A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Stephen Spielberg's "Catch Me If You Can."
Prancūzų karo vadas liepia atakuoti priešo apkasus. Tikslo pasiekti neįmanoma, nors generolai pasirengę paaukoti savo žmonių gyvybes. Per ataką vieni pabėga iš mūšio lauko, kiti žūva. Mūšio lauką kartu su savo kariais palieka ir pavargęs nuo beprasmiškų įsakymų pulkininkas Draskas. Kad tokie dalykai nepasikartotų, generolai suima penkis pirmus pasitaikiusius karius. Jie kaltinami pabėgę iš mūšio lauko. Kariai stoja prieš tribunolą ir jiems gresia mirtis.
On July 9th GCW presents Fight Club Houston straight from Premier Arena in Houston, Texas. The lineup is almost completed, check it below: AJ Gray vs Bryan Keith Nick Gage vs Sadika Joey Janela vs Dante Ninja Mack vs Jack Cartwheel Effy vs Gino Jimmy Lloyd vs Carter Lucha Scramble .... more to be added soon!
In 1910s Paris, a sewer worker disillusioned with Christianity feels his prayers have been answered when he chances upon a street waif and they fall in love.
CŽV vadovybė yra sunerimusi dėl pasaulį apskriejusių žinių, kad Džeisonas Bornas nužudė buvusį Kinijos premjerą. Visiems yra žinomas, kad "Džeisonas Bornas" realybėje neegzistojantis žmogus. Tai yra tik CŽV specialaus agento Deivydo Vebo slapyvardis. Tai reiškia, kad kažkoks nežinomas nusikaltėlis pasinaudojo Borno tapatybė ir sukėlė diplomatinį skandalą tarp JAV bei Kinijos. Visą šį galvosūkį teks išspręsti tikrajam Džeisonui Bornui, t.y. Deivydui Vebui...
Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.
The Leningrad Cowboys, a group of Siberian musicians, and their manager, travel to America seeking fame and fortune. As they cross the country, trying to get to a wedding in Mexico, they are followed by the village idiot, who wishes to join the band.
Rokis Balboa tapo restorano savininku, gedinčiu savo mirusios žmonos Adrianos. Jis įveiks liūdesį sugrįžęs į bokso ringą. Kai apie Rokio sumanymą grįžti išgirs sunkiasvoris čempionas Meisonas Diksonas, Rokis gaus pasiūlymą susikauti ypatingoje dvikovoje.
January 1999: Apprentice mage Azaka Kokutou, Mikiya's younger sister, has been ordered by her mentor, Touko Aozaki, to investigate a certain incident in which fairies steal the memories of students at Azaka's school, Reien Academy. Azaka launches an investigation with the help of Shiki.
Astronauts Glenn and Fuji investigate Planet X and encounter mysterious aliens known as the Xiliens, who ask Earth's people to help save their world from "Monster Zero". In exchange for borrowing Godzilla and Rodan, the Xiliens offer a cure for cancer. As Glenn investigates, he develops a romance with Miss Namikawa and uncovers the Xilien's true intentions.
Kalenai sugrįžta ir Belos gyvenimas stoja į vėžes: ji ir Edvardas vėl kartu. Didžiausi priešai įveikti ir jų meilei atrodo jau niekas nesutrukdys. Tačiau Belos gyvenimą ima temdyti kiti nemalonumai. Dabar, kai Edvardas sugrįžo, ji priversta rinktis: meilė jam ar draugystės su Džeikobu.Sena vampyrų ir vilkolakių nesantaika, laikinai prigesinta netvirtomis paliaubomis, netrukus gali vėl įsiliepsnoti. Bela suvokia, kad nuo jos pasirinkimo priklauso dviejų klanų - vampyrų ir vilkolakių - likimas. Bela nepasiruošusi tokiam sprendimui. Jai brangūs abu - tiek Edvardas, tiek Džeikobas. Mergina stengiasi sutaikyti juos ir išvengti skausmingo ir nieko gero nežadančio pasirinkimo. Tačiau nei Edvardas, nei Džeikobas nesuvokia, kaip jų nesantaika skaudina Belą.
Thomas, a specialist at breaking and entering, gets out of jail after nine months and finds another man in bed with his girl. In the next 24 hours, he seduces one woman, steals her bracelet, and gives it to another in exchange for felatio. Soon after, he sets eyes on Léa; at first she's just another challenge. She dismisses him, but he's persistent. Finally she decides to love him, but warns him that she's hard to get but harder to get rid of. When he does decide to leave her, she is devastated, but so, it appears, is he, and back he comes. Now all seems wonderful, but his past, in the form of the woman whose bracelet he stole, comes back to haunt him. How will Léa handle it?
There are moments in our lives when our whole being is put to the test. Our ideals, our ambitions, are forgotten and we crave for escape. Escape into our world of dreams. And such is Anuradha's (Leela Naidu) story. The daughter of a rich man, she has everything she desired, yet she goes on to marry Dr. Nirmal Chowdhary (Balraj Sahni), an idealistic doctor, who wants to serve the poor in the villages of India. Later when she is shown what she is missing by living with this poor doctor, she has to make the choice. The choice of her life or her love.
Hayflower starts her summer holiday on a badminton camp which is ruined by Cynthia, a runaway chicken. Quiltshoe makes a new friend, Anita, who, to everyone's surprise, turns out to be a chicken. Under the leadership of constables Bellybutton and Goggleclock, a big chicken hunt is launched.
Laikai pasikeitė, šlovingos kovos jau beveik užmirštos, gyvenimas ramus, nes Rokis pasitraukia iš didžiojo sporto. Bet geriausias šeimos draugas Polis iššvaisto visą Balboa šeimos turtą. Dabar belieka arba užmiršti buvusį gyvenimą ir pradėti viską iš naujo, arba kautis. Rokis tampa treneriu ir, vis labiau besižavėdamas savo auklėtinio Tomio sėkme ringe, atitrūksta nuo šeimos ir sūnaus, kurį šiame filme suvaidino tikras Silvestro Stalonės sūnus Seidžas Stalonė.
This thriller investigates the mysterious assassination of a gay pastor in rural South Africa. Without witnesses or explanations, the crime appears to the police and others as a jigsaw puzzle without enough pieces. The police then suspect and arrest people based on the usual prejudices, black and coloured people who plant marijuana in this case. Meanwhile, the true assassin not only goes his way unpunished from the very beginning, but becomes one of the rural town's most respected citizens. The sheriff at one point does begin having certain suspicions, and from there on the bulk of the plot is played out. The location is a very arid part of South Africa, so with so much desert rock, there are bound to be quarries. Some may reveal important secrets.
Funny banter about love, sex, social status, and other ideals, while a new railway employee is trained and sent on his first run as driver.
A mill-owner's ambitious daughter almost ruins her husband's political career.
A French novelist passes off an African shepherdess as a princess.
When a covert raid in Normandy goes wrong, a small team of British commandos are cut off from their comrades. Holed up in a barn and surrounded by Wehrmacht forces, their chances of survival appear bleak, until an unexpected discovery provides an opportunity to escape.