In this luminous tale set in the former Yugoslavia, Perhan, an engaging young Romany with telekinetic powers, is seduced by the quick-cash world of petty crime that threatens to destroy him and those he loves.

Seth Green and Matthew Senreich serve up hilarious Walking Dead-inspired satire in this special featuring the zany stop-motion animation of Adult Swim’s “Robot Chicken.”

Salamanca, vara lui 1936. Apreciatul scriitor Miguel de Unamuno se hotărăște să sprijine public revolta armatei, crezând că asta o să aducă ordine în haosul ce a cuprins Spania. Este imediat dat afară din funcția de decan al universității din Salamanca de către guvernul de stânga. Între timp, generalul Francisco Franco își adună trupele și inițiază o campanie de succes din sud, punând la cale, în secret, preluarea conducerii războiului. Conflictul devine sângeros, iar unii dintre prietenii și colegii lui sunt luați și încarcerați, forțându-l pe Unamuno să-și pună sub semnul întrebării sprijinul oferit și să-și regândească principiile. Când Franco își mută sediul în Salamanca și e numit comandant suprem, Unamuno îl vizitează, hotărât să ceară clemență.

Arthur is a grumpy pensioner who can't understand why his wife Marion would want to embarrass herself singing silly songs with her unconventional local choir. But choir director Elizabeth sees something special in the reluctant Arthur and refuses to give up on him. As she coaxes him out of his shell, Arthur realizes that it is never too late to change.

1920. Jean Rezeau and his elder brother were living happily in their family estate in Brittany, until the death of their grandmother. The return of their mother, a worthy descendant of fairytales' witches, brings an all new atmosphere to their home.

Set in France during the struggle for Algerian independence, Messaoud's mother is terminally ill and his father, needing to work long hours in the factory, can't look after him, so decides to put him and his older brother Abdel in foster care. Sent to the countryside, Abdel has to work on a farm, but Messaoud is taken in by a childless woman, who conceals his Arab origins from her fiercely Gaullist ex-army husband. Re-named Michel/Michou, and with his hair comically dyed blond, the young boy quickly steals the hearts of both foster-parents, and eventually is instrumental in saving their troubled marriage.

In the 18th century, Louis de Bourguignon is working with the Malichot's gang, but their ways are too 'unethical' for him. He creates his own band, acting under the name of Cartouche, making audacious robberies of the rich people, and even distributing the takings with the poor. Thus, cartouche attracts the people's sympathies, Venus's love, and hate from the Police and Malichot... Cartouche can escape all the traps they set at him - except the entrapments of love. Eventually, he will be saved by a woman, at her own cost.

When recently widowed, it is difficult to get used to a new life ... This is the case for Hubert Jacquin, who spends most of his time in his huge apartment, depressed, in front of his TV. One day, after a misunderstanding, his life will change. Manuela, a young and bubbly adventurer in search of a dwelling calls his home! At first reluctant, Hubert will quickly get used to the presence of this energy storm, who even manages to convince him to allow two other people to stay. There are many surprises in store for Hubert ...

Yvon Rance, who runs a hair salon in Brittany, only wants his beloved teenaged daughter Laetita to be happy, something he believes she'll be able to achieve by completing high school and then following in her father's professional footsteps. When Laetita tells him that she has been cast in the latest movie by renowned director Stephane, he is initially unimpressed. He grudgingly relents when he learns that the money she will make for a couple months of work is twice what he makes in a year.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Stephen, an international trader, tracks down his ex-wife Patricia in some Amazonian backwater. He needs her consent to a divorce so that he can marry Charlotte. Unfortunately, he discovers a son he didn’t know he had – Mimi-Siku. The young jungle boy yearns to see Paris so Stephen reluctantly agrees to take him back home with him for a few days. How will Mimi-Siku react to life in the great metropolis?

In the 70s, there was Merckx and there were the others. Ghislain Lambert was one of the others. This is his story, a quite simple one. The story of a modest Belgian bike racer. His greatest ambition in life? To become a champion. His greatest tragedy? Not having the legs his heart deserves.

Between Alice, a hospital nurse and Aldo, a shampoo sales representative, things have turned sour of late. Alice blames her husband for lacking ambition and contemplates divorce.One day Aldo wins the ten million euro lotto prize. But, unwilling to share the bonanza, he keeps mum about it, all the more as he finds out Alice has an affair with Gérard, Aldo's former friend and ... new boss. However, Aldo, leading a double life, starts spending his money ...

Sibylle, a young Parisian with long teeth, intends to shine in her new job by buying a hardware store in the Basque Country to set up a supermarket. She imagines that she has "rolled" the old owner but the latter is under curatorship. Sibylle must therefore deal with Ramon, the nephew, to recover his money and sign as soon as possible. Otherwise, the ejection seat is assured. She will soon realize that the Basques do not intend to let themselves be made by a Parisian, however pretty she is.

Athletic twelve-year-old Maddy shares an enthusiasm for mountain climbing with her father Tom. Unfortunately, Tom suffers a spinal injury while scaling Mount Everest, and his family is unable to afford the surgery that can save him. Maddy decides to get the money for her father's operation by robbing a high-security bank. She relies on her climbing skills and help from her friends to pull it off successfully.

Lucas is an up-and-coming singer ready to do anything to be on top of the French pop scene.

It's the end of the school year. The long-awaited moment of the holidays is arrive. The little Nicolas, her parents and Grandma take the road towards the sea, and settle in for some time at the Hotel Beau-Rivage.

Six of the worlds scariest psychopaths escape from a local Asylum and proceed to unleash terror on the unsuspecting crowd of a Halloween Funhouse whose themed mazes are inspired by their various reigns of terror.

Thirty-somethings Michaël, Nabil and Sylvain head to New York to surprise their friend Samia on her birthday, secretly arranged with the help of another friend, Gabrielle. The two women had moved to NYC two years previously to try their luck. Samia shares a fabulous loft with a renowned American actress and works as her assistant. Gabrielle has a more mundane job in a small retirement home. Transposed to New York, the close bonds formed over the years between the five friends from a housing project on the outskirts of Paris take on a different aspect. The laughter and emotion is dictated by the adventures they share during their stay, from the daily lives of the women to the discovery of this cult city.