The final part of the film adaption of the erotic romance novel Gabriel's Inferno written by an anonymous Canadian author under the pen name Sylvain Reynard.

After handing in a report on the treatment of Chinese colonial labor, Kaji is offered the post of labor chief at a large mining operation in Manchuria, which also grants him exemption from military service. He accepts, and moves to Manchuria with his newly-wed wife Michiko, but when he tries to put his ideas of more humane treatment into practice, he finds himself at odds with scheming officials, cruel foremen, and the military police.

Doctor Sanada treats gangster Matsunaga after he is wounded in a gunfight, and discovers that he is suffering from tuberculosis. Sanada tries to convince Matsunaga to stay for treatment, which would drastically change his lifestyle. They form an uneasy friendship until Matsunaga's old boss Okada returns from prison.

A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.

Two hit men walk into a diner asking for a man called "the Swede". When the killers find the Swede, he's expecting them and doesn't put up a fight. Since the Swede had a life insurance policy, an investigator, on a hunch, decides to look into the murder. As the Swede's past is laid bare, it comes to light that he was in love with a beautiful woman who may have lured him into pulling off a bank robbery overseen by another man.

A prison drama where an old mobster and a prison guard must find a way to coexist so that imprisonment can become less so, and perhaps reveal the paradox that is behind the very concept of captivity.

A Vietnam veteran, Charles Rane, returns home after years in a POW camp and is treated as a hero. When thugs invade his home to steal the silver coins he received for his service, they mangle his hand and leave him and his family for dead. Rane survives and becomes obsessed with getting revenge. Aided by his loyal friend Johnny Vohden, Rane, now wielding a hook for a hand, sets out on his mission of vengeance.

Short animation film about the fear of singing in public

Kun rikospoliisi Harry Callahan pysäyttää viinakaupan panttivankitilanteen omaan siekailemattomaan tyyliinsä, hänet palautetaan takaisin toimistotöihin. Mutta komennus ei kestä kauan. Kun terroristit ryöväävät asevaraston ja esittävät veriset lunnasvaatimuksensa, San Franciscon johtohahmot etsivät käsiinsä Callahanin - murskaajan. Clint Eastwood on kolmatta kertaa Callahanin roolissa, ja saa tällä kertaa uuden työparin: Tyne Dalyn esittämän Kate Moore -nimisen väkivaltayksikön poliisin. Naisella on kaksi tehtävää: jäljittää terroristit ja voittaa Harryn luottamus puolelleen. Ronskilla huumorilla, ankaralla toiminnalla ja vahvalla Eastwoodin ja Dalyn muodostamalla tehokaksikolla ryyditetty jännittävä tarina viiltää uuden voittoviillon Harryn .44 Magnumin kahvaan.

In underworld terms, Chas Devlin is a 'performer,' a gangster with a talent for violence and intimidation. Turner is a reclusive rock superstar. When Chas and Turner meet, their worlds collide—and the impact is both exotic and explosive.

Rescued from the guillotine by his devoted dwarf Fritz, the Baron relocates to Carlsbruck, where he continues his gruesome experiments.

Pikkukaupungin palopäällikkö C.D. Bales rakastaa palavasti kaupunkiin muuttanutta kaunista Roxannea. Lemmen liekki uhkaa hiipua jo ennen kuin se kunnolla roihahtaakaan, sillä C.D:llä on yksi arka paikka - luonnottoman pitkä nenä - tai oikeastaan kaksi, sillä hän on myös äärettömän ujo. Kun Roxanne ihastuu nuoreen palomieheen, aina avulias C.D. päättää auttaa miestä mäessä rusaamalla rakkausrunoja tämän puolesta - rakkaalle Roxannelleen...

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

28-vuotias lääkäriopiskelija Malina herää sekavana auton takakontista ja tajuaa kauhukseen, että häneltä puuttuu muistikuvat tapahtuneesta sekä jotain muutakin. Puhelin on ainoa yhteys ulkopuoliseen maailmaan, kun tämä älykäs nuori nainen käy epätoivoista eloonjäämistaistelua auton kiitäessä kohti kauheaa salaisuutta.

A distraught mother suspects her teenage son is a psychopath who may shoot up his high school, but when he outsmarts the mental healthcare system she is forced to take matters into her own hands.

Out-of-control teens across America were sent to a therapy camp in the harsh Utah desert. The conditions were brutal, but the staff were even worse.

Black Lake is now a crocodile sanctuary, surrounded by an electric fence. When the fence is left open, a high-school bus unknowingly enters the park. It's up to Reba and the Sheriff to save the kids from becoming crocodile food.

Chappy Sinclair is called to gather together a mixed Soviet/U.S. strike force that will perform a surgical strike on a massively defended nuclear missile site in the Middle East. Chappy finds that getting the Soviet and U.S. Pilots to cooperate is only the most minor of his problems as he discovers someone in the Pentagon is actively sabotaging his mission.

Valerio is a lonely young boy who can't get on with the others of the same age. He just observes without been seen and tries to compare himself to them, especially with two tough guys from his swimming course. One day Valerio sees something that will change him forever.