故事发生在偏僻的斯特普尔顿庄园,17 岁的阿尔伯特与司机安格斯被留在那里度过一个周末,除此之外,庄园里还有新来的女佣萝拉(多娜泰拉·达米亚妮 Donatella Damiani 饰)。某一天,萝拉注意到有人偷窥她的房间,于是她与阿尔伯特发生了他的第一次性体验。   当晚,萝拉的尸体被众人发现,阿尔伯特和安格斯共同埋葬了她。第二天,两人震惊的发现坟墓被挖开,并收到一封信,声称有人知道他们做了什么事。于是,阿尔伯特和安格斯开始怀疑彼此,并开始寻找谁可能目击了前一晚发生的事情的行动。然而,每次当他们接近真相时,都会遭遇新的干扰和挑战,使得他们更加困惑和不安。


如果斯坦、凯尔和卡特曼可以一起行动,他们就可以回到过去以确保新冠永远不会发生。 回到过去似乎是一个简单的答案,直到他们遇到维克多·混沌。


Val, plagued with memories of the past, becomes convinced that a demon entity has possessed her puppets "Punch and Judy." She becomes sick, and her family thinks that she is close to death and losing her mind. Celebrating Val's birthday, the family begins to disappear, and those that remain have horrifying experiences with the puppets- and they soon learn the true story of Punch and Judy.


Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.



As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an apocalyptic battle of the Gods.




这一次,Flynn Carsen的任务是探寻传说中所罗门王宝藏的所在,并揭开自己的家族之谜。他的红颜知己不再是可爱的Nicole Noone(Sonya Walger扮演),而是一个名叫Emily Davenport(Gabrielle Anwar扮演)的学者型女人,她的知识甚至超出了Flynn的想像!自去年成为"图书馆员"并成功完成第一个任务之后,为了阻止邪恶侵袭世界,Flynn Carsen又经历了许多同样惊险刺激的生死任务,其中之一就是到犹他州去寻找神秘的水晶头骨。更重要的是,他离开了母亲的家,拥有了属于自己的公寓。但是他仍然处于"顶头上司"Judson的监管之下,Judson告诉他:"为了明天更美好,你必须要学会放弃一些东西。与此同时,在Flynn的生日宴会上,父亲的朋友Jerry"叔叔"向Flynn说起了父亲当年追求母亲的浪漫史,Flynn也记起了小时候那些蠢得没边的"睡前故事",还有父亲的那枚护身符。母亲曾说这东西是从二手商店买来的。当Flynn回到家里,发现有人将他的屋子翻了个底朝天。他们不仅袭击了Flynn,还将Flynn当天通过邮件收到的卷轴抢走,那上面有一个神秘的符号。据说这个卷轴上的地图记录了所罗门王宝藏所在地的部分线索,Flynn当然不能让这群小贼找到其余的线索,更不能让他们将宝藏据为己有。Judson还告诉他,宝藏中有一本所罗门之书,翻开书的人能够控制时间和空间,所以这个秘密绝不能让人知晓。 Flynn启程前往摩洛哥,去一些罗马时代的遗迹中寻找线索。在路上,他偶遇 Emily Davenport (Anwar),一个比Flynn还多三个学位的女考古学家,她说起古代历史、圣经文字以及地理这些东西来简直口若悬河。在他们寻找地图的过程中,Flynn还发现父亲那枚本该是"便宜货"的护身符里竟然暗藏玄机!坏人不停对他们发难,但Emily仍坚决要跟随Flynn去肯尼亚寻找其余地图碎片。最终,Jerry"叔叔"又出现了……

Two young children and an adult in a small town have an encounter with an alien spaceship. 25 years later the children are reunited as adults in the same town which is now beset by strange cattle mutilations. Matters become worse when the cattle mutilations are joined by human murders and mutilations.

At the 26th century, Earths core exploded in a mysterious way, humanity was forced to evacuate earth. 65 years later, one of the last survivors spent money on operation return to earth, which has discovered earth is back in shape but in difference by look, other planets gathered around it to give earth air. 2565 is the year we will return to earth. Three pilots from the new Terran confederation space force unit has signed up for the mission to investigate earth. One of the pilots name Li Shuai, on board TCS Macau, discovers a jump point that of some sort of space tunnel that leads directly to earths core. After a brutal attack on the pilots, Li Shuai managed to escape through the tunnel and crash land on an unknown planet, with no idea where he is, at the same time a convoy of 200 passengers waiting for a signal to land on earth. But unknowingly there might be a traitor among them.


This story revolves around a famous poet who meets a woman who is in trouble. In order to treat her, he takes her to Shimla in a big hospital, but soon that woman gets possessed by devil and goes out of control. Now the question remains that what is the relation that poet shares with her which compelled him to go to any extent to save her, why she was possessed by devil and who is the devil.

The relationships of three men are examined through their use of technology.

A gay teenager is haunted by a shadowy presence while his parents are getting a divorce, he can't seem to convey his emotions to his best friend or make his family listen. His world is turned upside down when the shadow reveals to him a darker secret his family keeps to him.