Ivy Morgan, a college student in New Orleans, falls for Ren Owens, the last person she expected to enter her rigidly controlled life.

Two couples meet for a painful and raw conversation in the aftermath of a violent tragedy.

A romantic drama set in 1961 that follows a young studio extra's ambitious efforts to reunite with the French girl he loves after being separated by the construction of the Berlin Wall.

Ракел е прекарала целия си живот лудо влюбена в съседа си Арес, но никога не му е казвала какво чувства към него, защото никога не са си разменили нито дума. След поредица от събития, това ще се промени коренно...

A young American woman is sent by her parents to a cultural immersion program in Taipei where she begins a new journey of self-discovery and romance.

An ad executive and a fashion designer-blogger don't believe in love, so they place a bet to make the other fall head over heels - with unusual tactics.

After a disastrous first date, wild-child Nicole and socially-anxious Max vow to lose each other’s numbers until they learn that their dogs found a love match, and now puppies are on the way! The hilariously mismatched Nicole and Max are forced to become responsible co-parents, but may end up finding love themselves.

Highly intelligent computer major Zoey Miller is uninterested in romantic love, but her life is turned upside down when Zack, the school's soccer star, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.

Филмът предлага оригинален и пикантен поглед към темите за любовта, брака и известността в модерния свят, доминиран от дигиталните комуникации и социалните мрежи, където единствена стойност имат броят последователи и харесвания, а целият ни живот е на показ.

Laura and Harrison have the picture-perfect romance built on the foundation of a shared love of music. After a deadly accident, Laura gets the chance to save the love of her life when she discovers that their mixtape can transport her back in time.

A single mother and her slacker sister find an unexpected way to turn their lives around in this off-beat dramatic comedy. In order to raise the tuition to send her young son to private school the mom starts an unusual business – a biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service.

Koни (Kpиcтeн Бeл) e oтeгчeнa и paзoчapoвaнa дoмaкиня oт пpeдгpaдиeтo, кoятo e paзтpoeнa oт фaктa, чe вcички я пpeнeбpeгвaт: cъceдитe, cъпpyгa й, a тя тpябвa дa ce гpижи зa дoмa и ceмeйcтвoтo cи. Изгyбилa yдoвoлcтвиeтo oт живoтa, тя oтчaянo тъpcи личнo yдoвлeтвopeниe и някaквa цeл. C тaзи идeя ce cъюзявa c нaй-дoбpaтa cи пpиятeлкa, в oпит дa cъздaдaт cxeмa зa зaбoгaтявaнe. Koни oткpивa кoмпaния, кoятo зaщитaвa клиeнтитe, кaтo им дaвa вayчepи зa oтcтъпкa в cлyчaй, чe ca oткpили пpoдyкт c изтeкъл cpoк нa гoднocт, нapyшeн oпaкoвки и дpyги нepeднocти. Oкaзвa ce, чe вayчepитe пpoдължaвaт дa paбoтят и тe ca peaлни пapи. Oкpили тaлaнтa cи cъc cepия oт тaлoни зa oтcтъпкa, тe мaмят гoлeми кoмпaнии c милиoни дoлapи. Ho c тaкивa пapи, ce вдигa и тaкъв шyм, кoйтo cтигa дo yшитe нa cлeдoвaтeля Keн и инcпeктop Caймън, кoитo иcкaт дa пpeceкaт пътя нa нoвoизлюпeлитe ce кpaлици нa вayчepитe.

Ettore has spent the last five years in jail for a robbery. Once out of prison, he has nowhere to go, his wife broke up with him and doesn’t want him to meet their little daughter who was born right before he was arrested. Alone and desperate, Ettore roams the streets of Rome and meets a strange old man, Nicola. He decides to take advantage of him and rob him. But after breaking into his house, Ettore realizes Nicola doesn’t have anything worth stealing and furthermore, the old man tells him a rather stranger thing: he affirms to be Santa Claus…

Vivien, an accomplished student with a passion for physics, and Roy, a troubled young man, are involved in an accident that forces them to reclaim their lives one minute at the time.

Древни митове оживяват с ужасяващи последици. Действието на Рога се развива в малко градче в Орегон и разказва за началната учителка Джулия (Кери Ръсел, Американците) и местния шериф и нейн брат Пол (Джеси Плeмънс, Круиз в джунглата), които откриват, че едно от децата в училище – Лукас (Джереми Т. Томас), крие ужасяваща тайна със смъртоносни последици за целия град.

Julio and Ana have been together for more than fifteen years. They have become a couple who no longer look at nor touch one another, and who have made daily fighting the essence of their relationship. This evening, Ana has invited their upstairs neighbors to come round, Salva and Laura, a couple younger than them, pleasant and friendly, but whose noises are now an annoyance for Julio and Ana... or perhaps a stimulus? The upstairs neighbors will make them an unusual and surprising proposal which will turn the evening into an exaggerated and cathartic experience for all four.

Имало едно време чудно хубаво момиче на име Саманта. Тя притежавала всичко, за което може да мечтае момиче на нейната възраст и живеела в прекрасна бяла къща... Белият дом. Кейти Холмс е в ролята на Саманта Маккензи - затворено момиче, мечтаещо за нормален живот далеч от влиятелните си родители. Единственият проблем е, че баща й е президентът на САЩ! Но когато отива да учи в университет, нищо не може да я спре - нито наблюдението на Тайните служби, нито медийното внимание.

Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One day, she may have found her match.

Lucy Neal is thrown for a loop when she is accused of being too inhibited by her ex-boyfriend. In an effort to prove him wrong, Lucy creates a rather wild to-do list that sends her on a whirlwind and surprising journey of self-discovery, friendship, and new love.

She graduated from a prestigious high school in Warsaw and entered medicine in London. He works as a kitesurfing instructor at the seaside, thanks to which he combines earning money and passion. They will meet in Hel. The unusual charm of the boy makes the girl exceed her limits and enter a completely unknown world of kitesurfing, music and fun. The feeling that arises between them does not please her family or his friends. Is Ania and Michal's relationship strong enough to overcome adversities and become more than just a holiday love?