Scenes from holiday life at Lake Balaton in Hungary during the communism.

Two couples meet for a painful and raw conversation in the aftermath of a violent tragedy.

When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.

The story of a loving couple who struggles to keep its relationship alive against the inescapable passing of time, told in a nonlinear way over the course of ten years in their lives.

The wandering knight, Bedivere, reaches the end of his journey. It is A.D. 1273 in Jerusalem. The Holy Land has been transformed into a massive desert and its people have been forced out of their homes as three major powers wage war with each other in this wasteland. The Knights of the Round Table come together to protect the Holy City and their Lion King. With the whole of his kingdom summoned into a strange land, Ozymandias, the Sun King, quietly plots against the tyranny of this bizarre realm. The mountain people, protectors of those who were stripped of their land, await their chance at rebellion. In order to fulfill his mission, Bedivere heads for the Holy City where the Lion King rules. There he meets humanity’s final Master, Ritsuka Fujimaru, who has come to Jerusalem, accompanied by his Demi-Servant, Mash Kyrielight, in their quest to restore human history.

Emotivni Christopher Emmanuel Balestrero zvan Manny (H. Fonda) miran je i povučen obiteljski čovjek, koji za život zarađuje sviranjem u jazz-sastavu njujorškog noćnog kluba. Manny i Rose jedva financijski spajaju kraj s krajem, a u skrbi o sinovima pomaže im i Roseina majka (E. Minciotti). Toga 14. siječnja 1953. godine, na dan kada je zbog visokog računa Roseina stomatologa odlučio podići zajam u osiguravateljskom društvu, Mannyjev se život iz temelja promijenio. Čim je ušao u ured tri službenice su se počele došaptavati. Ne znajući o čemu je riječ, Manny je nakon nekoliko dužih razgovora uspio podići traženi novac i odnijeti ga Rose. Ubrzo na vrata mu je pokucalo nekoliko policajaca predvođenih detektivom Bowersom (H. J. Stone), koji su zbunjenog Mannyja priveli u 110. policijsku postaju. Ondje je konačno doznao da je osumnjičen za niz pljački u svojoj četvrti, jer prema riječima očevidaca, među kojima je i gospođica Constance Willis (L. Barrett), odgovara opisu pljačkaša.

Mladi Južnjak Ben Quick protjeran je iz mjesta u kojem je živio zbog navodne paleži sjenika, iako mu podmetanje požara nikad nije dokazano. Quick dolazi u gradić Frenchman's Bend, gdje ga Jody Varner, sin moćnog veleposjednika Willa Varnera, zaposli, samo za stan i hranu, kao pomoćnog radnika. Kad stari Varner, konzervativni južnjački patrijarh to sazna, razbjesni se jer za razliku od sina zna za Quickovi reputaciju. Ubrzo shvati da je došljak žilav i sposoban čovjek, puno solidniji od Jodyja, te ga zaposli kao poslovođu u svom gradskom dućanu. Jody, koji u braku s Eulom, ocu ne može podariti željenog unuka, postaje ljubomoran na Quicka, no tu nije kraj Varnerovim planovima s došljakom. On, naime, smatra da bi Quick bio puno bolji muž za njegovu neudanu kćer Claru, samosvjesnu učiteljicu, od njezine višegodišnje simpatije, sofisticiranog Alana Stewarta. Benu Quicku se itekako svidi ideja da se priženi u moćnu obitelj, no Clara ga odbije.

A couple fights to hold their relationship together as a memory loss virus spreads and threatens to erase the history of their love and courtship.

Marianne Winckler relocates to the port city of Caen in order to pass herself off as a member of a large community of itinerant workers desperate to make ends meet. She gains employment as a cleaner on a ferry travelling between Ouistreham and Portsmouth, recording the drudgery of the work she and her colleagues are required to do.

A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, Rudi, left for too long in the care of his mother, Ana, and to rid him of the unresolved fears that have gripped him. He’s also eager to see his ex-lover Csilla and preoccupied about his old father, Otto. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory that Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustrations, conflicts and passions erupt through the thin sliver of apparent understanding and calm.

Two high school enemies, uber-jock Harry and out-and-proud Sam, are forced to share a car ride to their Missouri hometown for a friend's engagement party on Valentine's Day. Things take a turn when Sam learns Harry has come out.

Obavještajna operativka koja radi za tajnovitu globalnu agenciju za očuvanje mira pokušava spriječiti hakericu da ukrade njezino najdragocjenije i najopasnije oružje.

The film consists of a series of tightly interlinked vignettes, the most sustained of which details the story of a man and a woman who are passionately in love. Their attempts to consummate their passion are constantly thwarted, by their families, by the Church and bourgeois society in general.

Ocvali glumac u filmovima za odrasle pokušava se pričom ponovo umiliti svome rodnom gradu u Teksasu dok planira povratak u Hollywood.

Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order.

In the depths of an ancient forest, something has been growing. Something older than humanity itself, and perhaps greater too. When a park ranger discovers a man and his son living wild, she stumbles onto a secret that is about to change the world.

The young, pretty and shy Angela Duvall is jailed for murder in some Latin American country. In the prison she gets brutally "initiated" by the other inmates. The nice, honest and handsome prison doctor believe she's innocent and tries to help her out.

Five top baristas find themselves pushing the limits of coffee perfection to win the National Barista Championship - a surreal competition where even one mistake is far too many.

In 1889, seventeen men die under mysterious circumstances, and spooked by recent events, the miners who populate the town leave in droves until there's nothing left but a shell of a community.