The true story of how businessman Oskar Schindler saved over a thousand Jewish lives from the Nazis while they worked as slaves in his factory during World War II.

Gariem Līdzi ir japāņu animācijas filma, apbalvota ar Oskara balvu, par desmit gadus vecu meiteni, kas aizklīst no vecākiem un nokļūst pasaulē, ko pārvalda briesmoņveidīgi dzīvnieki. Viņas vecāki tiek pārvērsti par cūkām, līdzās citiem radījumiem. Vai viņa spēs atgriezties savā pasaulē?

Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.

Shouya Ishida starts bullying the new girl in class, Shouko Nishimiya, because she is deaf. But as the teasing continues, the rest of the class starts to turn on Shouya for his lack of compassion. When they leave elementary school, Shouko and Shouya do not speak to each other again... until an older, wiser Shouya, tormented by his past behaviour, decides he must see Shouko once more. He wants to atone for his sins, but is it already too late...?

When larcenous real estate clerk Marion Crane goes on the lam with a wad of cash and hopes of starting a new life, she ends up at the notorious Bates Motel, where manager Norman Bates cares for his housebound mother.

Under the direction of a ruthless instructor, a talented young drummer begins to pursue perfection at any cost, even his humanity.

Mārtijs Makflājs ir tipisks amerikāņu pusaudzis astoņdesmito gadu Amerikā. Viņš ar traka zinātnieka radīto un plutonija darbināto DeLorean nejauši tiek nosūtīts atpakaļ uz 1955. gadu. Savā trakotajā un lielākoties aizraujošajā ceļojumā laikā par Martija uzdevumu kļūst viņa tolaik jauno vecāku - pusaudžu - savešana kopā un likšana abiem iemīlēties, jo šis ir vienīgais veids, kā viņš var nonākt atpakaļ nākotnē.

When 11-year-old Riley moves to a new city, her Emotions team up to help her through the transition. Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness work together, but when Joy and Sadness get lost, they must journey through unfamiliar places to get back home.

At a tiny Parisian café, the adorable yet painfully shy Amélie accidentally discovers a gift for helping others. Soon Amelie is spending her days as a matchmaker, guardian angel, and all-around do-gooder. But when she bumps into a handsome stranger, will she find the courage to become the star of her very own love story?

In the smog-choked dystopian Los Angeles of 2019, blade runner Rick Deckard is called out of retirement to terminate a quartet of replicants who have escaped to Earth seeking their creator for a way to extend their short life spans.

After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit a series of crimes.

Darbība risinās divdesmitā gadsimta divdesmitajos gados, Čikāgā. Pilsētā valda noziedzība, savācis saujiņu sabiedroto - divus policistus un savu palīgu - aģents Eliots Ness ir nolēmis cīnīties pret to un gāzt pašu Alu Kaponi.

When a charming 12-year-old girl takes on the characteristics and voices of others, doctors say there is nothing they can do. As people begin to die, the girl's mother realizes her daughter has been possessed by the devil--and that her daughter's only possible hope lies with two priests and the ancient rite of demonic exorcism.

Kad pār cilvēci savilkušies draudu mākoņi un visu dzīvo ir gatavs iznīcināt noslēpumains ienaidnieks, starptautiska organizācija, kas uztur mieru visā pasaulē, Zemes aizstāvēšanai nolemj savākt vēl nebijušu superkomandu. Tajā plecu pie pleca nāksies cīnīties Kapteinim Amerikam, Dzelzs vīram, Toram, Halkam, Melnajai Atraitnei un Vanagacij - katram no viņiem ir savas ambīcijas, taču viņi ir vienīgie, kuri spējīgi glābt pasauli no iznīcības.

Veids Vilsons - specvienības kaujinieks, kurš pakļauts slepenam eksperimentam iegūst ne tikai neticamu spēku, veiklību un paātrinātu pašizdziedināšanos, bet arī nestabilu psihi. Apbruņojies ar jauniegūtajām spējām un pavisam melnu humora izjūtu, viņš tagad ir zināms kā Dedpūls un viņa mērķis ir cilvēks, kurš nesenā pagātnē ir izpostījis viņa dzīvi.

Vinsents ir auksts, aprēķinošs cilvēks, kurš vienmēr to cenšas sasniegt. Makss ir kabīnes vadītājs ar daudziem sapņiem un bez lieliem rezultātiem. Tajā liktenīgajā naktī Maksam ir jāved Vincents uz savu nākamo darbu: viena nakts, piecas pieturvietas, pieci sitieni un viena izeja. Kopā ar dzīvi nepārtrauktā sadursmē neviens no viņiem nekad vairs nebūs tāds pats. Šovakar viss mainīsies ...

As a filmmaker and his girlfriend return home from his movie premiere, smoldering tensions and painful revelations push them toward a romantic reckoning.

Pocahontas, daughter of a Native American tribe chief, falls in love with an English soldier as colonists invade 17th century Virginia.

Laura, a Spanish woman living in Buenos Aires, returns to her hometown outside Madrid with her Argentinian husband and children. However, the trip is upset by unexpected events that bring secrets into the open.

Alone in a small white house on the edge of national road 1, the Trans-Saharan road, which connects Algiers to Tamanrasset crossing the immensity of the desert, Malika, 74, one day opened her door to the director Hassen Ferhani, who came there to scout with his friend Chawki Amari, journalist at El Watan and author of the story Nationale 1 which relates his journey on this north-south axis of more than 2000 km. The Malika of Amari's novel, which Ferhani admits to having first perceived as a "literary fantasy", suddenly takes on an unsuspected human depth in this environment naturally hostile to man. She lends herself to the film project as she welcomes her clients, with an economy of gestures and words, an impression reinforced by the mystery that surrounds her and the rare elements of her biography which suggest that she is not from the region, that she left the fertile north of Algeria to settle in the desert where she lives with a dog and a cat.