Nemci dobývajú jednu povstaleckú pozíciu za druhou. Keď odrežú cestu oddielu poľských odbojárov pod vedením poručíka Zadru, jedinou možnosťou, ktorá povstalcom zostáva, je uchýliť sa do kanalizačného systému pod mestom a do poslednej chvíle bojovať o holý život. Beznádejnosť ich heroického zápasu odráža traumatickú vojnovú skúsenosť poľského národa.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1971. Carlos Robledo Puch is a 19-year-old boy with an angelic face, but a vocational thief as well, who acts ruthlessly, without remorse. When he meets Ramón, they follow together a dark path of crime and death.

David, who gets by doing odd jobs, meets Léna, who has just moved up to Paris, and falls in love. But soon after, his life is brutally interrupted by the sudden death of his sister. Beyond the shock, and the pain, David now finds himself alone with his young niece Amanda to care for.

Matthias a Maxime sú už od detstva nerozlučnými kamarátmi. Keď sú však počas natáčania študentského filmu vyzvaní, aby sa pobozkali pred kamerou, všetko sa náhle zmení. Zdanlivo nenarušiteľné puto je zneistené pochybnosťami, aké city k sebe v skutočnosti prechovávajú. Dvaja muži s tridsiatkou na krku si musia položiť zásadnú otázku – ako správne žiť svoj život? Kde je ich miesto?

Famed but tormented artist Vincent van Gogh spends his final years in Arles, France, painting masterworks of the natural world that surrounds him.

Britská vdova si v předvečer druhé světové války najme amatérského archeologa, aby prozkoumal záhadné útvary na jejím pozemku. A jeho objev vyrazí leckomu dech.

Everything seems to be smiling again at Yazid, an actor with a sulphurous past. He is trying to regain custody of his son and find a stable family life. But despite his efforts, he is overtaken by his old demons...

Rémy and Mélanie live next door to each other in Paris but have never met. The two thirty-year-old Parisians search for connections online, but never have much success. Falling deeper into loneliness and depression, both decide to start attending regular therapy. With the help of their therapists, they uncover the real roots of their issues, and find that the connection they were both searching for is much closer than they thought.

Young, wild poet Arthur Rimbaud and his mentor Paul Verlaine engage in a fierce, forbidden romance while feeling the effects of a hellish artistic lifestyle.

Herečka Robin Wright hrá samú seba: filmovú hviezdu za zenitom. S pribúdajúcimi vráskami ubúda filmových postáv. Na stole má možno poslednú veľkú ponuku: filmové štúdio chce naskenovať jej telo, pohyby i emócie, a kúpiť si virtuálnu herečku, ktorá nezostarne. Strach z konca kariéry, prísľub večnej mladosti a štedrá finančná kompenzácia nakoniec Robin presvedčia, aby ponuku prijala. Po dvadsiatich rokoch sa vydáva na rokovanie o predĺžení zmluvy na futurologický kongres. Ocitá sa v transformovanom fantazijnom svete, v animovanej zóne, kde môže byť každý tým, kým chce.

Astronautka Sarah sa pripravuje na ročný pobyt na obežnej dráhe. Ako jediná žena vo vesmírnej misii „Proxima“ podstupuje psychicky a fyzicky náročný tréning a zároveň sa stará o svoju milovanú sedemročnú dcérku Stellu. Perfekcionistka Sarah sa snaží podávať v práci stopercentný a sústredený výkon, s blížiacim sa odlúčením je to však čím ďalej tým náročnejšie. Strhujúci príbeh matky a dcéry má napriek netradičnému prostrediu univerzálnu tému: hľadanie rovnováhy medzi osobnými snami a rodičovskou láskou.

Determined to even the scales and profit from his thankless job, a factory worker schemes to traffic luxury perfumes from under his employer's nose.

A wedding invite from an estranged sibiling inspires a grandmother to assemble her family and embark on a roadtrip in a broken down caravan.

In the midst of a new scheme to publicly report surgeons’ performance, a gifted surgeon’s life is thrown into disarray as her colleagues begin to close ranks, and even her partner, a nurse at the hospital, turns her back on her.

Pierre Perdrix has been enjoying an enchanted though restless existence since the enigmatic Juliette Webb burst into his life. a stranger who landed in his family's unique world like a meteorite, and who by her presence alone will force this tight-knit microcosm to redefie their boundaries and finally begin to fully live their lives.

Sibyl, a jaded psychotherapist, returns to her first passion: writing. But her newest patient Margot, a troubled up-and-coming actress, proves to be a source of inspiration that is far too tempting. Fascinated almost to the point of obsession, Sibyl becomes more and more involved in Margot’s tumultuous life, reviving volatile memories that bring her face to face with her past.

Marion and Ben, thirty years old, meet on Tinder. That's about all they have in common; but the opposites attract each other, and they decide in the early morning of their meeting to go on vacation together despite the advice of their entourage. They will finally leave - to Bulgaria, halfway to their dream destinations: Beirut for Marion, Biarritz for Ben. Without a precise plan and, as they will soon discover, with very different conceptions of what a dream holiday should be.

Commissioner Beffrois waits for retirement with mixed enthusiasm when a theft of paintings catches his attention.