Plehouse Films Save DVD – With the threat of global warming not only effecting the entirety of the planet, but locally the snow in which we play, Plehouse has brought us a film in which some of the biggest names in the business come together with a message to join the fight against global warming and protect the sport we love so much. By sensitizing the viewers, Plehouse believes that Save will make a big difference in helping with the global warming threat. Save will inspire you to go out and sign up to be an active member with your fellow snow-lovers and start paving the way to change. It doesn’t hurt that Save also features some of the sickest riding you’ve ever seen. Pick up Plehouse Films Save DVD and get ready to make a difference.

Light, color, and correlated sound. A program for the human nervous system.

A dyslexic graduate of a pedagogical institute is forced to become a teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school. Despite the illness, he manages to establish contact with the students, who in the end will help him keep his job.

Bromato de Armonio es espectáculo teatral de humor musical realizado por el conjunto de instrumentos informales Les Luthiers. Se estrenó el 13 de junio de 1996 en el Teatro Astengo, de Rosario, Argentina, y se representó por última vez el 3 de diciembre de 2002 en el Pabellón de Deportes, León, España.

José Pedro de Freitas, better known as Zé Arigó, was a simple man who lived with his wife Arlete in Congonhas, Minas Gerais. During the 1950s, a time when Spiritism was not as well known and respected in the country, Arigó became a symbol of hope through his surgeries and spiritual cures. Based on a true story, Arigó, with the help of the spirit of Dr. Fritz, performed numerous spiritual surgeries on people from Brazil and the world.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Talking to the camera, Margaret tells us about her friendship with God. "We talk every day," she explains. And at that moment, her phone rings, and it's God on the line. God's gossip is the best, Margaret tells us. Then, we see what happens to her when she and God have a falling out. Can they patch it up? Is she sane?

Nursing a piglet back to life because it's the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.

Un meteorito libera en el espacio a Gamera, que regresa a la Tierra con no muy buenas intenciones. Mientras, unos saqueadores encuentran en una cueva de Nueva Guinea una especie de ópalo que trasladan a Japón. La piedra resulta ser el huevo de una criatura prehistórica de enorme poder llamada Barugon, que tiene la capacidad de congelar todo lo que le rodea.

When the Jade Empress steals the world's largest diamonds, super heroes Bikini Avenger and Thong Girl must stop her before she uses the gems to build a dangerous sci-fi weapon.

Las gamberradas de unos adolescentes en un patio trasero terminan mal cuando un niño se queda atrapado dentro de un frigorífico estropeado y abandonado. La responsabilidad por la vida del chico recaerá entonces en una pareja de alcoholizados vagabundos.

El equipo español de Pesca es uno de los mejores del mundo y el resto de equipos lo sabe. En los últimos tres años no se han bajado del podio y en el último Mundial esperan conseguir lo mismo. Este documental repasa la aventura del equipo español de pesca durante el XXXVIII Campeonato del Mundo Mar-costa Masculino en Túnez y todo lo que implica ser un pescador de élite.

El 7 de julio de 1944, las fuerzas japonesas invadieron un hospital del ejército de EE. UU. en la remota isla de Saipan durante un ataque implacable. Superado en armas y rodeado por el enemigo, un médico solitario lo pone todo en juego para llevar a un grupo de soldados heridos a un lugar seguro.

It is a cine comedy following "The Lady from the town". Olga is getting ready to go to a meeting of the district women activists, where she will relate her own experience in the struggle against conservative concepts. During a warm atmosphere, Olga sings the first lullaby to her newborn nephew: "Once upon a time there was an Olga who posed as a lady.Time passed by and the lady has become one of us, a comrade from the country"

Cuando Jason Dyson se niega a hacer que su preciado peleador lance un combate de MMA, un notorio gángster cobra su deuda matando al peleador y secuestrando a la hija de Jason. Ahora debe entrenar a una prisionera para que soporte cinco peleas clandestinas consecutivas para salvarla.

Monika, una joven enfermera, desentierra un cadáver del cementerio municipal. Tras desatar con él sus pasiones necrófilas, lo descuartiza y guarda algunas de sus partes en el frigorífico. Mark es un doblador de películas porno que mantiene una relación sin futuro con una amiga. Cuando Monika y Mark se conocen en la entrada de un cine, la atracción es irresistible. Empiezan a salir juntos, aunque pronto Mark comprueba que Monika tiene extrañas costumbres en la cara, ya que ella no quiere que la toque, ni que él se mueva siquiera.

A plastic surgeon performs strange body experiments on his victims. A woman then goes to the plastic surgeon to seek out the perfect body. Through the surgery the women does receive the perfect body but also must now live out two separate lives.