One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code.

The comedic modern-day quintet takes on their 2003 counterparts when villains from each of their worlds join forces to pit the two Titan teams against each other. They'll need to set aside their differences and work together to combat Trigon, Hexagon, Santa Claus (that's right, Santa!) and time itself in order to save the multiverse.

A Pixar short about a lost-and-found box and the unseen monster within.

When Lois Lane is killed, an unhinged Superman decides to take control of the Earth. Determined to stop him, Batman creates a team of freedom-fighting heroes. But when superheroes go to war, can the world survive?

As the Joker visits Metropolis with a plan to kill Superman for Lex Luthor, Batman pursues the clown to Superman's turf.

Batman works desperately to find a bomb planted by the Joker while Amanda Waller sends her newly-formed Suicide Squad to break into Arkham Asylum and recover vital information stolen by the Riddler.

It’s high time the Justice League took notice of Shazam, but joining the world’s greatest team of superheroes is a lot harder when they’ve all been turned into kids.

Batman, Batgirl, and Robin forge an alliance with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to fight against the Turtles' sworn enemy, The Shredder, who has apparently teamed up with Ra's Al Ghul and The League of Assassins.

Poe Dameron and BB-8 must face the greedy crime boss Graballa the Hutt, who has purchased Darth Vader’s castle and is renovating it into the galaxy’s first all-inclusive Sith-inspired luxury hotel.

Reverse-Flash manipulates the Speed Force to put the Flash into a time loop that forces him to relive the same day over and over again—with progressively disastrous results, including losing his powers and being fired by the Justice League. The Flash must find a way to restore time to its original path and finally apprehend his worst enemy before all is lost for the Flash…and the world!

The human race is threatened by a powerful creature, and only the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and The Flash can stop it. But can they overcome their differences to thwart this enemy using the combined strength of their newly formed Justice League?

LEGO pasaulį ištiko apokaliptinė katastrofa ir dabar jo gyventojai yra rūstūs, nekalbūs ir nuolat pasiruošę naujai kovai. Tik ne Emetas – jis ir toliau gyvena taip, lyg nieko blogo nebūtų nutikę ir viskas būtų čiki-piki. Tačiau net ir Emeto puikiai nuotaikai ir ramybei ateina galas, kuomet iš kosmoso tolybių atkeliavęs paslaptingas įsibrovėlis pagrobia jo merginą ir draugus: Betmeną, Metalbarzdį, princesę Vienakitę ir Benį. Pasitelkęs visą savo išmonę ir įgūdžius, Emetas susikonstruoja kosminį laivą ir išsirengia į tolimą kelionę – kad nugalėtų paslaptingą priešą, išgelbėtų draugus ir į savo gimtąjį miestą sugrąžintų taiką ir ramybę.

Elsa, Anna and friends search for the Northern Lights.

Aplink Šiaurės ašigalį plytinti Arktis – vienas atšiauriausių pasaulio regionų. Šilčiausią vasaros mėnesį čia temperatūra retai pakyla aukščiau dešimties laipsnių, o žiemomis gali nukristi ir iki -70. Keliaujant pėsčiomis, kito žmogaus čia gali nesutikti kelias dienas, savaites ar netgi mėnesius. Gyvenimo gamtoje patirties neturinčio žmogaus čia laukia beveik garantuota mirtis. Faktą, kad jo laukia mirtis, puikiai suvokia ir pagrindinis filmo herojus Overgardas (jį vaidina danų kino žvaigždė Mads‘as Mikkelsen‘as) – avariją patyrusio lektuvo pilotas. Išgelbėti ir į civilizaciją pargabenti turėjęs atskridęs sraigtasparnis irgi sudūžta. Pilotas žūva, o vienintelė sraigtasparnio keleivė – jauna moteris (aktorė Maria Thelma Smáradóttir) – sunkiai sužeidžiama. Ją slaugydamas, Overgardas stengiasi neprarasti vilties, nors galimybė sulaukti pagalbos yra artima nuliui.

Aquaman must battle foes in the air, on land and in the depths of the Seven Seas, along with some help from The Justice League, to save the day.

Joker teams up with Lex Luthor to destroy the world one brick at a time. It's up to Batman, Superman and the rest of the Justice League to stop them.

Luke Skywalker embarks on a mission to destroy an Imperial base, but is relentlessly chased by a group of fanatic girls who think of him as a celebrity. Meanwhile, Darth Vader engages a rivalry with Darth Maul, in order to prove that he's the best Sith Lord.

J.C. Wiatt is a talented and ambitious New York City career woman who is married to her job and working towards partner at her firm. She has a live-in relationship with Steven, a successful investment broker who, along with J.C., agreed children aren't part of the plan. J.C.'s life takes an unexpected turn when a distant relative dies and the will appoints her the caretaker of their baby girl, Elizabeth. The baby's sudden arrival causes Steven to leave, breaking off their relationship. Juggling power lunches and powdered formula, she is soon forced off the fast track by a conniving colleague and a bigoted boss. But she won't stay down for long. She'll prove to the world that a woman can have it all and on her own terms too!

Pagarsėjusį kompiuterių genijų stambios korporacijos samdo ypatingai slaptu projektų įgyvendinimui. Kontraktas truko 3 metus, o jam pasibaigus, Maiklas turėjo gauti aštuonženkli čekį. Tačiau vietoj atlygio specialistui įteikiamas keistų daiktų pilnas paketas ir pranešama, kad jis pats savanoriškai atsisakė pinigų. Netrukus Maiklą pradeda medžioti federaliniai agentai. Pakvimpa ne nauju darbo pasiūlymu, o mirtimi...

A vampire attacks a horror author on the street and then invites him to a nearby club as a gesture of gratitude, which turns out to be a meeting place for assorted creatures of the night. The vampire then regales him with three stories, each interspersed with musical performances at the club.