Eden izmed bolj znanih obskurnih ter nenavadnih filmov je gotovo Blade Runner. Mojstrovina Ridleyja Scotta je kategorija zase – znanstvenofantastični noir film, kjer je Los Angeles antiutopično ozadje teme ter mračnosti.

While enjoying the flower gardens, Sailor Moon and friends encounter an old childhood friend of Mamoru's: an alien! He's come back to give Mamoru a special flower but doesn't like Usagi and the rest of the planet's inhabitants. Sailor Moon must defend the earth from the evil Kisenian Flower he's brought back... before the evil vines and blossoms overrun the planet!

To je četrto leto Harryja Potterja na čarovniški šoli Bradavičarki.Harry, Ron in Hermione se veselijo mednarodnega finala v qidditchu.

Harry, Ron in Hermiona iščejo koščke Mrlakensteinove duše, ki jih je izločil in skril na mračne kraje po vsem svetu. Če jih ne najdejo in uničijo, bo Mrlakenstein ostal nesmrten.

The wife of an abusive criminal finds solace in the arms of a kind regular guest in her husband's restaurant.

Though Kevin has evidenced 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist, Dr. Fletcher, there remains one still submerged who is set to materialize and dominate all the others. Compelled to abduct three teenage girls led by the willful, observant Casey, Kevin reaches a war for survival among all of those contained within him — as well as everyone around him — as the walls between his compartments shatter apart.

In a violent, near-apocalyptic Detroit, evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatize the police force. To test their crime-eradicating cyborgs, the company leads street cop Alex Murphy into an armed confrontation with crime lord Boddicker so they can use his body to support their untested RoboCop prototype. But when RoboCop learns of the company's nefarious plans, he turns on his masters.

When the Valley of Peace is threatened, lazy Po the panda discovers his destiny as the "chosen one" and trains to become a kung fu hero, but transforming the unsleek slacker into a brave warrior won't be easy. It's up to Master Shifu and the Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- to give it a try.

Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann join forces with the revived Captain Barbossa to free Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' locker. The group must navigate dangerous waters, confront many foes and, ultimately, choose sides in a battle wherein piracy itself hangs in the balance.

After a divorce with her childhood friend, arrogant socialite Tracy Lord is remarrying but her ex-husband in still in love with her. Meanwhile, a gossip magazine blackmails Tracy's family into covering her new wedding. A musical remake of the 1940 romcom The Philadelphia Story.

Let's face it, rats are not the most beloved creatures on earth. However, maybe this little tale about the history of human and rat interaction will change the world's tune. At least that is the hope of Remy, the star of Ratatouille, and his reluctant brother Emile as they guide us through world history from a rat's perspective. Why can't we all just get along?

Čemerni mamut Manfred, zgovorni lenivec Sid in pretkani sabljasti tiger Diego se vračajo na velika platna, kjer jim preglavice znova del led, oziroma njegovo taljenje. Ledena doba se namreč bliža koncu in dolini grozi velika poplava, zato morajo trije prijatelji pred nevarnostjo posvariti ostale prebivalce. Film je sinhroniziran v slovenščino.

Having lost their status and credibility five years after covering New York City with gooey roasted marshmallows in Ghostbusters (1984), the city's former heroes and once-popular spirit-hunters struggle to keep afloat, forced to work odd jobs. However, when Dana and her baby have yet another terrifying encounter with the paranormal, it is up to Peter Venkman and his fearless team of supernatural crime fighters to step up and save the day. Once more, humankind is in danger, as rivers of slimy psycho-reactive ectoplasm, paired with the dreadful manifestation of evil sixteenth-century tyrant Vigo the Carpathian, threaten to plunge the entire city into darkness. Is the world ready to believe? Can the Ghostbusters save us for the second time?

The East High Wildcats are gearing up for big fun as they land the coolest summer jobs imaginable. Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor have scored sweet gigs at the Lava Springs Country Club owned by Sharpay and Ryan's family. Sharpay's first rule of business: Get Troy. As Troy experiences a life of privilege he's never known, will he give up the Wildcats and Gabriella to rise to the top?

Leta 1956 je skupina učencev dobila nalogo, da narišejo risbe o tem, kako si predstavljajo prihodnost, te pa so zapečatili v časovno kapsulo. Med njimi je bila tudi skrivnostna deklica, ki je na svoj list papirja napisala vrste in vrste na videz naključnih številk, za katere je trdila, da so ji jih šepetali nevidni ljudje. Pol stoletja pozneje nova generacija dijakov proučuje vsebino kapsule in dekličino šifrirano sporočilo konča v rokah mladega Caleba Koestlerja (Canterbury). Calebov oče, profesor astrofizike John Koestler (Cage) pride do presenetljivega odkritja: šifrirano sporočilo popolnoma natančno predvidi datume, število žrtev in koordinate vsake večje katastrofe v zadnjih petdesetih letih. Bolj ko razkriva skrivnostni dokument, bolj postaja Johnu jasno, da so predvidene še tri katastrofe, zadnja pa namiguje na uničenje globalnih razsežnosti. John se skupaj s hčerko in vnukinjo avtorice skrivnostnega sporočila poda v napeto tekmo s časom, da bi preprečil končno katastrofo.

After solving their last mystery at Spooky Island, the Mystery Inc. gang is back in Coolsville, where they are being honored with their very own exhibit at the Coolsonian Criminology Museum. However, when a masked villain steals costumes of classic monsters on display and brings them to life, the gang must come out of retirement to solve the case.

Agent Austin Powers se zoperstavi dr. Evilu in njegovemu sostorilcu Mini-Me; da Austin Powers po pobegu iz zapora z največjo varnostjo ponovno ukrepa. Gold Member je skrivnostni lik, ki pomaga dr. Evilu, da oblikuje načrt za prevlado nad svetom. Zlobni bodo potovali v času in ugrabili očeta glavnega junaka .... Še en odličen uspešnica pustolovščin edinstvenega funky vohuna, v katerem igra slavni komik Mike Myers.

Firefighter Gordon Brewer is plunged into the complex and dangerous world of international terrorism after he loses his wife and child in a bombing credited to Claudio 'The Wolf' Perrini.

Lillo (Christian De Sica) married Milena, one of the richest women in Europe. The marriage contract provides that Lillo undertakes to never cheat on her, under penalty of divorce and not even a penny of alimony. But one day he meets Barbara (Sabrina Ferilli) and it's immediately irresistible passion... Filippo Vessato (Fabio De Luigi) is a young surgeon who, to make a career, is forced to suffer the harassment of his head, Professor Benci (Claudio Bisio). Filippo is about to go to New York to get married and Benci does not miss an opportunity to further harass him by asking him to bring a gift to his son, a "model" student at Riverside College.

The famous Italian football coach Oronzo Canà has retired to a villa in Apulia. Now, old and tired, he is enjoying a quiet life there, cultivating his vineyard, when suddenly he is summoned to Milan, in northern Italy. There the elderly chairman of a great Lombard ("Longobarda") club is suffering from dementia and has lost his powers of judgement, and the club's manager has been fired. He has decided to bring back Oronzo Canà as trainer, remembering him from his great football team of thirty years before, tasking him with bringing the club back to its old winning ways. Oronzo puts his trust in the intervention of a Russian billionaire who has bought the club for promotion. But it is a deception.