U ovom nijemom filmu iz zvučne ere, skitnica se zaljubi u prekrasnu slijepu prodavačicu cvijeća.

As the Russian invasion begins, a team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting the war's atrocities.

Rascal. Joker. Dreamer. Genius... You've never met a college student quite like "Rancho." From the moment he arrives at India's most prestigious university, Rancho's outlandish schemes turn the campus upside down—along with the lives of his two newfound best friends. Together, they make life miserable for "Virus," the school’s uptight and heartless dean. But when Rancho catches the eye of the dean's daughter, Virus sets his sights on flunking out the "3 idiots" once and for all.

Rupert Pupkin poremećeni je komičar spreman na sve kako bi se proslavio. Udruživši se s jednako neuravnoteženom ženom, Pupkin otima svog idola, voditelja talk showa Jerryja Langforda. Otkupnina? Pupkinovo gostovanje u Langfordovoj emisiji.

Alexander, a journalist, philosopher and retired actor, celebrates a birthday with friends and family when it is announced that nuclear war has begun.

African-American Philadelphia police detective Virgil Tibbs is arrested on suspicion of murder by Bill Gillespie, the racist police chief of tiny Sparta, Mississippi. After Tibbs proves not only his own innocence but that of another man, he joins forces with Gillespie to track down the real killer. Their investigation takes them through every social level of the town, with Tibbs making enemies as well as unlikely friends as he hunts for the truth.

Three tales of very different women using their sexuality as a means to getting what they want.

Desperate to escape his mind-numbing routine, uptown Manhattan office worker Paul Hackett ventures downtown for a hookup with a mystery woman.

U posljednjem dijelu trilogije „Kum“ postariji don Michael Corleone pokušava ozakoniti mafijaško poslovanje svoje obitelji te se odstraniti iz nasilnog podzemlja, međutim u tome ga priječe ambicije mladih. Dok pokušava povezati financije Corleoneovih s Vatikanom, Michael se mora nositi sa spletkama jednoga gladnijega gangstera koji želi poremetiti postojeći mafijaški poredak te s ljubavnom vezom svog mladog štićenika i svoje kćeri.

Iris is a shy and dowdy young woman stuck in a dead-end job at a match factory, who dreams of finding love at the local dancehall. Finding herself pregnant after a one-night stand and abandoned by the father, Iris finally decides the time has come to get even and she begins to plot her revenge.

Erika Kohut, a sexually repressed piano teacher living with her domineering mother, meets a young man who starts romantically pursuing her.

In the early days of Nazi Germany, a powerful noble family must adjust to life under the new dictatorship regime.

Set during the early part of his reign, Ivan faces betrayal from the aristocracy and even his closest friends as he seeks to unite the Russian people. Sergei Eisenstein's final film, this is the first part of a three-part biopic of Tsar Ivan IV of Russia, which was never completed due to the producer's dissatisfaction with Eisenstein's attempts to use forbidden experimental filming techniques and excessive cost overruns. The second part was completed but not released for a decade after Eisenstein's death and a change of heart in the USSR government toward his work; the third part was only in its earliest stage of filming when shooting was stopped altogether.

Writer Harry Block draws inspiration from people he knows, and from events that happened to him, sometimes causing these people to become alienated from him as a result.

Tom Destry, son of a legendary frontier peacekeeper, doesn’t believe in gunplay. Thus he becomes the object of widespread ridicule when he rides into the wide-open town of Bottleneck, the personal fiefdom of the crooked Kent.

An aggressive police officer tries to solve the mystery behind consecutive murders. While doing so, he must fight against his inner demons.

Curmudgeonly old Frank lives by himself. His routine involves daily visits to his local library, where he has a twinkle in his eye for the librarian. His grown children are concerned about their father’s well-being and buy him a caretaker robot. Initially resistant to the idea, Frank soon appreciates the benefits of robotic support – like nutritious meals and a clean house – and eventually begins to treat his robot like a true companion. With his robot’s assistance, Frank’s passion for his old, unlawful profession is reignited, for better or worse.

Dok šutljivi i odlučni inspektor Harry Callahan (C. Eastwood) na uobičajeno grub način i uz nezadovoljstvo nadređenih provodi pravdu i San Francisco čisti od kriminalaca, na gradskoj periferiji teroristička organizacija Narodna revolucionarna vojska kreće u akciju. Predvođena psihotičnim i okrutnim vijetnamskim veteranom Bobbyjem Maxwellom (D. Bookwalter), skupina nemilosrdnih mladića i djevojaka otme kamionet gradske plinare, pritom hladnokrvno ubije njegova vozača i suvozača. Kad Maxwell sa svojim ljudima, među kojima su i neobuzdane djevojke Wanda (S. Doane) i Miki (J. Jones), uskoro krene u krađu raketnog bacača iz jednog vojnog postrojenja, u pokušaju da ih zaustavi smrtno je ranjen Harryjev partner i prijatelj Frank DiGiorgio (J. Mitchum). U međuvremenu, želeći povećati zastupljenost žena u redovima policije, Harryjevi šefovi kapetan McKay (B. Dillman) i poručnik Al Bressler (H. Guardino) čin inspektorice dodijele mladoj, bistroj i energičnoj Kate Moore (T. Daly).

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

A clique of school girls devise a secret plan that they code-name "Lick the Star".