A long and thoughtful look at those desperate days of October 1970, when Montréal awaited the outcome of FLQ terrorist acts. This film puts the October Crisis in the long perspective of history. Compiled from news and other films, it shows independence movements past and present, and their leaders; it reflects the mingled relief, dismay, defiance, when the Canadian army came to Montréal; and it shows how political leaders viewed the intervention.

Počas vojny medzi Severom a Juhom vznikla vo federalistickej armáde prvá bojová jednotka zložená z černošských vojakov. Fakt, že občianska vojna sa koná v ich mene, sa neodráža v postavení černošských vojakov, ktorých berú viac ako sluhov, než ako rovnocenných ľudí. Neoficiálnymi vodcami černošských vojakov sú bývalý hrobár, seržant John Rawlins a povrchný bývalý otrok Trip, ktorí sú reprezentantmi mozgu a srdca organizácie. Napriek všetkému pohŕdaniu, vojaci 54. regimentu dokázali svoju odvahu a odhodlanie v urputnom boji pri pevnosti Fort Wagner, keď bojovali s asi tisíckou južanských obrancov pevnosti. A práve táto bitka zmenila mnohé.

The biggest party of the Summer is not only back, but for the first time ever, will be taking place in an NFL arena at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. Witness "The Head of the Table" Roman Reigns take on John Cena for the WWE Universal Championship, Nikki A.S.H. facing off against Charlotte Flair & Rhea Ripley in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Raw Women's Championship, and The All Mighty WWE Champion Bobby Lashley defending his title against the unstoppable Goldberg.

Turtles Forever is a made-for-tv animated movie. Produced in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, the movie teams up different incarnations of the titular heroes—chiefly the light-hearted, child-friendly characters from the 1987 animated series and the darker cast of the 4Kids' own 2003 animated series—in an adventure that spans multiple universes.

The true, harrowing story of a young Jewish girl who, with her family and their friends, is forced into hiding in an attic in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam.

After finding out her grandmother won't be visiting for Christmas, Lucy decides to cheer herself up by throwing the ultimate New Year's Eve party. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown tries to fulfill one of his resolutions before the clock strikes midnight.

Featuring extensive interviews with the cast and crew, this all-access documentary gives a rare glimpse into the daunting behind-the-scenes efforts that went into the production of the HBO Original smash hit series The Last of Us.

Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no other choice, Joel attempts to blend in with his homicidal surroundings or risk becoming the next victim.

A man with a mysterious past flees the country to escape his own personal hell... only to arrive somewhere much worse. In an effort to survive this new horror, he turns to his personified conscience.

Viviana and Alicia have never met, but they're about to get intimately acquainted. One day, while tipping drinks back in a bar, the two women strike up a conversation that quickly turns personal, Viviana is locked in an abusive marriage, and Alicia's female lover, Lorena, has recently fallen for another woman. As the two women strangers find common ground in their lives, they enter into a secret pact to kill the people who have made their lives a living hell. Seductive, bloody and shocking events send them both plummeting down a destructive path from which there is no escape.

Philosophical twenty-something Ross Ulbricht creates Silk Road, a dark net website that sells drugs, while DEA agent Rick Bowden goes undercover to bring him down.

After a chance encounter with "The Master", Anne discovers bite marks on her neck, a new sense of power, and an appetite to live bigger and bolder than ever.

Nezrelý chlapec holduje veľmi neobvyklým krvavým záľubám a očakáva, že tým pobaví svoje tri kamarátky Lisu, Shelby a Tabithu. Tie ale jeho chúťky neopätujú a naopak je pre nich outsiderom a objektom šikanovania. Po ukončení školy na neho zabudnú, on na nich nikdy. Veľmi dlho plánuje, ako sa im pomstí a zapojí ich do svojej nemilosrdnej hry. Tri ženy a ďalšie obete musia v kamennej sieni plnej väzenských ciel, podstúpiť neľútostný boj, v ktorom ide o život.

A group of people have just signed up to be camp Councillors at a foreign country. They expect the camp to be the place for a memorable summer. Instead, something strange is going on and some of the campers begin to act strange. Things go terribly wrong real fast as a terrible game of tag has the campers running for their lives or going after the campers.

A dark social satire inspired by the real life conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate. An amateur journalist and a far-right militiaman team up to expose the ugly truth behind rumors involving sex cults, a pizza place, and the lizard people.

In the fall of 1987, a group of small-town friends must survive the night in the home of a sinister couple after a tragic accident occurs. Needing only to make a single phone call, the request seems horribly ordinary until they realize that this call could change their life…or end it.

Maira lives happily with Aiden, a doll maker and toy company owner. But Vanya, their adopted daughter and Aiden's niece, is still dealing with the loss of her birth mother. After Vanya plays Charlie's Pencil to summon her late mother, strange things begin to happen.

When his star recruit botches a Major League Baseball debut, humiliated talent scout Al Percolo gets banished to rural Mexico, where he finds a potential gold mine in the arm of young phenom Steve Nebraska. Soon, the New York Yankees put a $55 million contract on the table—provided a psychiatrist can affirm Nebraska's mental stability.

Na slovo vzatý odborník Forrest Taft pracuje pre naftársku spoločnosť Aegis Oil, vedenú sebavedomým a bezohľadným Michaelom Jenningsom. Keď s nasadením života zabráni katastrofe počas havárie jedného z ropných vrtov na Aljaške, naftový magnát tvrdí, že zlyhal ľudský faktor a na tlačovke prezentuje svoju spoločnosť ako ochrankyňu životného prostredia. Iba zasvätení vedia, že za celou propagačnou akciou je Jenningsova snaha započať prácu na novom vrte v priebehu dvoch týždňov. Keď totiž termín nedodržia, príde o právo na pôdu, ktorá pripadne späť Eskimákom - a to nehodlá pripustiť... Poverí preto svojho šéfa bezpečnosti MacGrudera, aby zlikvidoval starého predáka Hugha Palmera, ktorý sa stal príliš nebezpečným - a keď zistí, že sa o tajné údaje začal zaujímať i Taft, rozhodne sa ho zabiť tiež.

An outlaw gang hanged by a posse in the late 1880s comes back from the grave to terrorize the descendants of the posse's leader.