Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

Los Angeles, 1969. TV star Rick Dalton, a struggling actor specializing in westerns, and stuntman Cliff Booth, his best friend, try to survive in a constantly changing movie industry. Dalton is the neighbor of the young and promising actress and model Sharon Tate, who has just married the prestigious Polish director Roman Polanski…

A family is forced to live in silence while hiding from creatures that hunt by sound.

Mia Hall, a talented young cellist, thought the most difficult decision she would ever have to make would be whether to pursue her musical dreams at prestigious Juilliard or follow her heart to be with the love of her life, Adam, a rock singer/guitarist. However, a car wreck changes everything in an instant, and now Mia's life hangs in the balance. Suspended between life and death, Mia faces a choice that will decide her future.

After taking a very nasty fall on Christmas Eve, grinchy Jorge blacks out and wakes up one year later, with no memory of the year that has passed. He soon realizes that he’s doomed to keep waking up on Christmas Eve after Christmas Eve, having to deal with the aftermath of what his other self has done the other 364 days of the year.

Väike sinine superenergiapall Sonic satub maale, sest peab oma planeedi päästmiseks peidus elama. Tema kõige tähtsam ülesanne on mitte äratada tähelepanu. Kuid sellist supervõimet nagu Sonicul, on võimatu kaua varjata, eriti kui sa oled ülienergiline ja vallatu teismeline, kes üldse ei armasta üksildust.

Loo peategelaseks on kartmatu optimist Anna, kes asub raskele teekonnale, abiks tahumatu mägilane Kristoff ning tolle ustav põhjapõder Sven. Anna eesmärgiks on otsida üles oma õde Elsa, kelle jäine võlujõud hoiab kogu Arendelli kuningriiki igavese talve vangistuses. Kõrgel mägedes võitlevad Anna ja Kristoff tuiskude, laviinide ja lõikava pakasega ning kohtavad müstilisi trolle ja naljakat lumemeest nimega Olaf. Seejuures ei unusta nad hetkekski, et kogu lumme mattunud kuningriigi saatus on nende kätes.

Jätkub Danny Torrance’i lugu. Dan pole siiani lapsena Overlookis läbielatust üle saanud ja on näinud pisutki rahu leidmiseks palju vaeva. Kuid seda rahu ei jätku kauaks, kui ta kohtab vaprat teismelist Abrat, kel on võimas üleloomulik võime, mida kutsutakse “hiilguseks”. Abra tunnetab, et Danil on temaga sama võime, ning otsib ta üles, lootes ühiselt võidelda armutu Rose the Hati ja tema järgijate, The True Knotiga.

Toc Toc follows the adventures and misadventures of a group of patients with OCD dated at the same time.

After ending his long-term relationship, Antonio is sure that he can quickly get over Sofia. But nothing is as simple as it seems. And realizing the impossibility of controlling his own feelings, he begins to boycott them, using all sorts of contemporary palliative measures to free himself from the memories of his ex: cognitive psychoanalysis, prescription drugs, Tinder, among others. Ergo, Antonio will go through several tragicomic situations.

Quan is a humble London businessman whose long-buried past erupts in a revenge-fueled vendetta when the only person left for him to love – his teenage daughter – dies in an Irish Republican Army car bombing. His relentless search to find the terrorists leads to a cat-and-mouse conflict with a British government official whose own past may hold the clues to the identities of the elusive killers.

In a world where people collect pocket-size monsters (Pokémon) to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent monster who seeks to be a detective.

Jordan Turner is an experienced 911 operator but when she makes an error in judgment and a call ends badly, Jordan is rattled and unsure if she can continue. But when teenager Casey Welson is abducted in the back of a man's car and calls 911, Jordan is the one called upon to use all of her experience, insights and quick thinking to help Casey escape, and not just to save her, but to make sure the man is brought to justice.

To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.

When fluffy, bubble gum movie star Megan Valentine suddenly finds herself broke and humiliated in the public eye, she wanders from the wreckage of a car accident and witlessly enlists in the U.S. Army hoping in vain that it will change her life.

Firefighters Chuck Ford and Larry Valentine are guy's guys, loyal to the core—which is why when widower Larry asks Chuck to pose as his lover so that he can get domestic partner benefits for his kids, his buddy agrees. However, things get dicey when a bureaucrat comes calling, and the boys are forced to present a picture of domestic bliss.

A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit.

Keyla the police officer and the unprepared detective Claudio could not be more incompatible. However they are forced to form a duo to solve the series of mysterious murders that are happening in the quiet city of Joinlândia.

Ever in search of adventure, explorer Allan Quatermain agrees to join the beautiful Jesse Huston on a mission to locate her archaeologist father, who has been abducted for his knowledge of the legendary mines of King Solomon. As the kidnappers, led by sinister German military officer Bockner, journey into the wilds of Africa, Allan and Jesse track the party and must contend with fierce natives and dangerous creatures, among other perils.