Passing all four seasons for a day, she is on her way back. And then, she falls into a peaceful sleep with a cozy feeling that doesn't exist anywhere.

Jurassic Fight Club, a paleontology-based miniseries that ran for 12 episodes, depicts how prehistoric beasts hunted their prey, dissecting these battles and uncovering a predatory world far more calculated and complex than originally thought. It was hosted by George Blasing, a self-taught paleontologist.

With their most formidable foe vanquished, Inuyasha and his comrades begin returning to their everyday lives. But their peace is fleeting as another adversary emerges: Kaguya, the self-proclaimed princess from the Moon of Legend, hatches a plot to plunge the world into an eternal night of the full moon. Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango and Shippou must reunite to confront the new menace.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

The U.N.G.C.C. (United Nations Godzilla Countermeasure Center) recovers the remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah and construct Mechagodzilla as a countermeasure against Godzilla. Meanwhile, a giant egg is discovered along with a new monster called Rodan. The egg is soon found to be none other than an infant Godzillasaurus.

Nugalėję žaliąsias kiaules, norėjusias pavogti paukščių kiaušinius, Raudonukas, Čakas ir Bomba mėgaujasi savo naujuoju didvyrių ir gelbėtojų statusu. Nugalėtos kiaulės gyvena netolimoje saloje ir, vadovaujamos savojo karaliaus, kurpia vis naujus keršto prieš paukščius planus. Tačiau viskas pasikeičia, kuomet iškyla netikėta grėsmė iš ne per toliausiai esančios trečiosios salos. Pasirodo, tame ledo kampelyje jau daugybę metų gyvena paslaptingas purpurinis paukštis Zeta, kuriam iki gyvo kaulo įgriso nuolat kalenti snapu iš šalčio ir jis nusprendžia pasidairyti naujų namų. Žinoma, ne draugiškai, o pasitelkęs visą savo išmonę ir naujausius karinius išradimus. Atsiradus naujam priešui, paukščiai ir kiaulės privalo bent laikinai užmiršti savitarpio nesutarimus ir susivienyti prieš bendrą grėsmę.

71 scenes revolving around multiple Viennese residents who are by chance involved with a senseless gun slaughter on Christmas Eve.

Pirmoje „Sicario“ dalyje naivios FTB agentės akimis stebėjome negailestingą, žiaurų ir jokių taisyklių nepaisantį narkotikų karą JAV-Meksikos pasienyje. Praėjus trejiems metams, Pietų Amerikos narkotikų karteliai atrado naują pajamų šaltinį: už nemenką atlygį jie padeda į JAV teritoriją patekti džihado kovotojams. Iškilus naujai grėsmei, aukščiausi JAV pareigūnai atriša rankas specialiajam savo agentui Metui Greiveriui (akt. Josh‘as Brolin‘as). Šis kreipiasi pagalbos į savo seną pažįstamą – paslaptingąjį Alechandrą (Benicio Del Toro). Pastarasis suorganizuoja vieno narkotikų kartelio vaideivos dukters pagrobimą, taip tikėdamasis sukelti kartelių tarpusavio karą. Tačiau šiam planui nepavykus, o įvykiams pasisukus labai netikėta linkme, Alechandras priverčiamas pergalvoti savo prioritetus ir vertybes.

Look out: Beryl's back. With Affairs of the Art, British animator Joanna Quinn recounts another gloriously unhinged chapter in the adventures of Beryl, the comic everywoman she unleashed upon the world with her debut film, Girls' Night Out, which took home three major awards from Annecy in 1987.

Two girls with the same name but very different personalities share an apartment in this sequel to Nana. The rising fame of Nana Osaki's band, the Black Stones, is beginning to take a toll on the best friends' relationship. Meanwhile, Nana Komatsu struggles to make sense of her love triangle with Black Stones' guitarist Nobu and rival group Trapnest's bassist Takumi.

Linksma romantinė komedija apie nevykusius pasimatymus. Gerai žinoma žurnalistė Li turi svetainę, kurioje kiekvienas gali anonimiškai parašyti apie nesėkmingą pasimatymą. Kitas tinklaraščių autorius randa save šiame sąraše ir kviečia Li į pasimatymą, norėdamas išsiaiškinti kieno vardas iš tiesų turėtų būti paminėtas nesėkmingų patirčių svetainėje.

Duct tape, electrical cables, trigger, explosives. Sebbe never planned to build a bomb. It just happened. Sebbe is 15 years old and lives with his mother in an apartment that is too narrow. He does his best. He never strikes back. Sebbe loves his mother because he knows nothing else. In the junkyard the dream is alive, and in the hands of Sebbe, dead objects come to life. Here he has the power to create. Here he is free - but alone. His isolation grows as his world shrinks, until one day he is completely isolated with no other than his mother. And when she falls, everything falls.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

Grim desperately needs one more soul to win his work competition, but his last scheduled collection at a rigorous bike race turns his world upside-down. At the finish line, he learns that life is not always about the trophy at the end of the race.

Six models -- each in a separate segment -- strip, dance nude, and occasionally make comments. Despite the title, there is very little footage of hostess Julie Strain, whose participation is limited to a brief introduction to each segment. (AllMovie)

One evening, when they come home, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux are astounded to find that a certain Patrick has moved into their place. This strange young man has returned home to his parents in order to introduce his wife.

When Emily Woodrow and her friends happen on a treasure chest full of gold coins, they fail to to heed the warnings of a wise old psychic who had foretold that they would encounter trouble with a very nasty and protective Leprechaun.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.