Team Sea Stars vs. A Mystery Team Amazing Maria vs. Londyn Ali Jinx vs. Scarlet Madi Maxx vs. Ingrid Isley Maria Manic vs. Mandy Leon Queens of Combat and Girl Fight Dual Crown Title Match Su Yung vs. Mickie Knuckles.

Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

Drama descends upon two tennis-obsessed women as the tension moves from off the court and into the café.

The best women's wrestling competition of all time...and if you think it's fake you're in for a big surprise See LEGENDARY Mixed Martial Arts fighters coach their teams to victory in the cage! aka Chuck Lidell's Girl's Fight Club

Athéna est informée que des troubles auraient éclaté dans le pays nordique d’Asgard. Hyôga est envoyé sur place à la recherche d’informations, mais il ne donne plus aucun signe de vie. Athéna décide de se rendre sur place, accompagnée de Seiya, Shiryû et Shun. Mais un piège les attend...

Les jumeaux Phoebe et Max profitent de leur vie de super-héros dans une toute nouvelle ville. Mais lorsqu'un « sauvetage » tourne mal, la famille Thunderman est renvoyée à Hiddenville. Alors que Hank et Barb profitent de leur retour, que Chloé se crée de nouveaux amis et que Billy et Nora commencent une vie normale au lycée, Max et Phoebe sont déterminés à retrouver leur statut de super-héros.

A young man talks to his psychiatrist about strange visions he has been having in his dreams.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

Chirurgien cardiaque réputé, Zaid n'a pas supporté la mort de son frère cadet, Yasin, qui a succombé à ses blessures après un hold-up. Yasin lui avait demandé son aide une fois de trop, et Zaid avait refusé d'intervenir. Bourré de remords, le médecin a voulu venger son frère et s'est laissé entraîner dans un univers violent. Désormais incarcéré depuis sept ans, Zaid accepte de se mettre au service de la police en échange de sa libération. Il va devoir infiltrer un gang ultraviolent pour espérer sortir un jour de prison. En parallèle, il tente de renouer avec son fils dont il a été séparé...

L'agent du S.H.I.E.L.D. Phil Coulson rejoint l'agent Sitwell afin de discuter de la décision de faire d'Emil Blonsky/L'Abomination un membre du projet "Avengers" et des moyens de l'empêcher…

The main character of the film is an outstanding physicist who was invited to Armenia from Russia to head a lab. He comes across many troubles in his homeland, but nevertheless finds his true love there.

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

One day during summer vacation, a palm-sized alien named Papi appears from a small rocket that Nobita picks up. He is the president of Pirika, a small planet in outer space, and has come to Earth to escape the rebels. Doraemon and his friends are puzzled by Papi’s small size, but as they play together using the secret tool “Small Light”, they gradually become friends. However, a whale-shaped space battleship comes to earth and attacks Doraemon, Nobita and the others in order to capture Papi. Feeling responsible for getting everyone involved, Papi tries to stand up to the rebels. Doraemon and his friends leave for the planet Pirika to protect their dear friend and his home.