The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

Human traffickers wipe out a young girl's family and village. She then seeks revenge on those responsible, eventually becoming first the hunted then turning into the hunters with the mercenary hired to eliminate her.

A small time thief from Belfast, Gerry Conlon, is falsely implicated in the IRA bombing of a pub that kills several people while he is in London. He and his four friends are coerced by British police into confessing their guilt. Gerry's father and other relatives in London are also implicated in the crime. He spends fifteen years in prison with his father trying to prove his innocence.

Executive transvestite Eddie Izzard takes her show to San Francisco to give a brief history of pagan and Christian religions, the building of Stonehenge, the birth of the Church of England and of Western empires, and the need for a European dream.

Legendary comic Carlin comes back to the Beacon theater to angrily rant about airport security, germs, cigars, angels, children and parents, men, names, religion, god, advertising, Bill Jeff and minorities.

Lyla and Louis, a singer and a musician, fall in love, but are soon compelled to separate. Lyla is forced to give up her newborn but unknown to her, he grows up to become a musical genius.

Sad, kad je slava došla i prošla, i Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), nekadašnji Talijanski Pastuh, svoje večeri provodi pričajući stare priče gostima svoje restorana Adrian's, nazvanog po njegovoj pokojnoj ženi koju u tišini oplakuje. Njegov sin (Milo Ventimiglia) ne želi provoditi vrijeme s njim; zauzet je vlastitim životom. Vrijeme i udarci ponizili su Rockyja, deformirali mu šake, pogrbili ramena i oduzeli mu sve osim priča, no u srcu je još onaj stari. U srcu je još borac. Mason “The Line” Dixon okrunjeni je prvak u teškoj kategoriji poznat jedino po lakoći kojom je došao do titule. Kako se nikad nije dokazao, nikad suočio s dostojnim protivnikom, obožavatelji ga smatraju tehničarem bez srca, bez prave budućnosti u tom sportu... Sve dok ga računalna simulacija ne dovede u ring s Rockyjem Balboom u najboljim danima.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

A chronicle of Nelson Mandela's life journey from his childhood in a rural village through to his inauguration as the first democratically elected president of South Africa.

Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) pomalo je nespretan medicinska sestra koja je nakon najave zaruka za Pam (Teri Polo) morala provesti nekoliko dana s roditeljima kako bi ih upoznala. Njihov početni sastanak neće imati puno sreće, posebno zbog sumnji koje Greg podiže u strogom ocu djevojke (Robert de Niro), zaštitničkom ocu koji je radio za CIA, iako je sada u mirovini, i to vrlo teško impresionirati. Jim od početka potpuno odbija Grega, ali što ga bolje upoznaje, njegovo odbijanje postaje apsolutni prezir, i on postaje najgora noćna mora ovog čovjeka da, unatoč tome što voli svoju djevojku i želi napraviti dobar prvi dojam, on tone sve dublje i dublje u blato vlastite nesposobnosti i morat će se žestoko boriti da promijeni grozno mišljenje koje njegova djevojka ima o njemu.

Američka vlada, koju su sada reorganizirali Novi osnivači Amerike, odobrila je godišnje 12-satno Pročišćenje kako bi se pobrinula da razina zločina ostane ispod jedan posto ostatak godine. Dok policija i bolnice uskraćuju pomoć, to je noć kada se građanstvo regulira samo bez primisli na kaznu ili straha od odmazde. To je vrijeme kada na ulicama vlada anarhija. Nova priča prati neočekivanu skupinu od pet građana koji, tijekom te noći, otkriju točno dokle su spremni ići da zaštite sebe i, na kraju, jedni druge dok se bore da prežive noć punu nemogućih odluka.

James Bond prati svoga zakletog neprijatelja, Ernsta Blofelda, do povlačenja na planinu gdje trenira vojsku lijepih, smrtonosnih žena. Usput, Bond pada na talijansku contessu Tracy Draco i oženi se njome kako bi se približio Blofeldu.

Bivši elitni agent Luke Wright ( Jason Statham) je u dvostrukoj misiji: mora spasiti kinesku djevojčicu koja zna kombinaciju sefa, a zatim iskoristiti tu kombinaciju i nadmudriti protivnike: rusku mafiju, korumpirane političare i Trijade...

Having escaped years of imprisonment, vampire warrioress Selene finds herself in a changed world where humans have discovered the existence of both Vampire and Lycan clans and are conducting an all-out war to eradicate both immortal species. Now Selene must battle the humans and a frightening new breed of super Lycans to ensure the death dealers' survival.

A black cloud travels across country, kills animals and plants and dries up the rivers. When the cloud reaches Fantaghiro's kingdom she meets Prince Parsel who follows the cloud to get his stolen castle back. After her castle vanishes, too, Fantaghiro joins Parsel on his journey to find her home, her people, her family and her love.

Biografska drama koja prikazuje život jedne od najmoćnijih, i najkontraverznjih osoba u 20. stoljeću – J. Edgara Hoovera, prvog šefa FBI-a. Hoover je gotovo pola stoljeća bio lice provođenja zakona u SAD-u te je bio osoba koje su se bojali i kojoj su se divili. Međutim, vodio je kontraverzni privatni život koji mu je naposljetku uništio imidž i karijeru obilježenu skandalima, a mnoge je državne tajne ponio sa sobom u grob.

The mafia's Paul Vitti is back in prison and will need some serious counseling when he gets out. Naturally, he returns to his analyst Dr. Ben Sobel for help and finds that Sobel needs some serious help himself as he has inherited the family practice, as well as an excess stock of stress.

A modern day adaptation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, set against the backdrop of gang violence in Chicago.

Francesco, a young man who wants to be a comedian, insults his girlfriend to make his public laugh; she will break up with and so he will think of a crazy plan to win her back.

An orphaned boy is granted superpowers after praying to the god Hanuman.