At an Afghanistan refugee camp, an ex-army doctor seeks to bring children joy through cricket and soon realizes that the stakes go beyond the sport.
Priklausomybę nuo heroino besigydantis pankmetalo grupės būginininkas Rubenas pradeda skųstis prastėjančia klausa. Išgirdęs specialistų diagnozę, kad liga tik stiprės, jis ruošiasi atsisveikinti su muzika. Kad Rubenas vėl neįniktų į narkotikus, draugė atveža jį atokius blaivaus gyvenimo namus. Bendruomenė jį priima draugiškai, nekreipdama dėmesio į jokias ligas. Rubenas turi pasirinkti tarp dviejų skirtingų gyvenimų.
An assassin goes through obstacles as he attempts to escape his violent lifestyle despite the opposition of his partner, who is secretly attracted to him.
A low caste boxer, Shravan, trains at a gym controlled by a local Don, Mishra. Shravan falls for Mishra's niece, Sunaina. Mishra does not approve of this match. Shravan strives to win Sunaina's hand in marriage and become a successful boxer while trying to avoid retaliation from Mishra.
Antrojo pasaulinio karo pradžioje nepatyręs JAV karinio jūrų laivyno kapitonas turi vadovauti sąjungininkų konvojui, kurį persekioja nacių povandeniniai laivai.
Kuomet žemė susiduria su Žemės išnykimui grasinančia kometa „Agata“, žmonijai pavyksta sunaikinti kometą, tačiau to pasekoje, šaltakraujos Žemės būtybės mutuoja, priversdama žmoniją atsitraukti į slėptuves ir kovoti dėl išlikimo. Praėjus septyneriems metams, vaikinas Džoelis Dosonas ryžtasi 137 kilometrų kelionei iki savo svajonių merginos kolonijos, kurios nematė 7 metus. Tačiau ar pavyks nedrąsiam ir baugščiam vaikinui pasiekti tikslą ir susitikti su savo mergina?
Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.
In 1897, an army of 21 Sikhs battles 10,000 Afghans to prevent the Saragarhi Fort from being taken down.
In an 18th century setting, a Naga sadhu in India sets out on a journey across Bundelkhand to seek revenge for an injustice committed in the past.
„Paralelinės mamos“ pavadintą kūrinį režisierius vadina įtempto siužeto drama, kurioje kalbama apie protėvių svarbą mūsų gyvenime ir atsiminimus. Anot filmo siužeto, dviejų moterų likimai susikerta gimdymo palatoje. Dženisė (akt. Penélope Cruz) – sėkminga fotografė, Ana (akt. Milena Smit) – pasimetusi paauglė. Jos abi – vienišos, netrukus neplanuotus kūdikius gimdysiančios moterys, kurių susitikimas amžiams pakeis jųdviejų likimus...
Prem Tame is Pablo's (Soumya Mukherjee) journey from giddying puppy love to falling in love with a puppy.
At the cusp of India's birth as an Independent nation, a family makes an arduous journey to freedom at a cost. A young boy Bharat, makes a promise to his Father that he will keep his family together no matter what.
Dykas yra persidirbęs Kerno apygardos pareigūnas, kuris ima bendradarbiauti su Baksteriu, Los Andželo detektyvu, kad sučiuptų serijinį žudiką. Dykas turi uoslę smulkmenoms, bet jo noras nepaisyti taisyklių prieštarauja Baksterio principams. Tuo pačiu metu, Dykas tvarkosi su tamsia savo praeitimi.
Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.
A comic movie divided in three episodes.
Welcome Home is being touted as a psychological drama with lots of thrills. The movie follows a pregnant woman living in a house. She is visited by a few other ladies presumably some officials and ask her about her lifestyle.
Three couples who get separated from each other due to an evil ploy, reincarnate after 600 years and meet each other as history repeats itself again and their respective partners get mixed up this time.
Four strangers meet through an app to share a car ride that turns into an adventure destined to change the lives of those involved.
An upright ex-army man, Jai fights a solitary war against corruption and injustice. With a simple mantra to pay forward, he starts off by helping one person and forms an ever growing circle of people helping each other.
Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.