Candid interviews of ordinary people on the meaning of happiness, an often amorphous and inarticulable notion that evokes more basic and fundamentally egalitarian ideals of self-betterment, prosperity, tolerance, economic opportunity, and freedom.

Mathieu is a young and talented black box analyst on a mission to solve the reason behind the deadly crash of a brand new aircraft. Yet, when the case is closed by authorities, Mathieu cannot help but sense there is something wrong with the evidence. As he listens to the tracks again, he starts detecting some seriously disturbing details. Could the tape have been modified? Going against his boss' orders, Mathieu begins his own rogue investigation - an obsessional and dangerous quest for truth that will quickly threaten far more than his career...

Storyteller and Conceptual Magician Derek DelGaudio attempts to understand the illusory nature of identity and answer the deceptively simple question 'Who am I?'

Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath on Agentti 117. Hänellä on lupa tappaa. Mutta ei mitään ymmärrystä. Yhtään mistään. Eletään svengaavaa, tai pikemminkin bossa novan tahtiin keinuvaa 1960-lukua. Agentti 117 on lähetetty Rio de Janeiroon. Hänen tehtävänänsä on löytää entinen natsirikollinen, joka pakeni Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen Etelä-Amerikkaan. Agentin tapahtumarikas tutkimusmatka vie hänet Riosta Brasiliaan, Iguazun vesiputouksille. Seuranaan hänellä on hurmaava Mossadin agentti, joka haluaa löytää samaisen natsirikollisen...

Seikkailija, elokuvantekijä, keksijä, kirjailija, epätodennäköinen julkkis ja luonnonsuojelija: yli neljän vuosikymmenen ajan Jacques-Yves Cousteau ja hänen valtameren alle tekemänsä tutkimusmatkat olivat synonyymi rakkaudelle tieteeseen ja luontoon. Kun hän oppi suojelemaan ympäristöä, hän toi mukanaan koko maailman, antaen yli 50 vuotta sitten hälytyksiä lämpenevistä meristä ja planeettamme haavoittuvuudesta. National Geographic Documentary Filmsin tuottamassa uutuudessa, kahdesti Oscar-ehdokkuuden saanut elokuvantekijä Liz Garbus tarkastelee Cousteauta ja hänen elämäänsä, hänen ikonisia elokuviaan ja keksintöjään sekä kokemuksia, jotka tekivät hänestä 1900-luvun ainutlaatuisimman ja tunnetuimman ympäristöäänen – ja miehen, joka inspiroi yhä uusia sukupolvia suojelemaan maapalloa.

Baran, a war hero, becomes sheriff of the capital and refuses to bow down to a tribal chief.

France, 1789 - just before the Revolution. When talented chef Manceron is dismissed from his prestigious position by the Duke of Chamfort, he loses the taste for cooking. But when he meets the mysterious Louise, together they decide to create the very first restaurant in France.

Kulinaarisen legendan Anthony Bourdainin elämästä kertovassa dokumentissa tutustutaan miehen karismaattiseen persoonaan ja seikkailunhaluiseen luonteeseen.

After an American Navy base is annihilated by a secret weapon, Agent OSS 117 is sent to Japan to investigate the organization that's claiming responsibility, and threatening the US with another attack, if they don't pay.

In the late 1950's prostitution was banned in Japan and if a woman was found exercising this profession they were sent to a reformatory. This is the story of Kuniko, one of the brave women who is released from the reformatory and tries to build a new life.

Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome.

Julio returns with his family to Argentina after the downfall of the brutal dictatorship that overpowered long-standing democracy. Things soon take an ugly turn as his brother is kidnapped and Julio becomes the lead negotiator with the criminals.

Mikael is doctor on night call. It’s a vocation. Between two patient-visits in slum areas, he cares for those whom no one else wants to see: the drug addicts, the homeless… He rubs shoulders with destitution. His life is in shambles. Especially when it comes to his pharmacist cousin who makes him write false prescriptions for Subutex. Overnight, he decides to get out of drug trafficking and rebuild his life. But there will be a heavy price to pay.

Freshly hired as a labor nurse in a chemical factory, Nour discovers that small arrangements exist between management and her father, Slimane, the staff representative, and the company's pivot. Lies about polluting discharges, hidden illnesses of employees, hidden accidents ... Nour, little by little, no longer accepts the compromises of his father to preserve the image of the company. She decides to launch the alert.

In a time of war and disease, a young officer gallantly tries to help a young woman find her husband.

Between Alice, a hospital nurse and Aldo, a shampoo sales representative, things have turned sour of late. Alice blames her husband for lacking ambition and contemplates divorce.One day Aldo wins the ten million euro lotto prize. But, unwilling to share the bonanza, he keeps mum about it, all the more as he finds out Alice has an affair with Gérard, Aldo's former friend and ... new boss. However, Aldo, leading a double life, starts spending his money ...

Amalie and Mikael lead their street dance team to the finals in France but tough competition and personal distractions threaten to ruin their dreams.

While her apartment is being renovated, Jacqueline is thrilled to be forced into spending "a few days" with her eldest daughter Carole and her son-in-law, who are both in couples therapy. These "few days" turn into "a few months". Jacqueline quickly feels at home. She prepares dinners, monopolizes the television, reorganizes the kitchen... She is here, and no one knows for how long!

A conflicted teen lashes out by vandalizing equipment at the nuclear plant where his father works, then hits the road and finds a spiritual path.