Based on an article by journalist Rose-Aimée Automne T. Morin who questions our attitude on public transport in 2022, the film is an adaptation, in the form of a short film, of this social experiment. HI ! allows you to get inside the journalist's head. Is it normal to live so individualistically in this type of public transport? What if we gave ourselves the chance to reconnect with the humans around us...

A spooky and campy descent into atmospheric madness. This take on an old classic story may or may not answer that age old question: What’s lurking in the shadows? What’s watching you from the darkness?

February, 1978. Roberto and Aurelia are Cuban exiles living in New York City with their 17-year-old daughter. For ten years Roberto's been the super of an apartment building, firing up the boiler, repairing windows, and moving bags of garbage. He's homesick for Cuba, stuck in repetitive conversations about the Bay of Pigs, Castro, and life back home. After receiving some tragic news, Robert makes up his mind to quit the city and move to Miami.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

Like all the women of Europe, Eva gives her menstrual blood to keep peace in place between humans and vampires. But this injustice must end...

A documentary about the struggles of Colombian peasants in the province of Chocó who are caught in the middle of an armed conflict between the military, guerrillas and other paramilitary groups.

A documentary showing the constructive approach taken by the Lou Costello, Jr. Youth Foundation in Los Angeles toward prevention of juvenile delinquency. William Bendix, as a neighborhood policeman, visits the Foundation and discovers the juveniles who used to give him trouble now engaged in sports and activities, furnished them gratis, under self-supervision. Abbott and Costello furnish a couple of bits to liven it up some.

Inspired by a real-life history comes the feat of a small group, led by their manager, Cesar Faz, that achieved what no other Mexican team in Little League World Series had achieved before. This film recreates the miracle of the small Monterrey sports baseball team, champions of 1957, which were no longer unknown, facing adversity, the climate, the socio-economic differnces and internationally renowned rivals to finish conquering the unimaginable: the White House. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2007.

The tarragon regiment moving to the small town charms the women of the locality. Only trade counsellor Ottilia Mähönen considers them brutal barbarians and is horrified when her daughter Irja gives her room to cavalry master Osmo Kyrö who needs accommodation.

This time the Durango Kid confronts an expert gambler.

Пляжам Сан-Паулу угрожает страшная опасность – гигантская треска-мутант, приплывшая к берегам Бразилии из африканских вод. Ее челюсти способны обглодать человека до чистого скелета за несколько секунд. Чтобы избавиться от чудовища, власти обращаются к знаменитому рыбаку, на счету которого множество трофеев: от огромных марлинов до акул-людоедов.