An unlikely connection sparks between two creatures: a fiercely independent stray kitten and a pit bull. Together, they experience friendship for the first time.
This fiction-documentary hybrid uses a sensational real-life event—the arrest of a young man on charges that he fraudulently impersonated the well-known filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf—as the basis for a stunning, multilayered investigation into movies, identity, artistic creation, and existence, in which the real people from the case play themselves.
Once SCP-096 is re-contained after breaching containment, fleeing the facility it was contained in and killing 63 individuals in a genocidal rage, Inspector Arlia interviews Doctor Daniels, the man responsible for the containment of SCP-096. They discuss the terrible and gruesome events that carried out during the 096-1-A incident. Doctor Daniels is given authority from the 05 Council to begin termination methods on SCP-096, in the most humane way possible.
One day in the life of Anders, a young recovering drug addict, who takes a brief leave from his treatment center to interview for a job and catch up with old friends in Oslo.
Adomas Pedersenas - neonacis, rasistas ir skinhedas. Už praeityje padarytus sunkius nusikaltimus jis atsėdėjo kalėjimuose, bet laisve gali mėgautis tik lygtinai. Jis privalo gyventi provincijoje įkurtoje bažnyčioje kartu su kitais keturiais įvairaus plauko atgailautojais. Pasirodo, kad ir Adomas gali nuveikti naudingų darbų...
A lonely typographer with a cruel speech impediment but an eloquent inner voice must face his greatest fear.
An intimate look into the life of icon Quincy Jones. A unique force in music and popular culture for 70 years, Jones has transcended racial and cultural boundaries; his story is inextricably woven into the fabric of America. Jones came to prominence in the 1950s as a jazz arranger and conductor before working on pop music and film scores. He moved easily between musical genres, producing major pop hits of the early 1960s and serving as an arranger and conductor for several collaborations in the same time period.
Mermer family, who has been managing a restaurant called “Anatolian flavors” in Haydarpasa train station for generations, consist of 8 members. Even though this family leads a quiet simple life, they will end up finding themselves in complicated situations. Moreover, this family has been keeping a secret for a long time and it just can’t come out at any cost..
In the south of Tunisia, two football fan brothers bump into a donkey lost in the middle of the desert on the border of Algeria. Strangely, the animal wears headphones over its ears.
The two best rescue workers in the region take off for their umpteenth mission. Professionalism and efficiency all around, but things don't really go as planned.
The continuing adventures of Lilo, a little Hawaiian girl, and Stitch, the galaxy's most-wanted extraterrestrial. Stitch, Pleakley, and Dr. Jumba are all part of the household now, but what Lilo and Stitch don't know is that Dr. Jumba brought his other alien "experiments" to Hawaiʻi as well.
In a locked down train station, a homicide detective conducts an interview with a tormented monkey who is suspected of murder.
Po netikėtos tėvų mirties Indijoje, paauglės Merės gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojom. Mergaitė išsiunčiama gyventi į niūriąją Angliją, pas dar niūresnį ir tikrai bjauraus charakterio dėdę Arčibaldą. Be grėsmingojo ir visuomet rimto Arčibaldo, Merės gyvenimą atokioje vietoje stovinčiame didžiuliame dvare nuolat apsunkina ir misis Medlok – pagiežinga namų tarnaitė. Neturėdama pernelyg daug veiklos, Merė dienas leidžia tyrinėdama savo naująją aplinką. Kol vieną dieną aptinka dureles į slaptą sodą, kurį kažkada su meile puoselėjo ir prižiūrėjo jos mirusi teta – pono Arčibaldo žmona. Vis daugiau laiko leisdama sode, kuriame, rodos, ir saulės žymiai daugiau nei dėdės dvare, mergaitė pamažu atranda ir didžiausią jo paslaptį: kad sodas yra stebuklingas.
On a common night like any other, a solitary woman suddenly hears a muffled but nonetheless alarming sound coming from a plain wooden family chest. Will she confront face-to-face whatever hides inside?
41-metė Mari pabunda per savo gimtadienį, nieko neprisimindama apie paskutinius penkiolika savo gyvenimo metų. Ji pasirodo esanti paauglio sūnaus motina, o jos santuoka ties žlugimo riba. Dabar per ribotą laiką jai teks suprasti, kas vyksta, ir pamėginti ištaisyti padėtį.
When Jane is rejected by life, she spirals into a chaotic, schizophrenic world where love and normality collide with humorous consequences.
Asteriksas ir Obeliksas savo kaime jau ima nuobodžiauti: stipruolis ir jo bičiulis pasiilgo nuotykių. Tačiau netrukus juodu gauna neįvykdomą užduotį – išlepintą ir jokių kovos įgūdžių neturintį jaunuolį Tiksperiksą paversti nepralenkiamu kariu. Tiksperiksui rūpi tik merginos ir šokiai, o dabar jam tenka mosuoti kumščiais. Netrukus Asteriksą pasiekia kita džiugi žinia – prie jų kranto prisišvartavo vikingų laivas, kuriuo atplaukė ne tik vikingų karalius, bet ir jo duktė, princesė Aba. Ši aplinkybė tikrai padės Tiksperiksui įveikti savo baimes ir pademonstruoti tikrą širdies narsą.
A few days before the baccalaureate, a high school student decides to settle accounts with the most cowardly teacher in the school.
Newcomer Evan joins a group of teens on a getaway in Joshua Tree. While exchanging ghost stories around the campfire, Evan reads aloud a mysterious chant from an internet site. From that moment, someone--or something--is among them.
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