When the gang goes on safari, they encounter a variety of freaky, glowing demon animals.

Profesor Emerson izve resnico o Juliji, a spoznanje pride prepozno. Julia je na koncu čakala, da se je spomni in od njega ne želi ničesar več. Ali lahko Gabriel ponovno pridobi njeno srce, preden ona najde ljubezen v naročju nekoga drugega?

Nekdo temen se vrne iz Julijine preteklosti s slabimi nameni. Gabriel ima svoje skrivnosti, ki jih mora deliti, a skrbi ga, da bo v tem primeru izgubil vse. Bo njun odnos prestal ta preizkus skrivnosti?

While under the care of the Outer Sailor Guardians, Hotaru begins to age rapidly. Then, the time comes for all the Sailor Guardians to reunite!

The Rock and John Cena collide in the most anticipated WrestleMania face-off in history, an epic match that will forever define the legacies of these icons. The Deadman stakes his entire legacy on one battle with Triple H inside the nightmarish prison they immortalized, Hell In A Cell, with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. WWE Champion CM Punk faces off against Chris Jericho in the explosive clash of revolutionaries that will determine which man truly is “The Best In The World.” Daniel Bryan defends his title against a riled-up and ruthless Sheamus, who will have to fight through The Submission Specialist’s tactics to claim his first World Heavyweight Championship. Team Teddy takes on Team Johnny to determine which man will win total control of Raw and SmackDown. This was the twenty-eighth annual WrestleMania. It took place on April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. It is the highest grossing PPV event in professional wrestling history.

Love is blooming at Sakuragaoka High School. Natsuki Enomoto has finally mustered the courage to confess to her childhood friend, Yuu Setoguchi. However, in the final moments of her confession, an embarrassed Natsuki passes it off as a "practice confession." Oblivious to her true feelings and struggling with his own, Yuu promises to support Natsuki in her quest for love. While Natsuki deals with her failed confession, fellow classmate Koyuki Ayase struggles with his own feelings for Natsuki. Despite his timidness, he is determined to win over her heart. This movie follows Natsuki as she dreams of one day ending her practices and genuinely confessing to Yuu. Meanwhile, close friends also find themselves entangled in their own webs of unrequited love and unspoken affections.

In August 1950, waiting for UN troops to arrive, the South Korean army assembled to protect Nakdong River. Only 71 student-soldiers are left behind to guard the city of Pohang. Now they are on a mission to defend the country from North Korean troops.

Po burnem začetku zveze in šokantnim odkritjem, morata Tessa in Hardin najti način, kako nadaljevati s svojo ljubezensko zgodbo. Ali lahko preživi ljubezen, ki ne pozna meja? Tessa počasi začne spoznavati, da lahko vse izgubi. Hardin pa ugotavlja, da nima kaj izgubiti – razen nje. Ali se je zares pripravljen spremeniti zaradi ljubezni? Koliko je ona pripravljena oprostiti in še bolj pomembno, ali ji je slika prihodnosti s Hardinom všeč?

Pilot Brodie Torrance junaško reši potnike na letalu pred udarom strele tako, da zasilno pristane na otoku, na katerem vlada vojno stanje. A kmalu ugotovi, da je bilo preživetje zasilnega pristanka le začetek. Ko večino potnikov ugrabijo nevarni uporniki, je edina oseba, na katero se Torrance lahko zanese, obtoženi morilec Louis Gaspare. Da bi rešil potnike bo Torrance potreboval Gasparejevo pomoč, kmalu pa bo tudi izvedel, da pri obtoženem morilcu ni vse tako, kot izgleda na prvi pogled.

Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse and all his Disney pals star in an original movie about the importance of opening your heart to the true spirit of Christmas. Stubborn old Donald tries in vain to resist the joys of the season, and Mickey and Pluto learn a great lesson about the power of friendship.

New summer adventure of the Crocodiles, who set up their detective skills to find out who is behind the accidents of the factory where Ollie and Mary's parents work , which could mean the closure of the plant, the move of the family and the dissolution of the gang.

A group of rambunctious toddlers travel a trip to Paris. As they journey from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame, they learn new lessons about trust, loyalty and love.

Woody Woodpecker enters a turf war with a big city lawyer wanting to tear down his home in an effort to build a house to flip.

A group of travelers are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned jail where a notorious nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned and was suspected of murdering prisoners.

Pred sedmimi leti se je Zaid podal v vojno proti köbenhavnskemu podzemlju, da bi maščeval svojega mrtvega brata. Njegova identiteta cenjenega doktorja kardiologije in življenje družinskega človeka so le blede sanje, Zaid pa v zaporu trpi zaradi izgube sina Noaha, ki ga komaj pozna. Ko policijski agent pristopi k Zaidu in mu ponudi dogovor, da ga izpustijo v zameno za infiltracijo v köbenhavnsko podzemlje, vidi svojo priložnost, da si povrne ostanke družinskega življenja, ki ga je zapustil. A vse ima svojo ceno in Zaid spozna, da je zdaj resno ogrozil sinovo življenje. Konec koncev, ko postaneš del podzemlja, ali obstaja izhod?

A single man has worked most of his life in a supermarket. One night, he unexpectedly meets with his father, and the two are faced with the question of the reasons for their separation.

After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.

Three men with supernatural powers interfere in a tribal warfare to prevent evil Amazons destroying the inhabitants of a village.

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.

The tale of a hapless group of cabbies and a rundown cab company owned by Harold. Albert comes to town with a dream of starting his own cab company but needs to motivate Harold's employees to want to make something out of themselves. It is only when Albert is kidnapped that the cabbies must decide whether or not they are loyal to Albert and his cause.