Harry Potter se vrne na Bradavičarko ob začetku šestega leta na čarovniški akademiji. Sooči se z grozečo nevarnostjo, ki bo postavila na trdo preizkušnjo njegove čarovniške moči.

When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?

New York, petdeseta leta. Mlada Therese dela kot prodajalka v veleblagovnici in sanja o bolj izpolnjujoči prihodnosti. Nekega dne se pred njenim prodajnim pultom znajde elegantna Carol. Med ženskama hipoma vznikne vez, ki v naslednjih tednih preraste v nenavadno poglobljen odnos. A medtem ko je Therese komaj prestopila prag odraslosti, ima Carol že nekaj prtljage: moža, ki ga ne ljubi, in hčerko, ki je ne želi zapustiti. Čeprav je med ženskama precejšnja razlika v letih in družbenem statusu, je nemogoče prezreti, da med njima tli nekaj, kar utegne močno premešati karte njunih življenj.

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

An enigmatic actress may have a hidden agenda when she auditions for a part in a misogynistic writer's play.

Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann join forces with the revived Captain Barbossa to free Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' locker. The group must navigate dangerous waters, confront many foes and, ultimately, choose sides in a battle wherein piracy itself hangs in the balance.

An unconventional thinker helps a budding cinematographer gain a new perspective on life.

A tight-knit group of New York City street dancers, including Luke and Natalie, team up with NYU freshman Moose, and find themselves pitted against the world's best hip hop dancers in a high-stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

Novopečeni učitelj Zeki počasi pozablja na svojo neslavno tatinsko preteklost, vendar hkrati z vedno večjo priljubljenostjo med učenci spoznava tudi slabe strani redne službe, od zgodnjega vstajanja, do nenehnega popravljanja kontrolnih nalog. Še več težav mu povzroča stroga ravnateljica, ki želi izboljšati ugled šole, zato poskrbi za program mednarodne izmenjave učencev. Zekijev razred pošlje na Tajsko, kjer razposajeni mladeniči in mladenke takoj pričnejo uganjati norčije. Zabavne prigode Zekija prisilijo, da uporabi vse svoje trike in znova vzpostavi red med učenci.

When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men—led by Professor Charles Xavier—and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organised under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.

After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he's been cheating on. And when yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on the three-timing SOB.

Frank Martin je najboljši v svojem poslu. Nekdanji specialec dela kot prenašalec. Prevaža to, kar od njega zahteva naloga, naj gre za predmete ali ljudi. Ob tem nikoli ne postavlja vprašanj o ničemer. On samo dostavi, kar mu je naročeno. Frank se je iz Francije preselil v Miami, kjer prijatelju na uslugo prevaža premožno Audrey Billings in njenega sina Jacka. Frank ni pričakoval, da se bo navezal na malega Jacka, ki ga vozi v šolo in iz nje. Ko nekega dne Jacka ugrabijo, mora Frank uporabiti vse svoje veščine, da bi dečka našel in ga živega pripeljal v mamin objem. Istočasno mora ugrabiteljem preprečiti njihov načrt s smrtonosnim virusom.

The sequel of the "Men in the city" movie which reunites all the characters.

Optimus Prime in preostanek Avtobotov se vrača v nadaljevanju akcijske uspešnice Michaela Baya iz leta 2007 "Transformerji".

Pepelka kmalu ugotovi, da so življenje v palači in kraljevske dolžnosti velik izziv. V treh prisrčnih zgodbah Pepelka spet pokliče na pomoč svoje živalske prijatelje in dobro vilo. Po srečnem koncu Pepelka kmalu ugotovi, da so življenje v razkošni palači in kraljevske dolžnosti veliko večji izziv, kot si je predstavljala. V treh prisrčnih zgodbah Pepelka spet pokliče na pomoč svoje živalske prijatelje in dobro vilo. Vendar bodo potrebni vsa njena očarljivost, milina in dobrosrčnost, da bo spoznala, katera je edina pot do tega, da se ti uresničijo sanje: da si zvest samemu sebi.

Seduced into the decadent world of Lord Henry Wotton, handsome young aristocrat Dorian Gray becomes obsessed with maintaining his youthful appearance, and commissions a special portrait that will weather the winds of time while he remains forever young. When Gray's obsession spirals out of control, his desperate attempts to safeguard his secret turn his once-privileged life into a living hell.

Smrtonosni T-virus korporacije Umbrella še naprej pustoši po Zemlji in spreminja svetovno prebivalstvo v legije zombijev. Zadnje in edino upanje človeške rase, Alice, se prebudi v osrčju najbolj skrivnega obrata Umbrella in razkrije več o svoji skrivnostni preteklosti, ko se poglobi v kompleks. Alice še naprej lovi tiste, ki so odgovorni za izbruh; lov, ki jo popelje od Tokia do New Yorka, Washingtona, DC in Moskve, vrhunec pa doseže osupljivo razkritje, ki jo bo prisililo, da ponovno razmisli o vsem, kar je nekoč mislila, da je res. S pomočjo novih zaveznikov in znanih prijateljev se mora Alice boriti, da preživi dovolj dolgo, da ubeži sovražnemu svetu na robu pozabe. Odštevanje se je začelo...

Detectives Jimmy and Paul, despite nine years as partners, can still sometimes seem like polar opposites—especially when Paul's unpredictable antics get them suspended without pay. Already strapped for cash and trying to pay for his daughter's wedding, Jimmy decides to sell a rare baseball card that's worth tens of thousands. Unfortunately, when the collector's shop is robbed and the card vanishes with the crook, Paul and Jimmy end up going rogue, tracking down the card and the drug ring behind its theft, all on their own time and without any backup—except for each other.

Tells the story of Justin Bieber, the kid from Canada with the hair, the smile and the voice: It chronicles his unprecedented rise to fame, all the way from busking in the streets of Stratford, Canada to putting videos on YouTube to selling out Madison Square Garden in New York as the headline act during the My World Tour from 2010. It features Usher, Scooter Braun, Ludacris, Sean Kingston, Antonio "L.A." Reid, Boyz II Men, Miley Cyrus, Jaden Smith, Justin's family members and parts of his crew and huge fanbase in a mix of interviews and guest performances. It was released in 3D in theaters all around the world and is the highest grossing concert movie of all time, beating the previous record held by Michael Jackson's This Is It from 2009.

Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...