Dua Lipa's kaleidoscopic rocket fuelled journey through time, space, mirrorballs, roller discos, bucket hats, belting beats, throbbing basslines and an absolute slam dunk of the best of times in global club culture throughout the decades.
A pretty young girl falls for an enigmatic, shy man who sweeps her off her feet. She becomes pregnant but is not allowed to tell him. His advisers are adamant. Back home, they have set up a wedding with the daughter of an antagonistic family and marriage will put an end to the blood feud between them.
George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)
Ayuha Samaru is a high school student. She is honest and works hard at everything, no matter what. One day, she has trouble at a gyudon restaurant due to money. A man at the restaurant, Yoshitaka Hiromitsu, helps her out. The next day, she finds that Yoshitaka Hiromitsu has come to her school as a substitute teacher for her ill homeroom teacher. Ayuha Samaru now believes that Yoshitaka Hiromitsu is her fate in love. She keeps expressing her feelings to him.
Barbės ir trijų jos seserų laukia nuostabi močiutės dovana – keturi mieli šunyčiai, o vėliau – įspūdingi nuotykiai. Mergaitės palėpėje žaidžia su naujais augintiniais ir atsitiktinai atranda seną žemėlapį, kuriame, tikima, yra nurodyta gausaus lobio vieta. Keturios seserys ir jų kalbantys šuniukai nusprendžia išnaršyti visą miestelį ir surasti paslėptus turtus. Didžiulės erdvės ir pasakiški atradimai slepiasi po gimtojo miestelio gatvėmis, tik niekas apie tai nežino. Kai seserys nusileis į požemius, supras, kad apie lobį žino ir du niekadėjai, kurie ima lipti mergaitėms ant kulnų. Ar joms pavyks seną paslaptį surasti pirmoms?
After being estranged for 15 years, flamboyant actress Becky del Paramo re-enters her daughter Rebeca's life when she comes to perform a concert. Rebeca, she finds, is now married to one of Becky's ex-lovers, Manuel. The mother and daughter begin making up for lost time, when suddenly, a murder occurs...
A young Englishman is dispatched to Sarawak to become part of the British colonial government. He encounters some unorthodox local traditions, and finds himself faced with tough decisions of the heart involving the beautiful Selima, the unwitting object of his affections.
21 August 1974. In Marseille, two Belgian tourists, Nicole and Malia, are savagely attacked and raped by three men. Their attackers claim that the women consented and are allowed to remain free. Though their friends and family advise them to forget the ordeal, Nicole and Malia instead decide to fight. Helped by their lawyer, Gisèle Halimi, they request that the attackers be judged at the assize court. On 8 May 1978, after a long battle, they finally obtain justice. A trial which made history as until then rape had been considered simply as a misdemeanor, whereas now it became a crime.
An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.
Charlie Brown, Linus, Peppermint Patty and Marcie travel to France as foreign exchange students. Also along is Snoopy and Woodstock. While everyone is excited about the opportunity to travel to a foreign country, Charlie is disturbed by a letter he receives from a mysterious girl from France who invites him as a her guest only to find that he does not seem welcomed to her Chateau.
Anė Valberg kažkada buvo tikra kvepalų industrijos pažiba. Išskirtinę uoslę ir neeilinį talentą turinti moteris kūrė didžiulės sėkmės sulaukiančius kvepalus ir pati galėjo rinktis, su kuo nori dirbti. Tačiau vieną dieną nutinka pats baisiausias dalykas parfumeriui: Anė praranda uoslę. Nors užsakymai staigiai išsenka (gandai mados industrijoje sklinda itin greitai), prisitaikyti prie naujos realybės Anei sekasi kur kas sunkiau. Pripratusi prie pagyrų ir liaupsių, savanaudiška, temperamentinga ir arogantiška moteris ir toliau elgiasi kaip diva, nekreipdama dėmesio į aplinkinių jausmus bei norus. Jai atleidus jau kelintą asmeninį vairuotoją, likimas ją suveda su Giljomu. Sudėtingą skyrybų procesą išgyvenantis vyras tiesiog privalo išlaikyti šį darbą, jei nori ir toliau matytis su savo dešimtmete dukra.
Princas Žavusis nešiojasi prakeiksmą nuo pat vaikystės – visos merginos jį įsimyli iš pirmo žvilgsnio! Beviltiškai galvas pametusios damos ir jų palikti mylimieji karalystėje kelia tikrą sumaištį. Kad prakeiksmas nevirstų baisia nelaime ir nesunaikintų visos karalystės, princas turi surasti savo tikrąją meilę iki 21-ojo gimtadienio. Vieną dieną princas Žavusis susipažįsta su žaviąja plėšike Leonora, kuri taip pat prakeikta – jos širdis bejausmė, todėl princo kerai jos neveikia. Apsimetusi vaikinu Leonora lydi princą į kupiną nuotykių kelionę pas jį užbūrusią raganą. Pašėlusi porelė turės įveikti baisius monstrus, susiremti su milžinais bei atsilaikyti prieš nieko gero nežadančius piktosios raganos burtus. Pakeliui princui ir Leonorai bus lemta sužinoti, kas yra tikra draugystė, o galbūt... ir kas yra meilė.
An American man unwittingly gets involved with werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will.
Kai jo gyvenimo meilę pagrobia teroristai ir prašo išpirkos, karo didvyris, Bredas Pakstonas lekia gelbėti jos į mirtiną operaciją, kurios metu susiduria su galingiausiomis ir slapčiausiomi pajėgomis.
On their fifth wedding anniversary, Sitio and Ana start arguing inside an elevator that keeps opening in their same floor. Emotionally and physically trapped, the two will have to work together to find a way out.
Paulette Van Der Beck and her husband have been running the housekeeping school of Bitche in Alsace for many years. Their mission is to train teenage girls to become the perfect housewives at a time when women were expected to be subservient to their husband. After the sudden death of her husband, Paulette discovers that the school is on the verge of bankruptcy and has to take her responsibilities. But while preparations are underway for the best housekeeping competition TV show, she and her lively students start questioning their beliefs as the nation-wide protests of May 1968 transform society around them. Reunited with her first love, André, and with the help of her eccentric stepsister Gilberte and strict nun Marie-Therese, Paulette joins forces with the schoolgirls to overcome their suppressed status and become liberated women.
Owen and Isabel's love story simmers with spiteful rage and unfortunately for everyone, Isabel is pregnant with Owen's child. To prove to her that he can become a stable father, Owen agrees to reconnect with his only living relatives at Isabel's request. The couple take a trip to visit his perversely devoted grandmother and his sister Pearl, who was severely burned in a fire, to finally bury the hatchet. But sometimes the ties that bind can cut off all circulation.
In her new school, 15-year-old Chloé soon becomes a close friend of charismatic free spirit Luna. She also falls in love with Luna's ex-boyfriend Félix, a bad boy with a poisonous charm who's also a porn addict.
Everyday, three sex workers cross the border from France into Belgium to practice their trade. At the end of one particularly hot summer, all three share a secret that will bind them together forever.