Lee a Evelyn Abbottovi vychovávajú tri deti. Všetci sú zatiaľ nažive. Veľmi rýchlo si totiž osvojili pravidlá, ktoré začali platiť po ich príchode mimozemšťanov na Zem. Kto sú, nikto nevie. Vie sa len to, že majú mimoriadne vyvinutý sluch a akýkoľvek zvuk priláka ich pozornosť. A tá pre ľudí znamená istú smrť, čo na vlastnej koži spoznajú aj samotní Abbottovci. Zatiaľ ako jedni z mála prežívajú, a to aj vďaka tomu, že ich najstaršia dcéra Regan je nepočujúca, takže znalosť znakovej reči bola pre nich bola absolútnou potrebou aj v „normálnych časoch“. Na odľahlej farme, kde žijú, vyvinuli celý rad bezpečnostných opatrení, ktoré ich majú chrániť – napr. zvukovo izolovanú pivnicu alebo molitanom obalené kocky k hre Monopoly. Bude to ale pre ich bezpečie stačiť? Taký život totiž pripomína tanec v mínovom poli a čakanie na jednu jedinú osudovú chybu. Evelyn je navyše tehotná a termín pôrodu sa nezadržateľne blíži. A niektoré životné udalosti sa bez kriku jednoducho neobídu.

SPARTA is the Agricultural Poetized Association for the Development of Labor Activity. This is how the commune calls itself, which has been engaged in the development of the "Theory of Happiness" in the Ukrainian village "Karavan" for more than 20 years. Unable to reconcile with the collapse of communist utopia, the "Spartans" created their own.

This movie portrays the drug scene in Berlin in the 70s, following tape recordings of Christiane F. 14 years old Christiane lives with her mother and little sister in a typical multi-storey apartment building in Berlin. She's fascinated by the 'Sound', a new disco with most modern equipment. Although she's legally too young, she asks a friend to take her. There she meets Detlef, who's in a clique where everybody's on drugs. Step by step she gets drawn deeper into the scene.

Nicky Nelson is a fast-talking sideshow barker with a wax-and-alive concession on Atlantic City's boardwalk. Even with the band of his friend, struggling musician Gene Krupa, playing on the sidewalk to attract the customers, "The Living Corpse" and other low-rent acts aren't enough to lure the seen-it-all boardwalk strollers, and the landlord closes the show in lieu of never-paid rent. Nicky, always promoting, goes to Stephen Hanratty, head of the pier's Dance Pavilion, to plug Krupa's band as an attraction, but Hanratty won't even listen to them. But, while there, he meets singer Lily Racquel, who knows he is a phoney but might have the ability to to talk a radio-station manager into giving her an audition. She gives him a ring to help finance the project; he promptly loses it in a crap-game.

When you look into the screen, it is possible to believe that the images that are projected on it come from within us. The images captivate, but even so, they cause us bewilderment. For a moment, it may seem that everything is intertwined, but then, disorder arises again. The digital world is revealed as a labyrinth, created in our form and likeness.

A decade after the death of an American TV star, a young actor reminisces about the written correspondence he once shared with the former, as well as the impact those letters had on both their lives.

Zombies sú ako morová nákaza. Ľudia premenení na odporné ľudské stvory, požierajúci mäso. Ani mŕtvi ani živí, ale pre nás normálnych ľudí rozhodne extrémne nebezpeční. Zombies na rozdiel od nás necítia bolesť, nepoznajú strach, a čo je najdôležitejšie, nepremýšľajú. Vojna s nimi, nech sa to zdá akokoľvek nemysliteľné, už skončila. Aj cez to, že ľudia zvíťazili, infraštruktúra celého sveta prešla neskutočným otrasom a ešte stále sa spamätáva. Čo by ste tiež čakali, keď jedna polovica planéty chcela tú druhú zjesť? Prežili len dôležití ľudia, ľudia vo vládach, ľudia stojaci v čele organizácií ako je OSN, mocní ľudia a tiež pár odolných jedincov, ktorí sa riadili súborom pravidiel, ktoré ich dokázal vykonať najhoršiu a najdesivejšiu svetovú vojnu v dejinách ľudstva. Po stopách vzniku nákazy sa vydáva jeden reportér, ktorý prežil a bol vyslaný práve OSN zistiť pravdu. Kto chorobu spôsobil? Dozvieme sa vôbec niekedy, čo sa vlastne stalo?

Hugo Fantozzi pracuje vo velkej spolocnosti ako uctovnik. Ma pekne miesto, sympaticku a milu zenu aj krasnu dceru. Tiez je uznavanym sampionom v prepinani TV stanic na dialkovom ovladaci v dome, kde byva. Susedia aj kolegovia z prace si ho vazia. Obcas sa mu sice prihodi nejaky ten problem ci maler. Komu aj nie. Inak pohoda. Teda skoro pohoda. To by ste sa totiz nesmeli volat Hugo Fantozzi.

Disowned in the past by his father, Kurt Menliff, a cruel and sadistic nobleman, returns to the family castle to reclaim his inheritance.

The director tells the story of Boris Grebenshchikov through the image of Leo Tolstoy. According to Viktor Tikhomirov, both heroes are similar "in their delusions and achievements". The film has a lot of chronicles and, of course, Grebenshchikov's songs sound, and George Gunitsky described the tape after its premiere at Pushkinskaya 10: "A completely untethered and insanely surreal film in a good way. And it is gratifying that all this postmodern film improvisation is involved on a cool aquarium basis. We need to look at the picture again once or twice, get a better understanding of it. And savor it. A very worthy work."

In 1987 Madrid, the unexpected encounter between a seasoned journalist and a young student leads to a profound exploration of love, desire, politics, power, and discovery of each other.

12. apríla 1961 sovietsky kozmonaut Jurij Gagarin odštartoval zo Zeme v rakete Vostok 1 a ako prvý človek vo vesmíre obiehal 108 minút okolo Zeme. Bol v jednej z prvých skupín kozmonautov, ktorých vybrali z viac než troch tisícov stíhacích pilotov v celom Sovietskom zväze. Legendárna najlepšia dvadsiatka bola výberom tých najlepších letecký es. Keď vyberú Gagarina, rýchlo sa pripravuje v tvrdom tréningu na životný výlet do neznámeho a nepoznaného sveta. Ohromujúce je predovšetkým nesmierne odhodlanie sovietskeho vesmírneho tímu a jeho neúnavné úsilie urobiť všetko pre to, aby úspešne vyslal prvého človeka do vesmíru.

Kanadska hudobna snimka opisuje put mladej americkej kapely The Winners za vytuzenou slavou. Frontman skupiny Joey, loser ako v zivote, tak v laske, berie turne do New Yorku ako poslednu nadej chytit sa v soubiznise. Cesta sa naramne skomplikuje, ked je po jednom z koncertov ich basistka uhryznuta upirom. Komplikacia je to do tej doby, nez kapela s upirkou v zostave zacne ziskavat viac a viac fanusikov. Ked sa v upirov premeni aj zvysok kapely, su uz z nich hviezdy prvej triedy. Mrtvych ale pribuda a Joey zacne hladat vychodisko, ako sa on aj zvysok kapely mozu stat znovu ludmi.

F/X man Rollie Tyler is now a toymaker. Mike, the ex-husband of his girlfriend Kim, is a cop. He asks Rollie to help catch a killer. The operation goes well until some unknown man kills both the killer and Mike. Mike's boss, Silak says it was the killer who killed Mike but Rollie knows it wasn't. Obviously, Silak is involved with Mike's death, so he calls on Leo McCarthy, the cop from the last movie, who is now a P.I., for help and they discover it's not just Silak they have to worry about.

When a group of misfits is hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a desolate house and acquire one rare VHS tape, they discover more found footage than they had bargained for.

A group of teachers must defend themselves from a gang of murderous kids when their school comes under siege after hours.

Following the death of his brother John, Robert Kennedy is forced to rise to the challenge of leading his country and carrying on his brother's vision of what America could be.

The 27-year old intern at the psychiatry wards Sophie, who’s just graduated from med school, faces the cruel reality and learns the story of the 45-year-old resident of the ward, Mrs. Erme. The professor, Sophie’s mentor and the medical administrator of the facility, sees Sophie’s obsession with her faces and brings the two women together. As the doctor-patient relationship develops, Sophie learns that Mrs. Erme shares her obsession with her face, and furthermore, discovers that Mrs. Erme’s illness is closely connected to this obsession. Through investigation and the torture of her own dreams, Sophie learns that Mrs. Erme had a son, who at the age of ten died from chicken pox, while his mother was too afraid to ruin her face by getting infected by the disease.